Community > Posts By > kerbear73

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:15 PM

Kerbar...Ethics reform Obama, hell he still has 16 years to catch up to McCain..Come on man..Give it up..Give me one and Ill give you another
See its not hard..

Obama will still have not accomplished anything in 16 years, or a 100 years.....

We would be better off with paris hilton in office

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:14 PM

Why I am voting Democrat!

I’m voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending MY MONEY than I would.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. All profits are evil and should be confiscated for Government Redistribution.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that MORE Government regulations and higher taxes on Business will stop Business from exporting their jobs to Countries with LESS Government regulations and lower taxes.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe terrorists should have the same rights as ordinary American citizens. They should be allowed to have trials in American courts. They should be able to subpoena top secret documents, soldiers, government officials, etc. to cross examine for their defense.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe in a FREE government health care system. I believe doctors, nurses, hospitals, drug companies, etc. will gladly donate their time, products, services, facilities, etc. for FREE and that will be a better system.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe in and support trial lawyers, frivolous lawsuits and outrageous jury verdicts.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe 9/11 was an inside job to con the American people to go to war for oil.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe social security is solvent and that there is a social security lock box and I don’t believe social security is a Ponzi scheme.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe Gay Marriage should be the law of the land and will probably produce better children.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe English should not be the official language of the United States. I don’t mind pushing one for English when I use the phone.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe partial birth abortion is okay but water boarding a terrorist is disgusting.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe having home grown terrorist like Bill Ayers as close friends is a good thing. It will allow for easy friendships with foreign terrorists.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe illegal aliens deserve all the rights of ordinary Americans plus some additional rights Americans do not have.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe groups like ACORN who register felons, drug addicts, homeless drifters, illegal aliens, dead people, children, etc. makes my vote count more.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe celebrating the winter solstice shows compassion for the small minority of people that do not celebrate Christmas.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe hard core criminal murders and rapists deserve life and that the innocent unborn deserve death. It’s a choice I can live with.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe Bush caused Hurricane Katrina and he blew-up the levies in the ninth ward of New Orleans.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe sex in the Oval Office with an intern is a private matter and that everybody lies under oath about sex.

I’m votin Demokrat becuse I wus edumkated at a publick sckrool.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that any one who is not partaking in one of the many wonderful government programs obviously has too much money and should pay higher taxes.

I’m voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will be happy and now think of us as good people.

I’m voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as it does not offend people. Can’t we all just get along?

I’m voting Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits are wrong. I believe higher taxes on oil companies will produce lower prices at the pump.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe we need to rid ourselves of dependency on foreign oil, but I am against offshore drilling, building nuclear power plants and clean coal technology.

And finally, I’m voting Democrat because I believe Reverend Wright when he said “GODDAMN AMERICA” and “OUR CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST”.

Why are you voting Democrat?

Sounds like you are describing republicrats to me... You know, the catagory of democrats and neocons that believe in the same thing...(which is the majority of them)

I don't see anything Republican in there, it is alll Democraps

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:12 PM

Kerbar...Ethics reform Obama, hell he still has 16 years to catch up to McCain..Come on man..Give it up..Give me one and Ill give you another

McCain is still Da man

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:10 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....
Indy need I say it again..

Look at ACORN, Dems cannot even Win Fairly, they have to gather votes from Mickey mouse and dead people, I see a lot of Voter Fraud in the News and it is all coming from the Dems.... Dems are cheats...

Having Obamarama as president would be like America getting the Crabs......

The Acorn problem has nothing to do with the Dems. It was low paid people trying to make more money because they got paid for every voter registration that they received.

And thanks for calling me a cheat.:angry:

Dems Sponser ACORN, and the Votes they are getting from the Dead people and Mickey are for Obama.... They are being investigated.....

In the past, Acorn has done a lot of good in my city.

And just because a few people did something wrong, doesn't mean that the whole group (Dems.) is doing something wrong.

I'm going to see Obama speak tomorrow.bigsmile

We would be better off without those cheating a$$... ACORN needs to be shut down for voter fraud...

That is nice and jiffy, Maybe after you see him speak, maybe you will come to your senses....

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:03 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....
Indy need I say it again..

Look at ACORN, Dems cannot even Win Fairly, they have to gather votes from Mickey mouse and dead people, I see a lot of Voter Fraud in the News and it is all coming from the Dems.... Dems are cheats...

Having Obamarama as president would be like America getting the Crabs......

The Acorn problem has nothing to do with the Dems. It was low paid people trying to make more money because they got paid for every voter registration that they received.

And thanks for calling me a cheat.:angry:

Dems Sponser ACORN, and the Votes they are getting from the Dead people and Mickey are for Obama.... They are being investigated.....

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:02 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....
Indy need I say it again..

Look at ACORN, Dems cannot even Win Fairly, they have to gather votes from Mickey mouse and dead people, I see a lot of Voter Fraud in the News and it is all coming from the Dems.... Dems are cheats...

Having Obamarama as president would be like America getting the Crabs......
I ask you a simple question on this site over and over and you just throw out crap..What has McCain accomplished in the senate in his 20 years of reform and working across the isle..Its simple and I will even give you campain financing reform..Your voting for him and I would like to know..20 yrs you can say something..

Dude, I asked you first what Obama has accomplished and you refused to give me a answer... So why should I answer your question.... When you cannot stand up for your Super Wonder Dumber Obama....

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:54 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....
Indy need I say it again..

Look at ACORN, Dems cannot even Win Fairly, they have to gather votes from Mickey mouse and dead people, I see a lot of Voter Fraud in the News and it is all coming from the Dems.... Dems are cheats...

Having Obamarama as president would be like America getting the Crabs......

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:44 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:41 PM
I would rather Make a Sex Video with Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell than vote for Obama!!!!

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:36 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the Democraps are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 05:40 PM

Wow. Those don't seem like very good reasons, but I guess, if that's what you want to base your vote on.

Yep those reasons pretty much sum up the democrats

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 05:39 PM

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Hussein myself.

If he gets elected, America will become Amerikarant

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 05:26 PM

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 03:44 PM
Why I am voting Democrat!

I’m voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending MY MONEY than I would.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. All profits are evil and should be confiscated for Government Redistribution.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that MORE Government regulations and higher taxes on Business will stop Business from exporting their jobs to Countries with LESS Government regulations and lower taxes.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe terrorists should have the same rights as ordinary American citizens. They should be allowed to have trials in American courts. They should be able to subpoena top secret documents, soldiers, government officials, etc. to cross examine for their defense.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe in a FREE government health care system. I believe doctors, nurses, hospitals, drug companies, etc. will gladly donate their time, products, services, facilities, etc. for FREE and that will be a better system.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe in and support trial lawyers, frivolous lawsuits and outrageous jury verdicts.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe 9/11 was an inside job to con the American people to go to war for oil.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe social security is solvent and that there is a social security lock box and I don’t believe social security is a Ponzi scheme.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe Gay Marriage should be the law of the land and will probably produce better children.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe English should not be the official language of the United States. I don’t mind pushing one for English when I use the phone.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe partial birth abortion is okay but water boarding a terrorist is disgusting.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe having home grown terrorist like Bill Ayers as close friends is a good thing. It will allow for easy friendships with foreign terrorists.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe illegal aliens deserve all the rights of ordinary Americans plus some additional rights Americans do not have.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe groups like ACORN who register felons, drug addicts, homeless drifters, illegal aliens, dead people, children, etc. makes my vote count more.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe celebrating the winter solstice shows compassion for the small minority of people that do not celebrate Christmas.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe hard core criminal murders and rapists deserve life and that the innocent unborn deserve death. It’s a choice I can live with.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe Bush caused Hurricane Katrina and he blew-up the levies in the ninth ward of New Orleans.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe sex in the Oval Office with an intern is a private matter and that everybody lies under oath about sex.

I’m votin Demokrat becuse I wus edumkated at a publick sckrool.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that any one who is not partaking in one of the many wonderful government programs obviously has too much money and should pay higher taxes.

I’m voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will be happy and now think of us as good people.

I’m voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as it does not offend people. Can’t we all just get along?

I’m voting Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits are wrong. I believe higher taxes on oil companies will produce lower prices at the pump.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe we need to rid ourselves of dependency on foreign oil, but I am against offshore drilling, building nuclear power plants and clean coal technology.

And finally, I’m voting Democrat because I believe Reverend Wright when he said “GODDAMN AMERICA” and “OUR CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST”.

Why are you voting Democrat?

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:51 PM

No Comment on your messiah, you patriotic Obama....... I hope he gets no where near the white house.....
No answer on 20yrs of McCain???

You go first, answer for Obama's Anti American Stance and his wonderful career as a senator......

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:49 PM
Edited by kerbear73 on Wed 10/15/08 08:49 PM
No Comment on your messiah, you patriotic Obama....... I hope he gets no where near the white house.....

Here is that link again if you missed it....

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:42 PM

so for 8 years it has been bad for you or just the last two.....

you don't know your effective tax rate???? maybe you should pay more!!!!

double post

I pay my share, so don't go there
and you don't know anything about me to judge me

the last 8 years have been bad for the average American
while the rich got richer, the middle class became
non-existent, and the poor became poorer

at least Obama wants to help
and those that make more should help more

Why should the tax increases fall on those that make barely enough to feed their children or keep a roof over their heads?

If Obama wanted to help, he could have done more in the senate.... Instead there is nothing remarkable with his name on it....
McCains been there 20 plus years...What has he done?
What no answer?

McCain has dedicated his life to his country....

At Least McCain covers his heart during the pledge of allegiance something the Obama doesn't like to do..

It was someone singing the National Anthem not the Pledge of Allegiance.

People don't have to put their hand on their heart during the National Anthem. is expected during the Pledge of Allegiance.

It is called Respect.....

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:38 PM

so for 8 years it has been bad for you or just the last two.....

you don't know your effective tax rate???? maybe you should pay more!!!!

double post

I pay my share, so don't go there
and you don't know anything about me to judge me

the last 8 years have been bad for the average American
while the rich got richer, the middle class became
non-existent, and the poor became poorer

at least Obama wants to help
and those that make more should help more

Why should the tax increases fall on those that make barely enough to feed their children or keep a roof over their heads?

If Obama wanted to help, he could have done more in the senate.... Instead there is nothing remarkable with his name on it....
McCains been there 20 plus years...What has he done?
What no answer?

McCain has dedicated his life to his country....

At Least McCain covers his heart during the pledge of allegiance something the Obama doesn't like to do..

It was someone singing the National Anthem not the Pledge of Allegiance.

People don't have to put their hand on their heart during the National Anthem. is expected during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Real American Obama is...... Just look at the pic of your messiah.....

I will never vote for that ass wipe

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:36 PM

so for 8 years it has been bad for you or just the last two.....

you don't know your effective tax rate???? maybe you should pay more!!!!

double post

I pay my share, so don't go there
and you don't know anything about me to judge me

the last 8 years have been bad for the average American
while the rich got richer, the middle class became
non-existent, and the poor became poorer

at least Obama wants to help
and those that make more should help more

Why should the tax increases fall on those that make barely enough to feed their children or keep a roof over their heads?

If Obama wanted to help, he could have done more in the senate.... Instead there is nothing remarkable with his name on it....
McCains been there 20 plus years...What has he done?
What no answer?

McCain has dedicated his life to his country....

At Least McCain covers his heart during the pledge of allegiance something the Obama doesn't like to do..
No specifics huh....laugh

You cannot give any specifics on Obama......

kerbear73's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:32 PM

so for 8 years it has been bad for you or just the last two.....

you don't know your effective tax rate???? maybe you should pay more!!!!

double post

I pay my share, so don't go there
and you don't know anything about me to judge me

the last 8 years have been bad for the average American
while the rich got richer, the middle class became
non-existent, and the poor became poorer

at least Obama wants to help
and those that make more should help more

Why should the tax increases fall on those that make barely enough to feed their children or keep a roof over their heads?

If Obama wanted to help, he could have done more in the senate.... Instead there is nothing remarkable with his name on it....
McCains been there 20 plus years...What has he done?
What no answer?

McCain has dedicated his life to his country....

At Least McCain covers his heart during the pledge of allegiance something the Obama doesn't like to do..

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