Community > Posts By > John7771

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Thu 02/08/07 11:30 AM
The battlefield is in the mind. Guard your thoughts and win the battle
for today.
Put in your mind "soldiers" (good thoughts), trained soldiers, trained
by knowing the bible/stars/love/hope/encouragement/friendship/healthy
living/wheaties/community also fishing boating camping, scouts,
education,exercise,and positive stuff.
These type of soldiers will conquer/konker/konk/stomp the enemies in
thier own mind/mud/muck/mire.
No weapon formed againt me will prosper!!!
And if God Be On My Side then Who Dares to Be against Me!!!

For all others, Just think on things that are Good, Just, Rightous and
Loving....TEST THIS and you should hear A STRONG OPPOSITION FROM THE
ENEMY after a couple of minutes/hours/days/weeks/years.
Easy Button:
Just remember how easy it was to think negative and
downtrodded/no win/things will never change/same old stuff different
day/defeated and NO fishing,NO boating and NO camping thoughts. This is
what the enemy wants us to think. Just like the Jealous person wants us
to lose our smile/job/bmw so does the Enemy want us to lose our LIFE. So
attacking our thought life is satan's mumblings.
Hard Button:
So again I say Rejoice and Guard Your Thought Life while also not being
afraid to take a hit/punch/slap while helping someone else with positive
win/win// ///good //strong /couragous// you get it/you can do it//
speech and actions.
The Battlefield is IN THE MIND!!!

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Thu 02/08/07 09:02 AM
THEM!!! end btm lnr.

They have convinced the common worker to work for less by dividing us
into ethnic, gender, age, social stratta, political value, religion,
region, language and credit score.

We as people will win NOT with LAWS,noway UNIONSnowayor

It is a fixed situation we can win only by brotherly and sisterly
communication (Love).

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Thu 02/08/07 08:37 AM
where was that girl when I needed her. glasses

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Fri 02/02/07 02:34 PM
yall are gonna get fri-eyed
yall are gonna get fri-eyed

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Wed 01/24/07 09:19 AM
GHOSTRECON!!! Put Your Hands over your head and STEP AWAY from the

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Fri 01/19/07 01:55 PM
Ok, I will not push the button, but i will not stop anyone from pushing
it. Go ahead.... Push It lol

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Fri 01/19/07 07:49 AM

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Fri 01/19/07 07:42 AM
Good Point Ghostrecon, You forgot one thing. If People created God then
who made the universe. I can assure that I did not.
The theories are man made, so can we also say that we are at the
hands of science and what they tell us. So are we right back where we
started. (man created science in his own image?)
A God Made in mans image or a universe bound and found by the
intelligence of mankind. If we were brought up in a science explained
universe (godless) then people would be running around
saying, Science is a myth until it can be proven. Theory is not proof.
Our view point is not the be/end all of truth. Things do not become more
true or false as mankind learns new things.
Ok, so we are technologically advanced and know some things that have
been proven such as the earth is not flat and not at the center of the
universe and ocean water contains all known minerals.
Pretty smart comparitivly to the dark ages. Is this the end of what
mankind has to learn?
I predict in the future, many things we believe today will be
disproven. So if this prediction is true, then how could you believe
soley in what man know's up to this point in time to disprove the bible.
And if we did know everything there was to know, mankind could at least
prove there is no God, at least.

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Thu 01/18/07 01:05 PM
Yes Ghostrecon, good point. Since the earth is round and the sky is blue
and the physical controls our lives. But you forgot one little detail.

If I believe in a spiritual god that created a physical universe then
why the f**k could I not believe that he could change the constraints or
modify the mass of each little creature before he stopped the globe! He
might have warned them, he might have changed the rotation along with an
increadable sneeze that countered the complete object in motion
causing terminal velocitiy and they would never know it.
Now that I think about it, I do not find the God of Abraham
to be so far fetched.
And it is up to God to win you over, I have thrown in my sea
splitting, earth stopping, virgin mary, water into wine evidence to a
dark consuming hole AGAIN(!)lol, To what....some guy who rejects Jesus
Christ on MANS MERIT!(by the way, man has turned water into wine,
divided land larger than Moses's sea, flown into outer space, created
computers, predicted the weather as close as an hour, made nuclear
power, Air Travel at this volume Is just not likley(!), Automobiles that
will go at least 180mph and the George Forman Grill)!!
So, Where there is smoke there is fire!

I suppose if you had found the blueprint to any of these creations
mentioned you would have thrown it out saying "men drew it, so it must
be a tall tale" before trying it out.
Believing in the bible is physically risky and the more you believe,
the more you risk.
Actually, thinking outload, God could have just decelerated the earth
at such a very small value and then re-accelerated it the same way
minumizing the Tsunami effect and giving twelve more hours of light. lol

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Wed 01/17/07 09:58 AM
I would not push that button because:
The real reason is because as a christian we are supposed to preach the
gospel(means good News) and win people over, back into Jesus's Arms
where they belong. Certainly going to heaven will be cool, but if I have
not told people about Christ Jesus, at risk of losing my physical life
(which is worth living by he way) I feel I have not done my duty. There
is alot of war in heaven and nobody wants to be there unless they are
prepared by Jesus Himself anyway.

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Tue 01/16/07 10:51 AM
I think God would have had to stop the whole universe in order to stop
the earth from spnning around to night time. This universe is a machine
and contrained by many physics, not to mention the spiritual cogs in the
wheel. If one day where missing from the earth, then where did it Go?
Well my best guess is leapyear. lol

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Tue 01/16/07 10:04 AM
I don't know what the biblical people got out of this.
I am sure there were a couple of people telling everyone how things
worked just like nowdays. And a couple of opposers to the then time
understanding. But I cannot find in the bible where it says the world is
the center of the universe and/or flat. Maybe they cut that part out to
make room for

Luke 17:34- He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,(could be
the earths orbit around the sun) and its people are like
grasshoppers.(talking about basketball players lol) He stretches out the
heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
(Isaiah 40:22)

Job 26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth
the earth upon nothing.
(Here is earth hanging in space just like the magnet thing that suspends
a ball bearing in mid air.)

So what if biblical people believed the world was flat and at the center
of the universe. And what of our beliefs now. Gohstrecon, I hope your
not depending on people to get your answeres from. I will always tell
you to ask God....
I was just poking a little fun at the fact that you may not believe
in the Holy bible, however, the book of Judas, also written by men, you
seem to quote.
If the holy bible is just a Tall Tale then what of the book of Judas.
You would have to at first consider the Holy Bible somewhat true in
order to add the book of Judas to it. lol

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Mon 01/15/07 12:15 PM
Apple is a nice name

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Mon 01/15/07 12:04 PM
= need another job

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Mon 01/15/07 11:56 AM
mistakes = female cow

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Mon 01/15/07 11:55 AM
as stupid does=real genius

real genius =

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Mon 01/15/07 11:41 AM
I used to use "You have been browsed....grin" for internet ice
breakers. It used to work great.

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Mon 01/15/07 11:32 AM
As far as this topic goes. Who cares about Judas anyways. People seem to
think that jesus had no enemies and all his deciples were just singing
and dancing with flowers in thier hair. In that time if you lived
through the week you were doin pretty good. If it had not of been Judas
then it would have been Peter, (who Jesus Built the Church ON) and then
what would the people say. If their is a book of judas and it is done in
the name of Jesus Christ then oh goody. People have not learned enough
about themselves to realize how much we are alike Jesus's 12 deciples
all with our strengths and weeknesses. Able to take a life for money and
turn around an save life for mud in the face. We are Human and
incredably designed so why else would our very efficiant creator want to
come down and hang out with us? That's the question I would be a
askinn!!! Because....
God Thinks you are cool thats why!!! You are amazing to him.
Everything is not a scam.
And to answere the question, How would I Know if jesus asked Judas to
betray him?? What do you think about Jesus and Judas relationship....
Remember they also had Money of thier own so 30 pieces of silver might
have been lunch money to Judas.
I kinda hope that girl(sarabluie) tells me to shut up

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Mon 01/15/07 11:12 AM
"Your gay shut up"
should be a bumper sticker
I love that....sarablui....very funny

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Mon 01/15/07 09:30 AM
The Idea sounds good on paper but the what ifs out number the benefits
of post control. I have stayed around ths site to avoid the benchmark's
and cookie cutter.