Community > Posts By > FroznChild

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:05 AM

Oh Benjamin, you never disappoint.flowerforyou

(Oh, I don't know about that... But the bar just keeps getting higher and higher.
(Good thing I own the building) laugh
You must not have read some of the others I posted this morning!
At least one of them, is gaureenteed to be dissapointing!
Thanks for letting me know you liked it HikerChicky... hee hee.
Good to see you, as always.
I wasn't really sure what peoples responses would be on this one,
but I loved yours!

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:03 AM

Wow...very powerfull.

Well, thank you very much...
You just went a lot higher on my popularity list! :tongue:

Well you are a fellow eastern washingtonian...i grew up in Curlew, Wa..if you know where that is...near omak

Omak God, I do know where you're talking about! Curlew there for a long time?
(stupid puns, sorry) Lol. Yeah, I live in Yakima. I'm thinking about moving back out to Co sometime tho.

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:00 AM
Lol... Great...
See, she "loves" you...
Likes me. laugh :wink:

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:56 AM

Well, keep in mind that I miss you....
Even tho you shot me down like a hot air balloon. grumble
Now some other lucky Punk is going to get ya.
sigh sigh sigh...
Life just isn't fair. ohwell

Reminds me 'o dem goots we 'ad on da ferm, useta chase dem round de ferm all 'ay 'till we ran plum outta breth.

Lol... I don't know if it's what you were going for, but you kinda sound like,
Dorf Does Golf! laugh

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:52 AM

Well, keep in mind that I miss you....
Even tho you shot me down like a hot air balloon. grumble
Now some other lucky Punk is going to get ya.
sigh sigh sigh...
Life just isn't fair. ohwell

Ah Benjamin- you know I love you..I just want a better life for you.

That's the same thing the guy at the pet store said, right before they...
but I digress... Lol.

You know I love your style Hiker... You always make me smile.

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:50 AM
I'm thinking of writing my Will...
Although I must admit it's kinda soon...
18 years old, and already too old!
Bored in the technological boon.

I'm tired already of living this life!
I'm just hoping for something to come along...
To make it fun to live again!
Makes ya think something's kinda wrong?

So, I've gotten myself a piece of paper,
And a pen to write it down.
And I'm giving away my inner soul,...
Hell, Watch me as I go to town!

I'm giving kindness to everyone!
Splitting up my peace of mind...
Spreading around a little love,
And all the happiness that I could ever find.

I'm letting go of all my smiles...
Think I'll pass those out to the poor!
I mean, what good is it if you're the only one,
Who ever wears them anymore?

I've got some twinkling of the eyes!
And a few kind words to say...
Some tips of the hat, a couple of waves...
I just Hope that I can give Those away!

I guess there's just one thing left,
Now watch me as I ink this in!
I need a witness to make this good,
When I say that I'm keeping my sin...

That's right! I'm being greedy...
And I'm taking that to the grave!
It's the only thing I won't give away!
It's just something I have to save...

It's mine, I've earned it, And I Won't let it go!
I couldn't bare to pass that around!
And with that, it's over! so take this pen,
Incase this is ever found...

Just write your name right here on this line,
And if you ever see the end of my young face...
Just look around for this Will we wrote,
And make the world, a happier place!

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:37 AM
Three Cheers For Me! drinker drinker drinker
blushing blushing
thanks everyone! Ya'all are making for a great morning!

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:35 AM
Well, keep in mind that I miss you....
Even tho you shot me down like a hot air balloon. grumble
Now some other lucky Punk is going to get ya.
sigh sigh sigh...
Life just isn't fair. ohwell

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:32 AM

Wow...very powerfull.

Well, thank you very much...
You just went a lot higher on my popularity list! :tongue:

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:30 AM

I am usually on here in the evenings, Eastern time; but I check the forums and e-mail in the morning before I go to work as well; on weekends I am on and off all day.

I have taken days off from work and realized that there is a whole different "day shift" here.

I think one of those days was when I met you, Benjamin.

Like I could forget! Very rarely does the "sun" shine so brightly, as the day I met you. :wink:

Well, what else could I say, but the truth?

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:27 AM
I remember the day that I stood in the crowd... and jeered at the man on the noose.
I remember how the more the fear showed in his eyes, the more I wished the floor would break loose.
I remember the way I was caught in the din, how just like everyone else I screamed for his end....
so loud that the world around me did bend...
to my hatred.
oh it was fed by the ones who boo'd to my left, from the ones who threw food to my right...
it was fed by the horror of what he had done... when the night shed to early light.
There lay on the ground, the man who's hanging now, the way he looked stopped my heart with a thud...
As he slowly awoke to the crowd, a woman screamed loud, and we realised he was covered in blood.
and it wasn't his... and it wasn't his... he was just a scared little kid...
swears he doesn't know what he did...

so we looked around... and two children couldn't be found... not a hide, nor a hair... not a one...
and as he looked out at the crowd, he screamed out loud,
I Swear, I don't know what I done...

and then the noose fell... aint much left to tell... he was buried high on the ridge...
that same afternoon all our hearts, they did swoon...
as two children were found playing... under the bridge...

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:21 AM
The Will to Live on is astounding!
Astounding at the foot of my grave...
But Dying,
I'm afraid.

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent (thought the pun was cute)
Like so many of the girls on JSH of course.
Goes without saying.

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:18 AM
Simply Diarettic of great poetry!
Loved the form,
the simplicity,
and the absolute Directness.

Rock on! Thanks for sharing!

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:17 AM
Although I barely use them,
I LOVE emoticons!

Thanks Everybody! indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:15 AM
I stand unto the sandy shores,
so desperate and alone.
I stand unto the bloody sands,
that the enemy called their home.

My fallen comrades, so long ago,
That used to make us strong.
Remember how we All would be here?
Well, I guess we all were wrong.

Cause only I stand here now,
and only I can see.
The fight, the fight we fought so long.
Is now down to only me.

Where did my friends, take the step,
That cut them to the ground?
Cause where I stepped,
Must have been blessed!
My footfalls made not a sound.

Must have been blessed,
with stealthfulness,
My Courage took no dive!
For only I,
the lucky guy...
Stand here, still alive...

But still I must, Not turn to dust,
No, I Must Stand, and Fight!
For should I prevail, and Justice Does Hail,
The Enemy Won't Last The Night!

Canteen empty of any courage,
Nor do I have food that will hold the length...
I'm running on nothing but empty reserves...
But American Empty, overflows with strength.

So I storm the hill, prepared to kill,
I can see it in their eyes!
They were not expecting, an Army Of One,
I've taken them by Surprise!

And my fallen friends are here again!
They run with me by my side!
This Desperate Charge of the Light Brigade,
Their Spirit has not died!

Here Comes All For One, And One For All,
We Shall See, What We Shall See,
Don't count me out! No, Have no Doubt!
In the end,
There stands only me...

I stand unto the sandy shores,
So desperate and alone...
I stand unto the bloody sands,
They Enemy called their home.

Cause only I, stand here now,
and only I can see...
The fight, the fight, we fought so long,
So only I, could be free...

The Fight, the fight, we fought so long...
So only I could be free...

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:40 AM
Perhaps a walk through my crowded mind, will help me to see better...
But perhaps I should run, not awaiting the visions that seek me in the mist.
It would seem that even though I run as tho to make it to the other side,
I lack the effort to make it even to the top.
One cannot lose the race, nor win the race, if one stops in the middle.
Stops to speculate on why he should run the race or why he should try to win.
Perhaps losing is not in his blood,and he feels the ambition to rise above those who exploit his talents and potential.
Even in the quiet of the night,
he hears those who batter him from his goals,
the one's who shake the tightrope...
who leave him Dangling,
above a world that is cheering for him to fall,
so they may perchance rise to the top in his absence.

Could that be me?

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:29 AM
Good Morning...
You seem bright and chipper today!
Hope your day just keeps getting better, and tops out wonderfully in the end. :tongue:

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:27 AM
We had a Docsine that lived to 24, and had seizures often.
The only dog that the family couldn't bare to put down.

Often times, we would dissolve some asprin into his water, to help ease his pain...
You might give that a try. Just a little bit, goes a long way.

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:25 AM
Hello hello hello, good to see you again my dear....
Just a short pat hug, yes, that's quite enough,
scoot back, you're standing too near.

Now let me get a look at you,... oh my, that will never do,
we will have to undergo some immediate,
Well, don't just stand there, stand there and stare,
If anyone see's you, we'll be the laugh of the nations!
Never such a thing to give away ones simple stations.

I couldn't Imagine the girls down at bridge,
seeing a mess that's disheveled like this...
No no No, now this will never stand,
I'm afraid that your entrance will be rather bland,

so throw some spit in your hair!
and straighten your blouse!
Wipe that smudge off your face!
grab your good shoes out of the house!

Move it over there, it's not fit,
For His OR Hers,
to walk around town, dress not pulled down,
stuck in your nylons,
or wrinkled on your trousers...

Tweed Jacket,
and a bonnet...
A Sling Shot?
And a Sonnet?
I said NO NO NO! This will never do!
I can't believe you tried to take those with you!

And what I'm Going to TELL your mother,
you look such a Silly Sight!
To dress you in such a weirdly way,...
makes you look like your head ain't right!

Me and sis just didn't know what to do...
We didn't know which one she was talking to?

With Equescent thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent (ok, so I'm nuts... huh )

FroznChild's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:14 AM

if you read he words carefully it is food for thought thanks for jolting my brain

Lol... Yeah, I always try to read my words carefully too! :tongue:
Glad that I could knock you out of your reverie for a little while, and into mine!
Thanks for leaving a comment! blushing

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