notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:00 PM
There's a small town in Wisconsin thats producing them all!
I here they'll ship 'em anywhere!
laugh laugh laugh drinker

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:55 PM
Used to , when I worked next door to a toy warehouse!
Christmas almost every night!
drinker drinker drinker glasses

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:59 PM
Edited by notmytimeline20x6 on Sat 05/31/08 02:59 PM
I was overdrawn at the memory bank........
never got em back.

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:51 PM

There is no standard definition of what "underage dating" means. What is the OP talking about?

wouldn't we all like to know
I am trying to figure out on what basis all of these people are agreeing with him when he never defined what he was talking about.

Thats why I asked, didn't want to pi$$ any body off!
happy happy happy

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:43 PM
Edited by notmytimeline20x6 on Sat 05/31/08 02:53 PM
Which .....
one of us killed the thread?
Sorry pre mature, (my slow a$$ computer)

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:35 PM
Ah hah! Quiditch!

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:33 PM
son of a b^^^^!
brain lock!grumble grumble grumble

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:31 PM
and underage illeagle or underage just a couple of decades under your age?

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:28 PM
Undreage dating or underage boinking?

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:26 PM
ok its slang does it count?

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:22 PM
Edited by notmytimeline20x6 on Sat 05/31/08 02:25 PM
my bad already taken

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:48 AM

Yeah, when are the women going to have a boxer raid thread laugh

Let me know when they do...I want in!

BOXER RAID IN .....3....
(can a dude instigate a boxer raid? Is that acceptable?)
devil devil devil

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 10:08 AM
Probably way late in the thread, (Opera crashed, again) but the most popular thought going on in a lot of peoples minds during these relationship crisis's (cant spell) for both men and women is " Its everybody's fault but mine!"
:wink: :wink: drinker drinker

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:59 AM
Edited by notmytimeline20x6 on Sat 05/31/08 10:01 AM

huh hmmmmmm nope sorry you're wrong about Gazoo(voice by Harvey Korman RIP)

gazoo was exiled from his planet found by Fred and Barney after he wrecked his spaceship.

hey you could be right, scientology/religion had to start somewhere

why not with an alienlaugh laugh
Yes I meant Wonderful Life style guardian angel/alien trying to help Fred, so he could get to return home, ergo get his 'wings'.
Speaking of, did you hear that Harvey Corman just died this past week? I think he was like 82 or something.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:51 AM

OK who was scarier, Bozo or the clown on poltergeist ?

POLTERGEIST!!!! Hands down!!!

You obviously have never been on the Bozo Show!
laugh laugh laughohwell

Oh I watched it alllllllllllll the time when I was a kid..he was creepy....but the poltergeist me chills

Guess its just me , but I always thought that I could take the poltergiest clown in a pinch!
glasses glasses glasses

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:44 AM

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i miss all the fun
and the clown guy from devils rejects was funnier than he was scary lol laugh

Met a guy like Cap'n Spalding when I was going to the mountains. He wasn't a clown but was very helpful drawing me some directions! So I left his lonley isolated convenience store went back the way that I came from and found my own way!
Sorry I dont trust directions that include dirt roads! At least not at night!
noway noway noway

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Fri 05/30/08 03:00 PM

OK who was scarier, Bozo or the clown on poltergeist ?

POLTERGEIST!!!! Hands down!!!

You obviously have never been on the Bozo Show!
laugh laugh laughohwell

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:51 PM
OK who was scarier, Bozo or the clown on poltergeist ?

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:47 PM

i have four shelves of clowns in my bedroom.....bigsmile bigsmile

I have a hard time getting my friends to go home too.

i meant that i collect clowns...have since i was 11 but my fave one is my talking Bozo doll

Had one of those! My mom thought it reminded her of the Devil Doll!

notmytimeline20x6's photo
Fri 05/30/08 02:41 PM
Edited by notmytimeline20x6 on Fri 05/30/08 02:43 PM
Since we're on the subject, is there a reason why most clowns are alocholics? I don't want to generalize, but most all ive met could drink anybody under the table. I may be wrong in my assumption but it seems to be the norm. Is this just a stereotype or actual fact?

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