Community > Posts By > Zion

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Mon 06/08/20 02:33 PM
Edited by Zion on Mon 06/08/20 02:34 PM

Liar? Nah just dont agree with ya. And meh been called worse. Take care.

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Mon 06/08/20 01:52 PM

No im not. I see an injustice and im calling it what it is and im seeking justice. I counting on our justice system to do what its suposed to.


you've judged.

your previous words attest to it.

now you attempt to back peddle to pretend to be neutral.

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Mon 06/08/20 01:25 PM

Im not taking justice into my own hands. Someone has to yell wrong doing for an arrest to be made.

you, and many others, are sitting on the chests of those officers in the same measure that they did to the criminal. you just aren't doing in physically.

it's still the same thing.

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Mon 06/08/20 01:17 PM
thanks for proving my point.

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Mon 06/08/20 01:13 PM

Every single citizen should be concerned as to the fact 4 police officers so comfortably took justice in their own hands and murdered a man while being filmed!!!! This can not be allowed!


Kettle...met Pot

What happened to that trial??? Already judged one post later...

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Mon 06/08/20 01:08 PM

They're gonna get a trial. Mr. FLOYD WON'T

They've already been judged by the Press...any result other than that will result in urban chaos...thus, even if innocent, they will be sacrificed to keep the rabble culled.

Every point I've raised in prior posts, along with his high blood pressure, sickle-cell and heart disease, were contributing factors to this man's death.

NONE of them will be considered to keep the cities from burning AGAIN.

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Mon 06/08/20 12:49 PM

At PSX......Wrong! Those Police used a prone position restraint that is known to KILL people. They are trained to reposition. He told them he couldnt breathe. They continued to ignore him and their training. Murderer's.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Anyone could have a fake bill and not know. It's happened to me. Maybe he had a past so what he deserved the chance to change.

nope...the cop is guilty so the career criminal must also be...

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Mon 06/08/20 12:45 PM

Here's some of the "OPPRESSORS" of Palestine...those evil military people who will do anything to kill peace-loving Palestinians...

These evil people, and 11 more of like age and make-up, were eliminated 19 years ago, June 2nd, 2011 at a nightclub by a holy martyr of Islam interested only in peace...

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Mon 06/08/20 12:32 PM
March 14 - Ten people were killed and 16 wounded in a double suicide bombing at Ashdod Port. Hamas and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Gil Abutbul, 38, of Ashdod; Danny Assulin, 51, of Ashdod; Avraham Avraham, 34, of Ashdod; Zion Dahan, 30, of Ashdod; Ophir Damari, 31, of Rehovot; Moshe Hendler, 29, of Rehovot; Mazal Marciano, 30, of Ashdod; Avi Suissa, 56, of Kiryat Malakhi; Maurice Tubul, 30, of Ashdod; and Pinhas Avraham Zilberman, 45, of Tel Aviv.

March 19 - George Khoury, 20, a Christian Arab and the son of well-known veteran attorney Elias Khoury of Beit Hanina, was shot to death from a vehicle while jogging in the north Jerusalem neighborhood of French Hill. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which claimed responsibility for the attack, later published an apology.

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Mon 06/08/20 12:30 PM
He killed himself through his poor judgement and actions. Every person has the right to end their own life.

Since there was also no bruising on his throat, according to his autopsy report, his airway wasn't obstructed. Blaming the police for his death is nothing more than trying to calm the crowd. Rushing to judgement on the whole affair is an exercise in bigotry against the police created by the media and racism created by public opinion.

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Mon 06/08/20 12:01 PM
and yet if he hadn't been committing just another in his long list of crimes he wouldn't have been in police custody.

I also find it funny that George Floyd is the ONLY person in the United States to be positive for Covid-19, die of respiratory failure, while having respiratory-inhibiting illegal drugs in his system, and not be counted among the Black Plague victims...

that's also part of the autopsy.

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Mon 06/08/20 11:50 AM
Thread is from 2011

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Mon 06/08/20 11:44 AM

May be fake news, but I read that George Floyd has a chequered background - multiple arrests, drugs, multiple prison time. No justification for life-threatening treatment by law enforcement but sounds like he was no Dr Huxtable.

It's not fake news...from his autopsy...

Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive

Court records show Floyd was first arrested in Harris County in 1997, when he was charged with selling less than a gram of drugs.

He bounced in and out of jail and prison over the next decade, with two theft cases, three drug charges and a trespassing case.

Floyd’s last arrest was his most serious, an aggravated robbery charge involving a deadly weapon in 2007. He was accused of being part of a home robbery by six men and pistol whipping a woman in front of an infant. He pleaded guilty.,charges%20and%20a%20trespassing%20case.

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Mon 06/08/20 11:19 AM
February 26 - Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Amir Zimmerman, 25, of Kfar Monash was killed and two other soldiers wounded when two Palestinian terrorists opened fire near the Erez Crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel. The terrorists were killed by soldiers. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 27 - Eitan Kukoi, 30, and his wife, Rima Novikov Kukoi, 25, were killed in a terrorist shooting attack on the Lahav-Ashkelon road, along the Green Line. The PFLP and the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility for the attack.

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Mon 06/08/20 09:11 AM
February 22 2004 - Eight people were killed and over 60 wounded, 11 of them school pupils, in a suicide bombing on Jerusalem bus no. 14A near the Liberty Bell Park. The Fatah Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack, which was carried out by Mohammed Za'ul, from the Bethlehem area. The victims: Ilan Avisidris, 41, of Jerusalem; Lior Azulai, 18, of Jerusalem; Yaffa Ben-Shimol, 57, of Jerusalem; Rahamim Doga, 38, of Mevasseret Zion; Yehuda Haim, 48, of Givat Ze'ev; St.-Sgt. Netanel Havshush, 20, of Jerusalem; Yuval Ozana, 32, of Jerusalem; and Benayahu Zuckerman, 18, of Jerusalem.

Definitely evil oppressor school children. Completely legitimate target whoa

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Mon 06/08/20 06:42 AM
53 months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present

Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership. The Palestinian Authority goes so far as to pay convicted terrorists a monthly allowance – the more serious the offense, the more money they receive. The families of terrorists killed by Israeli security forces during a terror attack receive a monthly "pension" as well.

On 30 March 2018, Hamas instigated a campaign that was billed as a peaceful civilian protest, but was actually an excuse for violent riots on the Gaza Strip-Israeli border. In addition, kites and helium balloons with incendiary material attached have been launched from the Gaza Strip to the Israeli side. The resulting fires (over 2,000) have destroyed thousands of acres of forests and agricultural land (8,747 acres as of July 2019), with a huge cost to farmers and to the entire ecosystem of the western Negev . Experts estimate that it will take decades for the area to recover. During this same period, rocket launches from the Gaza Strip have also increased. An additional cost that cannot be estimated in money is the cost of the trauma suffered by the civilian population in southern Israel, especially the children.

In May 2019, Hamas and Israel entered into an agreement for a six-month ceasefire. Attacks have decreased but not ceased altogether.

In November 2019, there was a hiatus in the Hamas-orchestrated border riots. The arson kites and balloons have also decreased drastically.

In December 2019, the organizers of the March of Return announced that the weekly border protests would be suspended until the end of March 2020, when they will be resumed on a monthly basis, or on "prominent national occasions." (Note: March 30 is Land Day, a day commemorating violent clashes between Arab Israelis and Israeli forces in 1976, in reaction to a government plan to expropriate land in the Galilee for state purposes.) Predictably, the Gazafence protests did not achieve their stated goals: to end the "siege on Gaza" and to achieve the "right of return" for Palestinians whose grandparents once lived in Mandatory Palestine. (It should be noted that, while Israel controls the border rossing points between Israel and the Gaza Strip, commercial goods pass through daily.)

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Mon 06/08/20 06:25 AM
Unfortunately the Palestinian Terrorists don't produce anything, so they can't be boycotted...but cutting off $300+ million in aid works just fine.


A grandfather in Israel buried his three-day-old grandson. The baby’s parents—the victims of a terrorist shooting along with several others—could not attend the funeral, as they remain hospitalized from the attack. The baby boy had been delivered prematurely by emergency Caesarian section after his mother was shot.

This morning, two more Israelis were killed and two were seriously wounded in another terrorist shooting in the West Bank.

These are only two of the more than 500 Palestinian terrorist attacks carried out or thwarted in the West Bank and Jerusalem this year alone.

Rather than outright condemn this blatant terrorism, leading Palestinian officials across the spectrum praised the attacks and the terrorists who committed them.

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Mon 06/08/20 06:05 AM
We've already proved that the a biased organization. That took 5 full posts of proof today that you answered with a flag wave. Your source is invalid.

You would have had Gaza if:

You didn't attack Israel in 1967...

If you agreed to the peace negotiations in 2000...


More than $60m (£46m) in annual funds for the Palestinian security services has now ended, and - while Israel has backed some previous cuts in US aid for Palestinians - officials have expressed concern about this move.

It is thought that co-operation with Israeli forces, which helps keep relative calm in the West Bank, could be affected.

The Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA), passed by Congress and then signed into law by President Donald Trump last year, has just come into force.

This allows Americans to sue those receiving foreign aid from their country in US courts over alleged complicity in "acts of war".

At a news conference on Thursday, senior official Saeb Erekat said the Palestinian Authority (PA) had sent a letter to the US state department asking them to end funding because of a fear of lawsuits.

"We do not want to receive any money if it will cause us to appear before the courts," he said.

The PA denies Israeli accusations that it incites militant attacks.

"We are not seeking anything, the Americans have made their decision, but we will continue to participate in the fight against terrorism in the region," Mr Erekat went on.

He pointed out that there were currently cases against three banks operating in the Palestinian territories before US courts, and that in the past, several attempts to allow US victims of Palestinian attacks to sue the PA and Palestine Liberation Organisation had failed because of a lack of jurisdiction.

Despite a large hole in its budget, the PA maintains that the halt in US aid will not affect the work of its security forces.

"At the request of the Palestinian Authority, we have wound down certain projects and programs funded with assistance under the authorities specified in ATCA in the West Bank and Gaza," a US official told the BBC on Friday.

"All USAID assistance in the West Bank and Gaza has ceased."

It is not clear how long the halt will remain in effect.

But the Palestinian official said no steps were currently being taken to close the USAID mission in the Palestinian territories and no decision had been made about future staffing at the US embassy in Jerusalem.

Last year, Washington cut hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to the Palestinians, which included funding of humanitarian projects - such as health, education and infrastructure - supported by USAID.

This was widely viewed as a way of pressing Palestinian officials to restart peace talks with Israel and re-engage with the White House ahead of the announcement of its promised Middle East peace plan.

The Trump administration also ended all US funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA. It had previously been the largest donor to UNRWA, giving more than $360m in 2017.

Recently US government scholarships awarded to Palestinian students have been suspended and hundreds of Palestinian and foreign workers working on US-funded programs have lost their jobs.

"Our work was really important. We'd made a big impact but now we're stopping a lot of our projects in the middle," said one Palestinian whose position in law and order supported by USAID was terminated this week.

"We were really helping to build the capacity of the Palestinian police and prosecutors, helping them to carry out their investigations and daily work," the man said. "It's a huge setback."

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Mon 06/08/20 05:21 AM

The 2018 changes raise questions about the future of various funding streams and U.S. political influence, as well as the impact on other international actors’ support of and influence on the Palestinians. Congress has options to determine types and amounts of funding for the Palestinians, and to place conditions or oversight requirements on it.

The 2018 changes included:

 Reprogramming $231.532 million of FY2017 bilateral economic assistance that was originally intended for the West Bank and Gaza (including $25 million for East Jerusalem hospitals) for other purposes.

 Ending U.S. humanitarian contributions to UNRWA. U.S. funding in FY2018 totaled $65 million, contrasted with $359.3 million in FY2017.

 Deciding to prevent Palestinians from participating in a Conflict Management and Mitigation program (CMM) funded by USAID and the U.S. embassy in Israel. Programs involving Israelis and Palestinians generally receive $10 million annually.

 Nonlethal U.S. security assistance for the PA security forces has continued, as has PA security coordination with Israel, but a majority of Palestinians support recent PLO recommendations to end the coordination.

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Mon 06/08/20 05:06 AM
asleep asleep asleep

Until 2018, the U.S. government had consistently supported economic assistance to the Palestinians and humanitarian contributions to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), even if funding in some cases was reduced or delayed. Bilateral assistance to the Palestinians since 1994 has totaled more than $5 billion, and has been a key part of U.S. policy to encourage an Israeli-Palestinian
peace process, improve life for West Bank and Gaza residents, and (since 2007) strengthen the West Bank-based PA vis-à-vis Hamas in Gaza. U.S. contributions to UNRWA through global humanitarian accounts since 1950 have totaled more than $6 billion.

So where's the money???'s in Arafat's account. slaphead But I've already covered that.

Is it time for a witty quote, animation or flag waving now??

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