Community > Posts By > ashley_renee

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:22 PM

Ok. So now I am rather confused.

You say that all the guys around you are interested in nothing more than sex....but yet, you still sleep with a guy who gives you nothing BUT that.

< scratches head >

Because I already know him. These new guys - they just want to jump right into it. I don't like sleeping with strangers. My ex isn't a stranger.

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:17 PM

*le sigh*

Why does everything have to be so difficult? brokenheart sad

Why can't I just get over my ex and move on like a normal person? It's been two years since we've broken up.

I need to stop sleeping with him! frustrated


That statement almost makes me want to resurrect the Just Ask JustAGuy thread...lmao

Just almost? Haha!
Well I know what I SHOULD be doing. Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things, though.

Why's it so hard? There are literally MILLIONS of guys out there that have the equipment to give you what you are getting from him.

Because those millions of guys aren't HERE. And the ones that are here - I'm either not interested in or they're not interested in me.

All they want is sex! What happened to getting to know someone first?

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:11 PM

*le sigh*

Why does everything have to be so difficult? brokenheart sad

Why can't I just get over my ex and move on like a normal person? It's been two years since we've broken up.

I need to stop sleeping with him! frustrated


Don't give me that look, Pats. :tongue: :heart:

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:10 PM

*le sigh*

Why does everything have to be so difficult? brokenheart sad

Why can't I just get over my ex and move on like a normal person? It's been two years since we've broken up.

I need to stop sleeping with him! frustrated


That statement almost makes me want to resurrect the Just Ask JustAGuy thread...lmao

Just almost? Haha!
Well I know what I SHOULD be doing. Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things, though.

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:06 PM
*le sigh*

Why does everything have to be so difficult? brokenheart sad

Why can't I just get over my ex and move on like a normal person? It's been two years since we've broken up.

I need to stop sleeping with him! frustrated

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:56 PM
I'm crushing.

I think.

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:39 PM

Poor Fear. <3

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:20 PM
I could come up with a New Year's Resolution ... but I'll break it within a month, tops.

I did have one to not drink soda, and I did pretty well with that.

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:13 PM

I love Rock Band ...

I like being the singer. bigsmile Even though I can't sing.
And I like playing the guitar.

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 06:01 AM
10.) One in a Million - Guns N' Roses

songs by singers who have gone into acting or vice versa

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 05:56 AM
9.) 40 - U2

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 05:43 AM
8.) 1985 - Bowling For Soup

ashley_renee's photo
Sun 12/27/09 05:41 AM
7. 39 - Queen

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 10:00 PM
Well I'm pooped ... bed time!

Night everyone! <3

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:59 PM

(((Ashley))) Merry Christmas... Yeah it's a lot of preparation and over quickly... I seem to enjoy it less and less every year...

((((Joy)))) Merry Christmas to you, too. flowers

I enjoyed it until my grandfather started reaming out my younger sister. Then I had to step in and start yelling at him. Nobody yells at my sister.

Well, thats not nice.Esp yesterday.Geesh.

Nope, definitely not nice. Especially since she only told them that she got accepted to two different colleges out of state. Apparently it's a crime to know what you want to do in life nowadays. And for mothers to have an opinion on the colleges that they'll be footing the bill for.

at leats she got accepted, they should be proud and happy for that alone.

Exactly. Then he made some comment that she was going to end up in the corner alone, smoking a cigarette. (my sister doesnt smoke) So she laughed at the comment, thinking it was a joke & that's when he went off of how disrespectful we are to them. So that's when I went off because he went off on my sister.

Ugh, what a day.

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:53 PM

(((Ashley))) Merry Christmas... Yeah it's a lot of preparation and over quickly... I seem to enjoy it less and less every year...

((((Joy)))) Merry Christmas to you, too. flowers

I enjoyed it until my grandfather started reaming out my younger sister. Then I had to step in and start yelling at him. Nobody yells at my sister.

Well, thats not nice.Esp yesterday.Geesh.

Nope, definitely not nice. Especially since she only told them that she got accepted to two different colleges out of state. Apparently it's a crime to know what you want to do in life nowadays. And for mothers to have an opinion on the colleges that they'll be footing the bill for.

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:52 PM

Next Xmas is gonna be good for me though.Got the time off already to go to KY and see 2 neices, 1 great nephew and 2 great neices.Just to be around them will be itself awesome.

Awww, yay!!! I'm not sure what next Christmas will bring for our family since my mom said they're not coming over again.

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:51 PM

Merry Christmas. <3 bigsmile

bigsmile Hey ash!

Hey Tanya!!! :heart: flowers

How are you? How was O's Christmas?

I am okay.

O had a good christmas! My living room is full of toys from Christmas eve and today!

I probably should be picking them up... but not happening!


Probably gonna go to bed soon.

That's good! I'm glad Santa was good to him!! bigsmile

Yeah, I just kind of threw my presents on the floor to my bedroom along with all of the clothes that are already there. I'll get around to picking it up. ..this weekend.

Yeah, I hear that! I'm heading to bed shortly, myself.

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:50 PM

(((Ashley))) Merry Christmas... Yeah it's a lot of preparation and over quickly... I seem to enjoy it less and less every year...

((((Joy)))) Merry Christmas to you, too. flowers

I enjoyed it until my grandfather started reaming out my younger sister. Then I had to step in and start yelling at him. Nobody yells at my sister.

ashley_renee's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:48 PM

All of that fuss .. and it's over.
Thank God! laugh :tongue:

Eh, I love the present part!! laugh