Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 03/31/13 04:29 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sun 03/31/13 04:41 AM

Wesley Snipes

He was arrested and was faced up to 16 years in prison. This is a man with enough funds to hire the best tax lawyers around. If income taxes were illegal, he wouldn't have paid. But, he did.

He paid it because he was threatened with up to 16 years in prison, not because it is "legal." This is extortion. When the law is Illegal, but it is accepted and enforced anyway, there is not much one man can do, and if he tries, is is threatened and harassed, just like William J. Benson, author of a two-volume investigative report on the ratification of the 16th Amendment entitled "The Law That Never Was." He spent time in prison for alleged "tax evasion" under a law created by "congress" that they had no right to create and this was all political.

I was addressing your point about there not being debters prosons anymore. If you don't pay, they will arrest you and send you to prison.

But, why wouldn't pay? We live in a great nation and it's more than worth the small price we have to pay.

Not true. There are no debtors prisons and they don't put you in jail for "not paying" they use some other trumped up charge, like income tax evasion or contempt of court.

But if you file and if you just tell them you can't pay they will not put you in Jail for being poor. If you lie about not being able to pay, that is contempt of court and yes they can jail you for non compliance.

But if you just don't have the money, they can't jail your for being poor or unable to pay.

Being poor is NOT A CRIME.

Lying to the court about how much money you have to avoid paying them is a crime.

nope,actually it is Contempt Of Court that puts them in the Slammer,not the Debt,but disobeying the Judge's Order to pay the Debt!
That's how Creditors are trying to get at your Money,and the IRS is no exception!

That's a sneaky way the banks found of reintroducing "debtors prisons" eh?...(note that in Canada, "Contempt of Court" is the only common law charge still on the books; you don't need someone's account NAME to throw him in jail.) Of course none of this crap is gonna do any good when it's better known that the people (not the banks) are the REAL creditors of their country (which is a bankrupt corporation operating in receivership) and foreclose on it.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 09:03 PM

my brain uses LOGIC and REALITY...

I suggest you do a parity check. I think cosmic rays may have caused a few bits to switch in the CPU...It's probably time to reboot.

yes, in the cosmos that center around what you believe, maybe

but Im fine with the bits I have, and btw, ad hominem is one of the signs of an inability to make an actual argument or give an actual explanation

Hey, I was only trying to be helpful. I know all about ad hominem; for you to imply otherwise was in itself a form of ad hominem innuendo, but hey, who's counting?...We're all on here to have fun eh? Why argue at all?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:58 PM

no man yet has been perfect but JESUS

Elvis was perfect too...At least in 2000 years they'll be saying he was.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:56 PM

my brain uses LOGIC and REALITY...

I suggest you do a parity check. I think cosmic rays may have caused a few bits to switch in the CPU...It's probably time to reboot.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 06:32 PM
Considering what just happened in Egypt, I guess Stephen Colbert is thanking his lucky stars he lives in the US. He dodged one hell of a bullet. I wonder if Obama is as merciful as Bush was?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 06:04 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 03/30/13 06:06 PM
While they were probably arrested on a catch-all "suspicion of terrorism" charge to hold them, the Disney stuff was the tipoff of a hidden agenda behind the arrests. I'm pretty sure The Disney Corporation was behind it all. It worries too much about possible theft of its intellectual property & loss of royalties.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 04:42 PM

we are not close to making it illegal to be obese just because we place some guidelines on the products sold

No, but between unlabeled GMOs, fluoridation, codex alimentarius restricting vitamins and a few similar things, it is not much of a stretch to say that the government is making it "illegal" to be healthy.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 12:43 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 03/30/13 12:43 PM
The problem with North Korea is the same problem with all the countries...It is run by "Fearless Leader" instead of the people. The people and everything else is considered Fearless Leader's personal property.

I'm not in the least bit worried about young Kim Jong Un pulling the trigger on a nuclear war because even if he's so totally "out of it" that he would do so, those closest to him would know it means the deaths of their families, friends, themselves, and probably everyone else in the country. Putting myself into their shoes, I know that if he ever issued the order to "pull the trigger", he'd find us doing just that...on him!

I don't think he's nuts; I just think he's too young & foolish for a good game of brinkmanship...He plays it badly. I think North Korea would be much better off if he just bought a condo in Florida and moved there.

Speaking of his leaving the country reminded me of a song. It was written for Canadians by a great Canadian who died recently, but I think it applies to North Korea as much as to all countries, not just Canada.:

I think I'll send it to Canada's Prime Minister (as a gentle hint) :laughing:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 10:01 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 03/30/13 10:05 AM

Talk about betrayal!...I caught the muslim guy I golf with shaving strokes just so he could beat me!...I'll never trust one of those muslim bastards again...especially at golf!


First shaving golf strokes then shaving off your head.explode

Nah...That's the Indian guy who makes up our Saturday foursome. Seems he never forgave us for stealing his land and killing his people. Some people are soo touchy! (I just can't figure out for the life of me why people live in the past like that.)...Our guys were souvenir hunters who taught his people how to scalp and he learned the trade well. On game days he sells tickets at a 10,000% markup.

The muslim guy is much more of a forward thinker...After we bombed his homeland & killed his family, he moved here to get away from the bombing and to start a new life. All he left behind is mostly oil and craters. He fits in pretty well over here. He put his own brand on jihad and decided to wipe out the rich people who own the corporations that made the bombs that killed his family...He started a hedge fund and lives for the day he can break all his clients in one fell swoop. He calls it Allah's justice, but he doesn't fool me...He LOVES his new Bugatti.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:15 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 03/30/13 08:16 AM

...and they will definitely disagree on what constitutes life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

Only if they are complete idiots and not competent to govern themselves. Any reasonable human being would agree exactly on what these things constitute.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 03:37 AM

Politicians in the USA have been using their own minor children as political pawns for as long as I remember.

Of course!...They're too young to vote...What else could they be good for?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 03:29 AM

It was such a great candidate that NO National party dared nominate the dope.

I thought national parties nominated ONLY dopes...Has there been a change in party policy I don't know about?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 03:10 AM

what freedom exactly have people voted against? and how is it ascertained that they were giving a negative vote to 'freedom' as opposed to giving a positive to something else?

If they have voted for the illusion of safety as a result of overblown paranoia-generating propaganda (encouraged by a for-profit military Industrial complex that sells arms and needs wars to make money say), for instance, they might vote for a government that promises to protect them from all the enemies they have made starting wars of aggression for profit. With the people footing the bill for their own "protection" (and to subsidize the aforementioned corporations to boost their profit even more), there are bound to be some people more than a little bit unhappy about their taxes going up so more "enemies" could be killed around the world, all for the sake of profit that the people themselves never even see. They might even get more upset when they are told the enemy is practically hiding under their bed, waiting to kill them (enemies are everywhere paranoia). I can see why some might get upset when they are told they can't trust anyone, whether friend, neighbour, or even family...anyone could be a "terrorist", so everyone must be watched and it becomes your civic "duty" to inform on others for doing just about anything "out of the norm" (which of course includes saying anything bad about the "Fearless Leader", who is, after all, only trying to protect everyone from finding out about the MIC kickbacks.) Of course, if nobody is to be trusted, and the country is now infested with "rebels" (people who care and value freedom), "sovereign citizens" (people who know that it is the people themselves who are supposed to be in charge and that everyone capable should be self-governing), murderous criminals (an MIC supporting intelligence or policing agency), and...

I could go on & on...Do I have to?...Surely by now you get the point that a vote for "safety" is a vote against freedom, and that ol' Ben franklin was right.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 02:40 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 03/30/13 02:42 AM

hopefully grown ups know that no person or government is gonna make everybody 'happy'

It is up to the people themselves to do their duty and ensure that ALL the people have the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and all the other rights that the people wish to grant themselves, to do their duty to protect those rights from ALL enemies, big or small, foreign or domestic.

The choice between true, egalitarian freedom and oppression and tyranny has always been the peoples' to make. Whether they choose to govern or be governed, the people will always get the government they deserve.

IMO, peoples everywhere have suffered enough for their old errors in judgment. They deserve much better now.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 03/30/13 12:02 AM

can the proponents of same sex marriage tolerate living in a nation in which others are free to vote on how they wish to define marriage for government purposes?

I don't think so...I know I wouldn't. I think they would very much prefer to live in a free republic...I know I would.

the government 'serves' the people , remember?
it is of the people, by the people, and for the people,,,,

so, theres no way around having the people make decisions about their environment and their culture,,,,

the government 'serves' the people , remember?
it is of the people, by the people, and for the people,,,,

It's supposed to, but if the people aren't happy, I guess they aren't being well served and if the service doesn't improve, I guess it isn't a government of the people, by the people, or for the people.

so, theres no way around having the people make decisions about their environment and their culture

That's right...and any so-called "government" that makes the wrong decisions "on their behalf" should be summarily fired.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 03/29/13 11:53 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 03/29/13 11:56 PM

people cant open my eyes when theres are only looking at the spot directly in front of them

and the question cant be answered, beause there is no actual answer

False. The question can't be answered to you satisfaction because (for whatever reason) you refuse to look at the answer.

if there was, we would be discussing specific things people have voted for,, instead of the emotionally vague topic of

voting 'against freedom'

It is only "vague" in your mind. Most other people see it quite clearly.

the bottom line is that what is 'harmful' is a standard that people dont agree on

I think every rational mind can agree on what constitutes "harm"...Killing somebody simply because you didn't like him/her is universally recognized as murder, a form of "harm"

Burning ants with a magnifying glass to watch them fry is also causing harm, as is picking a posey to simply sniff it and toss away.

These are ALL forms of "harm", but only the first is universally considered a crime. It seems most people consider causing unnecessary suffering & death to another organism for selfish purposes as inconsequential. I do not consider it so...I have too much respect for life for that, even though I used to fry ants as a kid, and picked & sniffed flowers with reckless abandon. I know better now, so I don't do it anymore. (I still kill things, but only when necessary - like to eat)

While there are undoubtedly a few devout buddhists in the US, I dare say they are few enough in number as to not persuade congress that there should be a statute forcing people to sweep the ground before them as they walk, so as not to negligently kill innocent insects.

and when your only standard is that people just not 'harm' one another, there is no way to be specific without being totally subjective as the standard of 'harm' is,, totally subjective,,,

As noted above, there is nothing subjective about "harm." The only thing that's subjective is the cutoff point on the slippery slope that divides "notable" harm from "inconsequential" harm. That cutoff point is entirely subjective and unique to the individual. It is based on the degree of an individual's ignorance, negligence, and/or hypocrisy.

whether notable or inconsequential, it is still "harm."

not exactly, the question cant be answered because there is no detail to respond to,,, the question is too vague to have an answer as it is a loaded question

much like 'when did you stop beating your wife?' the question is leading with an assumption that something is true without any room for discussion about whether the assumption is correct in the first place,,,

since noone has stated that we should do no
'notable' harm,,,,,,the term harm by itself remains vague,,,,in the context of a discussion on what constitutes freedom

the argument that people should be free to do whatever they wish that doesnt 'harm' another, is therefore not specific in whether the restriction only applies to notable or incosequential harm

leaving us back at the beginning, because even if it did specify which, it would be a SUBJECTIVE standard by which to set cultural values and laws,,,,

First specify exactly what question you are asking and i'll try to answer it as best I can.

In the meantime I'll try to expound on the comments you just made:

the question is leading with an assumption that something is true without any room for discussion about whether the assumption is correct in the first place,,,

That is called a self evident truth...That is an assumption taken to be so intuitively true that it is considered a SELF EVIDENT truth. If it is not provable in logical terms, it is an AXIOM, which is basically a Gödel sentence. Provable axioms aren't axioms at all, they are theorems derived from axioms. That which is considered self evident might be either a theorem or an axiom.

Are you trying to disprove what might be an axiom (impossible), or trying to disprove a logical theorem (also impossible), or are you just being obstinate to keep an argument going?

the term harm by itself remains vague,,,,in the context of a discussion on what constitutes freedom

What's so tough? You are perfectly free to get up in the morning and go about your day without interference or obstruction of any kind aren't you?...That's freedom. It comes with a price though. The price is your DUTY to not interfere with ANYONE else trying to go about their daily business. Doing so causes them harm and is an infringement of their right to liberty, which would make you liable to damages and possibly criminal charges.

that people should be free to do whatever they wish that doesnt 'harm' another, is therefore not specific in whether the restriction only applies to notable or incosequential harm

The restriction applies to ALL harm, though most people are hypocritical enough as to discount the harm they do. In more technical terms, you might not like somebody burping at the table, but he is causing no harm by doing so...unless you were having your boss over for dinner and he did it for the malicious purpose of deliberately causing you to lose out on a probable promotion. At that point he is causing you harm by simply burping at the table...You could have recourse in the courts if you can prove damages (based on a preponderance of the evidence).

One might say that the facts will determine whether or not "harm" is either notable, inconsequential, or non-existent.

it would be a SUBJECTIVE standard by which to set cultural values and laws

You have to remember that the culture itself (the society in which you live) dynamically determines its cultural values & "laws". The "standard" is set by the attitude of the majority without respect to so-called "government laws", which may or may not reflect the values of the society. Any government that does not respect the will of the people in making its "laws" is an illegitimate one and a tyranny that should be deposed.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 03/29/13 11:18 PM

can the proponents of same sex marriage tolerate living in a nation in which others are free to vote on how they wish to define marriage for government purposes?

I don't think so...I know I wouldn't. I think they would very much prefer to live in a free republic...I know I would.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 03/29/13 11:10 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 03/29/13 11:10 PM

people cant open my eyes when theres are only looking at the spot directly in front of them

and the question cant be answered, beause there is no actual answer

False. The question can't be answered to you satisfaction because (for whatever reason) you refuse to look at the answer.

if there was, we would be discussing specific things people have voted for,, instead of the emotionally vague topic of

voting 'against freedom'

It is only "vague" in your mind. Most other people see it quite clearly.

the bottom line is that what is 'harmful' is a standard that people dont agree on

I think every rational mind can agree on what constitutes "harm"...Killing somebody simply because you didn't like him/her is universally recognized as murder, a form of "harm"

Burning ants with a magnifying glass to watch them fry is also causing harm, as is picking a posey to simply sniff it and toss away.

These are ALL forms of "harm", but only the first is universally considered a crime. It seems most people consider causing unnecessary suffering & death to another organism for selfish purposes as inconsequential. I do not consider it so...I have too much respect for life for that, even though I used to fry ants as a kid, and picked & sniffed flowers with reckless abandon. I know better now, so I don't do it anymore. (I still kill things, but only when necessary - like to eat)

While there are undoubtedly a few devout buddhists in the US, I dare say they are few enough in number as to not persuade congress that there should be a statute forcing people to sweep the ground before them as they walk, so as not to negligently kill innocent insects.

and when your only standard is that people just not 'harm' one another, there is no way to be specific without being totally subjective as the standard of 'harm' is,, totally subjective,,,

As noted above, there is nothing subjective about "harm." The only thing that's subjective is the cutoff point on the slippery slope that divides "notable" harm from "inconsequential" harm. That cutoff point is entirely subjective and unique to the individual. It is based on the degree of an individual's ignorance, negligence, and/or hypocrisy.

whether notable or inconsequential, it is still "harm."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 03/29/13 08:37 PM
Talk about betrayal!...I caught the muslim guy I golf with shaving strokes just so he could beat me!...I'll never trust one of those muslim bastards again...especially at golf!


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 03/29/13 08:33 PM

Can American opponents of same-sex marriage tolerate living in a nation in which others are free to contradict the religious beliefs of those opponents?

Apparently not....most illogical, but unfortunately, very human. spock

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