Community > Posts By > KinBarrie

KinBarrie's photo
Thu 09/26/13 09:02 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Thu 09/26/13 09:01 AM

obviously, if its an option world peace , prosperity and love

if not,, unlimited and legal access to money

with that, I Can make all my other wishes come true myself


Just try and watch out that that "unlimited supply of
cash" wouldn't corrupt you.:wink:

KinBarrie's photo
Thu 09/26/13 08:58 AM
To eliminate corporate and world greed. World peace. Salvation
of every single person on earth.

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:57 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:54 AM
Edited by KinBarrie on Wed 09/25/13 10:55 AM

Beef roast
Mac and cheese
And a piece of bread and butter

Sounds good! I'm not sure if you guys get onion soup
mix in TX or not? It comes in a powder. If you do, throw
in in with your roast beef before you cook it. Really
tasty and moist!:smile:

Oh, and love mac n' cheese as well!:tongue: Growing up
my parent's would mix cheddar cheese, with diced tomatoes
and fried up ground beef. Delicious!

I had cereal and toast, pretty much what I have every morning.ohwell

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:41 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:40 AM
Could be a relative, who knows?

Love is in the air- John Paul Young

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:35 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:33 AM
Fun and games

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:32 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:30 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:29 AM
The muffin I had bought at my local donut shop.

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:27 AM


,a-z kin :laughing: again

,xciting ..peace

Ahhh! Thanks for the correction, F'lai!:wink:


KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:25 AM

There are two forces at work here, remember that. God is the spiritual force controlling all that is good in humankind, and
of the earth. Satan has just enough power to sway people into
doing bad, heinous acts. Ultimately though, it's up to us to
control what's thrown our way by satan and his minions. Satan
wants people to be atheists agnostics, and occultists. He has
gotten through to people like these, in order to aquire their
souls when they pass over. He's the ultimate tempter and
Lets pretend what you typed is true.So if i die and Vishnu reincarnates me(hinduism)that's the work of satan or hindu is right and christianity was wrong?

You can believe whatever you like. As far as I know, Christianity
is the only way to get to Heaven. If you pass away and don't come
back as an eagle, you had no one to blame but yourself.

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:23 AM

I don't think so. Because say I put a gun to a Christian's head, no doubt he'd beg for dear life. Kind of strange don't you think, considering how afterwards he'd go to heaven.

You put a gun to anyone's head and their going to have
that initial fear and shock. At least the saved, righteous
person will be going to the right place.

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 10:20 AM
Edited by KinBarrie on Wed 09/25/13 10:21 AM

We all sin to some degree. Remember it's God that is perfect.
We're just his creations that can go either one way or the other,
in this spiritual battle of life.

God is perfect you say? Then how on earth is it possible that he could create a creation capable of doing something it did not intend for them to be able to do, to the point he regrets ever creating them before the great flood? Would that not be a mistake? Would this not indicate a flaw in his creation if he made them this way? How does that really work?

If you ask me it doesn't.......either God is perfect and so are we for our purpose here, flaws and all, or God screwed up. There is no middleground. Make a choice, is God perfect or isn't he?

Kleisto, what are you referring to in the first couple of sentences?

I am saying that it is impossible for a being who created us perfect to make us imperfect UNLESS that's what it intended us to be, it defies logic. To say it's true means God made a mistake and perfect beings are incapable of that. God had to know why he made us the way we did.......otherwise how can he be perfect and all knowing if we can do something it didn't expect or anticipate? It just does not make any sense whatsoever. If God didn't want us to be the way we are it would have made us different, but it didn't. Therefore we must be perfect for our purpose, because if we weren't, it'd mean God made a mistake which again is something perfection cannot do by definition.

I don't think God had any intention of making us to be
perfect beings. It starts with the story of Adam and Eve.
First humans ever to be created by God. Satan is cast out
of Heaven for his plot to overtake God. Satan them tempts
Adam and Eve, and they give in.

Today, whether you believe or you don't, we fight with
the negative and positive forces. A spiritual battle if
you will, with God on one side and satan on the other, vying
for our souls. God for good, wants us all to be in Heaven with
him. Satan is furious with God for casting him out into hell
forever, and will try to entice any of God's creations "us" into
sinning, so when we pass, we enter into his lair of torture and
pain for eternity.

You may know the story I've just posted? Not sure? May all be
just fiction to you, and you just may believe in what modern
science teaches you and that's it? Faith though is about keeping
an open mind and doing all the right things. To love your neighbor as yourself. Never hate, be jealous, envious, hurtful or racist to anyone. Jesus only taught peace.

First of all that's a lie, Jesus himself even said that he comes not to bring peace but a sword in the Bible, and speaks of dividing are being dishonest. If he was all about peace his words would reflect it and they do not.

That's number one, number two, if God did not intend us to be perfect beings as you say, then what sense does it make to punish us eternally in the way that it does, and wipe out whole civilizations at times in addition to? You're gonna tell me God KNOWINGLY makes us imperfect and flawed, and then gets mad when we act exactly as it wanted us to be able to? Bullcrap. Again, either God made everything and everyone as it intended, or God screwed up, it cannot be both.

Finally, any divine being that would let people burn eternally in hell knowing it could prevent it and wants all to be saved in the place, is not one worthy of any worship at all. Such is a being a monster, and as far from anything loving as one could get. Love does not let someone suffer just for the sake of suffering.

If You actually read the Bible, you'll see there are many
verses where Jesus mentions peace. Here are just some
of them:

John 14:27 ESV /

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Exodus 20:13 ESV /

“You shall not murder.

Thessalonians 3:16 ESV /

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

John 16:33 ESV /

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

1 Peter 3:11 ESV /

Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

Romans 12:18 ESV /

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

There are two forces at work here, remember that. God is the spiritual force controlling all that is good in humankind, and
of the earth. Satan has just enough power to sway people into
doing bad, heinous acts. Ultimately though, it's up to us to
control what's thrown our way by satan and his minions. Satan
wants people to be atheists agnostics, and occultists. He has
gotten through to people like these, in order to aquire their
souls when they pass over. He's the ultimate tempter and

It's sin within ourselves and through satan that works
the karma towards natural disasters, as far as I know.
I'll have to look into this some more.

God is a loving God. However he's also just and a good
judge. His rules are clear, that either you get saved
and follow his commandments to the best of your ability.
If one get "saved", which means you believe Jesus came
down to earth and eventually died for our sins, meaning
he sacrificed himself in order that, if we repented and
prayed for forgiveness of our sins,we could escape the fires of hell. Also believing that he was
resurrected three days later going up to Heaven, and that
he is our Lord and Saviour. According to scripture, we
are then "saved".

Now, you can be saved and still sin. One just need to have
a conscience and pray for forgiveness once they do commit
a sin, whereas an unsaved person or non-believer will not
be forgiven. There are some who believe that "once saved
always saved. However, I had been told my my pastor that
the only way to become unsaved, the only unforgivable sin
is to be a believer who then turn back to being a non-believer.

Doesn't the Bible say love never fails? If God is love and love doesn't fail, yet it fails to save every single soul willing it to be, how does that NOT make it a failure?

Also if God is supposed to not be a keeper of does it make sense that if you sin too much you can go to hell or at the least cease to exist? And if God is supposed to be merciful and forgiving even if one rebels against it (Daniel 9:9), how does it have the capacity to NOT forgive at the same time?

Finally about Jesus, ok fine it says all those things about peace, but it does not change the fact that it ALSO talks about bringing a sword in other parts of the Bible. Which is true?

Bottom line to me is simply that the Bible is one of the most contradictory pieces of literature ever written, it constantly speaks this double speak. As such, it is not the least bit credible to be any kind of complete truth in my estimation.

God is loving, Kliesto, but if we, his people choose to
ignore him and not give praise, prayer and ask his only
begotten son Jesus Christ for forgiveness, then we have
failed God. Why should we be forgiven if we didn't choose
to have a relationship with God and Jesus?

Not too long ago
I didn't understand the importance of this. I thought well,
"I'm a nice guy,so God will forgive me" for whatever reasons.
Even though I wasn't praying all that much, and not asking
for forgiveness and repenting for my sins. It doesn't work
that way. We must believe that God sent his only son Jesus
down to be crucified and die for our sins, so that we may
escape the bowels of hell when we die. And that he was
resurrected three days later, ascending to Heaven. And
also that he is our Lord and Savior. If one does not believe
then it's clear where they go when they die.

Now ceasing to exist. Are you talking about annihilationism?
It's the belief with some that when you die, you cease to
exist if you've sinned? It's a false teaching. And actually
as I've stated in the above post, your prior sins will be
nullified only, if you save yourself by repenting, have faith
in Jesus' mission here on earth and and believe he is our savior.
After that you are saved if you believe. You then begin a process
called regeneration, where you feel so much better for giving your
life to God.

The sword Jesus was bringing was just a figure of speech. The sword
he brought was just a warning to non-believers. Not once did he ever kill anyone, or asked for anyone to be killed.

What you think is your choice, Kliesto. I can't make you
change your mind. You can either choose God or choose your
own way.

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 09:36 AM

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 09:34 AM
Trying to overtake Kin's section of the kiddie pool.

F'lai ultimately won by throwing Kin out.tongue2

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 09:32 AM
Welcome, Souvik!waving

KinBarrie's photo
Wed 09/25/13 09:29 AM
Plays the fiddle with rubber bands as strings

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