Community > Posts By > loverboy39

loverboy39's photo
Sat 10/02/10 01:22 PM

loverboy39's photo
Sat 10/02/10 12:07 PM

Watch out Canadians!!!!!

Tammys headed your way!!......

Its gonna get downright hot!!!! lolbigsmile :heart:

shocked Which igloo.... errm hotel you staying at? laugh

the igloo with the chimney

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:55 PM

there's that probie word again can someone tell wtf a probie is please?

lol it's his way of saying newbe...

aaahh ty that was puzzling the **** outta me o hey check out a few of my posts u might like what you see =)

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:46 PM
there's that probie word again can someone tell wtf a probie is please?

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:35 PM
if you do however agree with me on this i want to know not because i am wondering for my own accord i simply need to know so if this angle of explaining it this way is getting through to anyone if so and you agree by you saying so may encourage another that more than one person that sees the goal of what this world should be can be obtained it only takes one person to speak up but it takes strength in numbers with encouragement to get the ball rolling so please say so if you agree and will try to make an honest attempt to help

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:27 PM
i hope that everyone that reads this will start their day tomorrow with a new meaning in life to see what they can do to help the world

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:13 PM
am i wrong with anything i have said is there anything anyone disagrees with me on this topic please feel free to correct me

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:10 PM
don't think about what you will get out of helping that person think about what you are doing that what that person will benefit from you helping them

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 10:08 PM

and that starts with you so don't sit there and tell me it can't be done because if we can put a man on the moon we can't figure something as simple as giving a **** about the guy next to you wether its at an airport or a bus or a subway anywhere and everywhere you go this is how i feel and i myself tell this to everyone i know it's hy my friends are who they are all my friends are the same
example i have a friend who was a hard gang banger i had a conversation about this do you know what he does now as volunteer because i convinced him to simply care? there is a small highway near my house he actually walks up and down it once a week and picks up garbage he has also started a youth program to clean up where ever u walk if you see a homless man don't ignore him ackknowledge him and encourage him but do not give him money give hime the self confindence and knowledge to make his own money

I studied psychology for 7 years, and I ended up being a counselor/therapist/sounding board for everyone I knew, for years and years and years. I felt good about it, too, and I helped a lot of people. It wasn't always easy, but it was worth it, and I think I was able to help a lot of people make improvements in their situations.

But after what I went through in the car accident, I just really don't have any interest or desire to help anybody anymore. I mean, I went years and never asked anybody for anything, and the one time I desperately needed some help, everybody disappeared.

It was a wake-up call.

That's the point -- I learned that I can't count on anybody for anything. Harsh, but that's the reality.

my advice for you would be the next time you have the oppertunity to help it just by doing that will show that if you can help someonethat person may help someone else it's a cold world out there right now and you can't expect everyone to just change right away but i promise you that if you do help someone anyone weather big or small will encourage that one person u just helped to help someone else and if they say thank you corny as it may sound but psychologically it will lose it's corniness if more ppl say it but simply say u want to show thanks? help the next person you that needs it and thats how you will show appreciation for a favor

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:52 PM
and that starts with you so don't sit there and tell me it can't be done because if we can put a man on the moon we can't figure something as simple as giving a **** about the guy next to you wether its at an airport or a bus or a subway anywhere and everywhere you go this is how i feel and i myself tell this to everyone i know it's hy my friends are who they are all my friends are the same
example i have a friend who was a hard gang banger i had a conversation about this do you know what he does now as volunteer because i convinced him to simply care? there is a small highway near my house he actually walks up and down it once a week and picks up garbage he has also started a youth program to clean up where ever u walk if you see a homless man don't ignore him ackknowledge him and encourage him but do not give him money give hime the self confindence and knowledge to make his own money

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:48 PM

In the end, the only one you can really count on and trust is yourself..thats why you must love yourself first, know who you are and like the person you are...its only then when alone and loneliness are not synonymous....


Very true. I was in a really bad car accident last year, and all the people I thought were my friends abandoned me. I was forced to move to a place where I don't know anyone, and still haven't met anyone here. I haven't had any family for years now, so it's been a real lesson in self-reliance....

but thats just it. it shouldn't have to be that way im hoping that by talking about will wake people up that don't realize the more damage that they do by doing nothing than the people who make an attempt to help some peopl are oblivious to the hurt they cause so what you people is saying is that everyone learns the same way which is false just because you dangle a carrot in front of a horse doesn't mean that horse will always go for it sometimes it's so full of other food that wouldn't even pay attention to the carrot.....i hope everyone sees that metaphore

I agree that it shouldn't have to be that way -- and, in an ideal world, people would always have someone to turn to when they needed help.

But in the real world, what I've found is that people only care about themselves and what they can get from you. The minute you need some help from them, they vanish. Sad but true.

so simple as this i am not a fictional person at all i am a logical realist in everything i say why is it so hard to make the ideal world the real world why is it so hard for people to care if everyone did there wouldn't be anyone who didn't so we wouldn't have daughter sexually molested by their father or kicked out of there home at a young age due to a alcoholic mother these things would exist and it simply starts by encouraging our younger generations to do the right thing but that all has to start with me and you

and by talking about it manifests after you read you will think about it will manifest in you now i ask you talk to someone else about this and they talk and so on until everyone has heard this so everyone realizesthat the goal of this is reaachaable we just need people to care enough to speak it

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:46 PM

In the end, the only one you can really count on and trust is yourself..thats why you must love yourself first, know who you are and like the person you are...its only then when alone and loneliness are not synonymous....


Very true. I was in a really bad car accident last year, and all the people I thought were my friends abandoned me. I was forced to move to a place where I don't know anyone, and still haven't met anyone here. I haven't had any family for years now, so it's been a real lesson in self-reliance....

but thats just it. it shouldn't have to be that way im hoping that by talking about will wake people up that don't realize the more damage that they do by doing nothing than the people who make an attempt to help some peopl are oblivious to the hurt they cause so what you people is saying is that everyone learns the same way which is false just because you dangle a carrot in front of a horse doesn't mean that horse will always go for it sometimes it's so full of other food that wouldn't even pay attention to the carrot.....i hope everyone sees that metaphore

I agree that it shouldn't have to be that way -- and, in an ideal world, people would always have someone to turn to when they needed help.

But in the real world, what I've found is that people only care about themselves and what they can get from you. The minute you need some help from them, they vanish. Sad but true.

so simple as this i am not a fictional person at all i am a logical realist in everything i say why is it so hard to make the ideal world the real world why is it so hard for people to care if everyone did there wouldn't be anyone who didn't so we wouldn't have daughter sexually molested by their father or kicked out of there home at a young age due to a alcoholic mother these things would exist and it simply starts by encouraging our younger generations to do the right thing but that all has to start with me and you

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:32 PM

I never ask such questions..thats what time is for, to get to know someone and really, do you ever really get to know anyone?? Im happy just knowing who I am and feeling comfortable in my own skin.

so u agree that when someone asks what they are about they are expected to give their profession instead of how they feel?

If someone I hardly know starts telling me how they feel, honey, Im running for the hills...FAST....

even if it was you who asked the question?

apperently you don't understand the point behind this im having trouble explaining my point

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:32 PM

I never ask such questions..thats what time is for, to get to know someone and really, do you ever really get to know anyone?? Im happy just knowing who I am and feeling comfortable in my own skin.

so u agree that when someone asks what they are about they are expected to give their profession instead of how they feel?

If someone I hardly know starts telling me how they feel, honey, Im running for the hills...FAST....

even if it was you who asked the question?

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:31 PM


Q:who are you?
A: A trouble maker, who has no respect for the law.

Q:Are you screwing with me?
A:No! wait, YES!, no i'm not. Ok yes, Yes I'm sure that i am.

Q:are you aware of your rights?
A:yes, and I've noticed my lefts too.

Q:why did you run from the police?
A:because they chased me.

Q:have you ever been known by any other names?
A:yes. my children call me,dad. my parents call me,son. my girlfriend calls me Babe, or @sshole. and bill collectors call me, 3 or 4 times a day.

Q:where were you two nights ago?
A:in the past.

Q:when is your birthday?
A:july, 1st.

Q:what year?
A:every year.

Q:what is your social security number?
A: 4

Q:where do you live?
A:on the corner

Q: on the corner where? are there street signs?
A:yes, and according to the signs, i live on the corner of walk and don't walk.

Q:do you abuse drugs?
A:NO! I am very nice to them.

Q:what is your drug of choice?
A:hmmm... I'm not picky.

Q:have you ever been to rehab?
A:NO! my daddy didn't raise a quitter!

rofllaugh laugh laugh

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:23 PM

I never ask such questions..thats what time is for, to get to know someone and really, do you ever really get to know anyone?? Im happy just knowing who I am and feeling comfortable in my own skin.

so u agree that when someone asks what they are about they are expected to give their profession instead of how they feel?

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:18 PM

<---this is just one of the many masks I wear to totally confuse the opposite sex....
ur donna reed persona?laugh

what i mean is when i ask who you are or what your about i don't expect you to tell me ur an astronaut or a cop or a nurse those are professions im asking if your are a kind person a greedy person a willful person but at the same time that would come uder your own conviction to answer that truthfully because a greedy man may answer with he is generous or a coward may say he is brave it all comes down to a persons own integrity which of course even if that person were to lie u probably would find out otherwise in time dubbing that person a liar on top of whatever else he may have said he was or wasn't but at least by asking or answering this question properly would you be able to tell right off the bat whhat type of person that person is weather it be a lie or the truth

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:10 PM

In the end, the only one you can really count on and trust is yourself..thats why you must love yourself first, know who you are and like the person you are...its only then when alone and loneliness are not synonymous....


Very true. I was in a really bad car accident last year, and all the people I thought were my friends abandoned me. I was forced to move to a place where I don't know anyone, and still haven't met anyone here. I haven't had any family for years now, so it's been a real lesson in self-reliance....

but thats just it. it shouldn't have to be that way im hoping that by talking about will wake people up that don't realize the more damage that they do by doing nothing than the people who make an attempt to help some peopl are oblivious to the hurt they cause so what you people is saying is that everyone learns the same way which is false just because you dangle a carrot in front of a horse doesn't mean that horse will always go for it sometimes it's so full of other food that wouldn't even pay attention to the carrot.....i hope everyone sees that metaphore

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 09:01 PM
thanks =D

loverboy39's photo
Fri 10/01/10 08:57 PM
ok but just by you ladies answering the question for me shows me that i am not the only one so that would mean that there are people out there that still give a damn so why can't we the ones that realize this try and spread it around and show people it's kinda like that 1 commercial i saw a couple times a baby drops it's toy out of the carriage a stranger picks it up and gives it to the baby that lady with the baby then sees a man about to get hit by a car yells at him to get his attention it sets off a chain reaction of goodness that sets foward i make it a point every day and everywhere i go i look for someone that needs help now im not going to see a man building a house and ask him if he needs help but i will stop to help a person on the side of a road with a flat or help a man even if he is homless to check to see if he is ok even acknowledge him i hope that by doing so will give him the confidence he needs to pick himself up this what i feel god put me here to do