Community > Posts By > DeusImperator

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/26/11 05:23 PM
Latest news it looks like the Occupy Everything Goons are now just a bunch of anti-semitic racists.

Anti-Semitism in the Occupy Wall Street Movement
by Daniel Sayani

For the past three weeks, protestors of various stripes have made their way to New York City’s Financial District as part of the movement known as “Occupy Wall Street,” a self-described “people-powered movement for democracy inspired by the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprisings.” Democratic Party bigwigs such as Al Sharpton, former Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and countless other elected officials have lent their support to the cause, which has also merited the participation of numerous labor unions, and a host of socialist, communist, and other radical leftist political parties and groups, including the International ANSWER Coalition (which has demonstrably provided much support and strategic input to the Islamist and communist forces protesting in Cairo).

In addition, however, the Occupy Wall Street movement has also included a fair deal of anti-Semitic protesters, who rely on classically leftist and communist anti-semitic arguments associating Jews with capitalism, and who are informed by the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rhetoric espoused by those leftist coalitions fueling the Occupy Wall Street movement.

As the protests enter their fourth week, centered around Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, several videos of participants spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric have surfaced, sparking new concerns about the groups and ideological positions represented at the protests. In addition, there are inexorable ties between the Occupy Wall Street movement and the “Arab Spring” protests threatening geopolitical stability in the Middle East. According to an undercover investigation conducted by National Review columnist Charles C.W. Cooke, protesters — including Danny Cline, who has emerged as a social media figurehead of sorts for the movement on YouTube and other forums — have routinely spewed anti-Israel and anti-Semitic messages. Cline has produced obscenity-laden diatribes against the perceived injustices of capitalism, and in one video, he is seen berating an elderly Jewish counter-protester, calling him a “bum,” mocking the man by asking him if he speaks English, and telling him to “go back to Israel.” Cooke says that Cline also shouted the “n-word” at the gentleman, and has been a fixture of the protests from their inception.

Another investigation discovered that on October 3, a protester described as homeless and out of work screamed to a sizable crowd that “the Jews control Wall Street,” and told counter-protesters to “go back to Israel,” and called them “greedy pigs,” saying that “this is not Israel.” The same protester also alleged that Jews control the media and blamed “Jewish bankers” for the nation’s economic woes.

Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Semitism

While a casual observer might believe that these incidents are mere isolated examples of hate-filled extremists attempting to co-opt an otherwise innocuous movement, an analysis of history and political thought demonstrates that anti-Semitism has always been a core element of anti-capitalist, socialist, and communist ideology. Anti-free market theoreticians have long spewed vitriol against the Jews. Historic examples are such figures such as Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, whose ideas on political authority and economics constitute the basis of the radical agenda which the protesters seek to impose even further on the American people.

Such statist ideologues find themselves at odds with Judaism because unlike statism, Judaism, as a cohesive religious system, focuses on objective truth, earthly tyranny giving way to Divine omnipotence (as evident in the Exodus narrative), individual responsibility, the rule of law, the primacy of the individual and the individual’s dignity (the human person is seen as being created in the image and likeness of God, with religious and moral obligations incumbent upon each individual), charity that encourages ultimate self-sufficiency for its recipients (enshrined in Maimonides‘ Hilkhot Matanot Aniyim 10:1), and encourages hard work and the entrepreneurial spirit. The antinomian, atheistic, and anarchistic tendencies found within classical socialist and communist thought obviously run counter to Judaism’s moral framework and teachings against a progressive/graduated income tax, excessive taxation, public entitlements, state-forced altruism, and income equality. Indeed, historian Jerry Muller has pointed out, in his analysis Capitalism and the Jews, that free-market policies have greatly benefited the Jews, while Benjamin Ginsburg, in his study The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, points out that it is authoritarian regimes of any variety (which are inherently anti-free market) which have proven disastrous for Jewish survival.

The protesters identified as espousing classically anti-Semitic tomes are merely perpetuating the socialist belief that Jews are to blame for “social injustice,” an idea that began with Proudhon. Proudhon is best known for being the first self-identified anarchist, and in 1840, he published What is Property? Or, An Inquiry Into the Principle of Right and Government, which inspired Karl Marx, who maintained a years-long correspondence with Proudhon. In it, he asserted that property is theft, and argued for mutualism, where each person is equally doled out some of society’s “means of production,” with trade representing equivalent amounts of labor, and where religious and ethnic identities are eradicated in favor of global revolutionary fervor and “brotherhood.” Proudhon scholar Stewart Edwards notes that Proudhon’s diaries (carnets) reveal his paranoid feelings of hatred against the Jewish people, and in 1847, considered publishing an article which called for the expulsion of the Jews from France, labeled them “the enemy of the human race,” and said that “this race must be sent back to Asia or exterminated.” Later that year, Proudhon’s disciple, Alphonse Toussenel, in his diatribe “Les Juifs, Rois de l’Epoque,” (“The Jews, Kings of the Era”), expanded upon Proudhon’s anti-Semitism, from a broader economic basis.

Karl Marx’s anti-Semitism is ubiquitous and is clearly laid out in his 1844 work Zur Judenfrage (“On the Jewish Question,” alternatively entitled “A World Without Jews.”) In it, Marx (whose parents were Jewish converts to Lutheranism) blames the Jews for income inequality (which communism sees as a grave evil), and sinisterly condemns Judaism as a societal opiate which is a mere reflection of “bourgeoisie” socioeconomic circumstances. Marx accuses Jews of being “capitalist hucksters,” viciously perpetuating a nearly 2000-year long canard of Jewish financial largesse, and articulates a position that was later used as anti-Semitic propaganda by the Nazi regime. Marx’s anti-Semitism falsely sees the modern commercialized world as a Jewish undertaking, and accuses Jews of worshiping the dollar, as the embodiment of capitalism and the representation of all of its purported evils. Scholar Bernard Lewis sees Zur Judenfrage as classically anti-Semitic propaganda, which would later be used by Hitler’s propagandist Joseph Goebbels as further anti-capitalistic vitriol against the Jews.

In addition, John Maynard Keynes, whose collectivist advocacy of bailouts, central banking, and massive governmental intervention to “stabilize” output over the business cycle has directed American economic policy in every presidential administration since FDR, was also known for strong biases against the Jews. Keynes, the left’s intellectual hero, infamously stated that “It is not agreeable to see civilization so under the ugly thumbs of its impure Jews who have all the money and the power and brains,” essentially equivalent to what many Occupy Wall Street protesters are spewing. Keynes also advocated segregation, in the same manner as Proudhon and the Nazis.

When understood that the collectivist left’s towering ideologues saw hatred of the Jews as essential to their ideology of global anti-capitalist revolution, it becomes clear that the anti-Semitism observed in the Occupy Wall Street movement has a blatant historical basis in the thought of Proudhon, Marx, and Keynes, the fathers of the anarchism, socialism, and economic collectivism driving these protests.

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/26/11 05:01 AM

I know some out there involved fully in these protests and they are NOT goons and thugs!!

How riduculous to assume ALL who are angry with the state of our world and the pitiful job our government has done as goons and thugs!!

Such sillyness!

Just because you claim to know some of them are not goons and thugs you make a generalization that they are not goons and thugs, yet this flies in the face of reality with several criminal complaints being brought up against the participants.

As for the state of the world it was created by the people of the very same mindset as the Occupy Everything Goons. What have the OEG demanded? Free education, cheap housing, jobs which they like, more political clout sounds like entitlement built on the hard work and toils of others who are more productive than these reprobates.

We nned only to look at Greece which since the 1960 has been providing every entitlement they can think of under a series of socialist parties to buy votes. The government created free government jobs where the average Greek only came in to work 3 days a week! 37% of the workforce was public. So now as the entitlements are being rolled back teachers, unions, students are taking to the streets committing arson, vandalism, etc.

Just like the Islamists, the Left is given into due to the always present threat of violence.

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/26/11 04:44 AM

Oh, so you just base your certainty on flawed assumptions.

Certainly not. No one has stooped to the level of the thugs and goons of the Occupy Everything movement in confronting them. one the other hand there has been criminal complaints against them brought on by their victims.

Bestinshow said:
Maybe you should become a little more informed. I seriously think that your comments are so out of place you could be from another universe.

Well said.

Deus, you use the language of an extremist, and of a troll.

Then don't feed the "troll" by posting back thumping inanities.

DeusImperator's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:29 PM
Edited by DeusImperator on Tue 10/25/11 06:41 PM

The protesters need to be protected by LE personnel from what???? The only people who seem to need protection are not the protesting goons and thugs but ordinary people going about their day to day business on Wall Street. No one is physically attacking these barbarians.
Maybe you should become a little more informed. I seriously think that your comments are so out of place you could be from another universe.

"O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us." -- Robert Burns,

Members of the Trumka's goon squad which beats the drum for every zany left-wing nut job would not understand reality.

If you are quoting Robden of Solway Firth at least have the intelligence to quote him correctly...

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us / To see oursels as ithers see us!

DeusImperator's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:29 PM

The protesters need to be protected by LE personnel from what???? The only people who seem to need protection are not the protesting goons and thugs but ordinary people going about their day to day business on Wall Street. No one is physically attacking these barbarians.
Maybe you should become a little more informed. I seriously think that your comments are so out of place you could be from another universe.

"O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us." -- Robert Burns,

Members of the Truka's goon squad which beats the drum for every zany left-wing nut job would not understand reality.

If you are quoting Robden of Solway Firth at least have the intelligence to quote him correctly...

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us / To see oursels as ithers see us!

DeusImperator's photo
Tue 10/25/11 06:11 PM

No one is physically attacking these [citizens].

You make such sweeping statements - are you omniscient?

The police are attacking them.

I know well and good if these goons and thugs very attacked by passes by we would be hearing about these incidents to no end courtesy of the the left leaning media. However, this is not the case. If that to you is omniscience then so be it.

As well the thugs and goons should not be impeding the law abiding going about their business being productive members of society. Impeding the movement of taxpaying citizens by the leeches and parasites of society should be a crime, it after all IS a violation of the other person's civil rights.

DeusImperator's photo
Tue 10/25/11 05:30 AM
The protesters need to be protected by LE personnel from what???? The only people who seem to need protection are not the protesting goons and thugs but ordinary people going about their day to day business on Wall Street. No one is physically attacking these barbarians.

DeusImperator's photo
Tue 10/25/11 04:42 AM
Edited by DeusImperator on Tue 10/25/11 05:26 AM
Well people can exercise their civil rights but as we have experienced it time and time again the agitators on the left are rarely peaceful but rather given to bouts of looting, vandalism and arson. As we have already seen in the protests in Cairo and Tripoli with whom these barbarians attempt to align themselves with, were given to rape, rampage and pillage. Nearer to home, These protesters have raped, sexually assaulted pedestrians, relieved themselves in public, denied access to places of employment and the list goes on. The have behaved as thuggish criminals do and should they break the law they should be arrested. But we are told not paint such people with a broad brush stroke even though almost every such protest ends up being an arena for thuggery, criminality and violence from the left.

The reality is that if the right-wing engaged in such criminality the media would not have had any sympathy and would be only to happy to frogmarch the participants. But the right has always worked within the rules, they have even gone so far as to clean up after themselves after their rallies. But the Occupy Everything Goons live in a pigsty of their own making and would not even allow for the cleaning of the park. Yet the media loves the goons and express derisive hatred of the law abiding Tea Party movement.

Do we really expect these rabble rousers to behave any differently THIS TIME AROUND? Yet, we are told not to prejudge these Obama goons who's dreams of free womb to the tomb entitlements fizzled just as glow from Obama's halo dims even more. Their messiah now has to deal with reality but his thugs have not been able to come to terms with this reality.

DeusImperator's photo
Mon 10/24/11 08:47 PM
The question is if the ne’er-do-well Occupy Everything Goons would defend the nation as the “Marine” claims he had done. The truth is that none of these OEG have done anything for the country except defecate in public, grope pedestrians and cause a nuisance of themselves.

The hierocracy of their goals is most manifest in their demands. They claim to be against the big corporations because they were bailed out by the government and in the same breath demand that they be given a free education. As far as I am concerned is the only free education these hypocritical vagrants deserve is a swift kick in their posteriors and a year of hard labor drilling for black gold in the ANWR in the Alaskan winter. This also fulfils one of their demands that they be given a job. We kill two birds with one stone.

Listening to one of the protestors talking about the bourgeoisie and the proletariat harkened be back to the ramblings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin attempts to show the whole history of mankind as a struggle between the classes. This openly courting of class warfare by the OEG is at its very core against the nature of man. They continual waiting for the “New Communist Man” who would embody the ethos of the state never materialized as man will be man and any successful society works with Man’s nature not against it. They cultivate of a mood of class envy and justify that envy and provoke that envy to hatred and rage against the productive. But this is just another way of cutting one’s nose to spite one’s face. It is the productive who create jobs and pay taxes.

So we have seen revolutions in Libya and Egypt which we now see as just going from bad to worse. They claim to want democracy yet their understating of democracy was very different from what we consider what democracy is. For Egypt and Libya an Islamic Caliphate is democracy. Did not every communist country of Eastern Europe call themselves a democratic or people’s republic of some sort? For them the Dictatorship of the Proletariat was democracy. Of course all other political parties were summarily banned and only the Communist Party which was the party of the proletariat was allowed to stand in any election.

Anyone remember the speech by Dennis Healey in which he promised as the Labour Minister to “squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked”? Well the juice ran out of the economy. The rich merely moved their money out of the UK to safer zone for investment, unemployment rose, and the UK had to hat in had beg for a bailout from the IMF. Where the heck do you think the USA would have to go to beg or a bailout when the rich just pack money into their bags and make their getaway?

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 09:49 PM

laugh laugh

really? oxford only had those four definitions?....strange

but the british have many words they use differently than we do

I took for granted that the majority of those in this thread were from north america though, where webster is a more accurate reflection of the language

The English language is an exacting language and words have a specific mean. I know I am going to have the postmodernists declare this a blasphemy and get their knickers bunched up but this is reality. While two words may have definitions which appear close, they can have very specific meanings. Assault & Battery for example. laugh

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 09:26 PM

LOL<, yeah,, Miriam webster is an ebonics dictionary,,,

Might be...

let the dictionary wars begin... or who's dictionary is best Begin the copy paste hack...

From the Oxford Dictionary -

1 a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof:
they made certain assumptions about the market
[with clause] :
we’re working on the assumption that the time of death was after midnight
2 [mass noun] the action of taking on power or responsibility:
the assumption of an active role in regional settlements
3 (Assumption)the reception of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven. This was formally declared a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in 1950.
the feast in honour of the Assumption, celebrated on 15 August.
4 [mass noun] archaic arrogance or presumption.

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 09:25 PM

LOL<, yeah,, Miriam webster is an ebonics dictionary,,,

Might be...

let the dictionary wars begin... or who's dictionary is best Begin the copy past hack...

From the Oxford Dictionary -

1 a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof:
they made certain assumptions about the market
[with clause] :
we’re working on the assumption that the time of death was after midnight
2 [mass noun] the action of taking on power or responsibility:
the assumption of an active role in regional settlements
3 (Assumption)the reception of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven. This was formally declared a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in 1950.
the feast in honour of the Assumption, celebrated on 15 August.
4 [mass noun] archaic arrogance or presumption.

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 09:01 PM

assumption: : a fact or statement (as a PROPOSITION, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted
suggestion synonyms: offer, proffer, PROPOSITION, suggestion semantics aside, perhaps I read and comprehend quite well

Are you looking that up in your own made up Ebonics dictionary? Perhaps that is why you do not seem to be able to read or comprehend well or for that matter even use a dictionary all that well?

A preposition which is taken for granted is an assumption. An axiom is a self-evident truth which is assumed especially branches of philosophy such as metaphysics and logic. For example scholastic philosophies especially those of the moderate-realist type such as Aristotelianism and Thomism where the universal exists apart from the perceiver but in the particulars - as opposed to extreme realism and its Platonic forms and the nominalism which denies it altogether.

If anyone is interested in _real_ metaphysics (not the new age mumbo-jumbo that is fed to the moronic masses as metaphysics by the likes of the charlatan Deepak Chopra), I would suggest Aquinas' lectures at the University of Paris on Aristotle's Metaphysics which have been compiled as the Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics (Aristotelian Commentary Series) which provides the history and context to Aristotle's Metaphysics. Several of his Paris and Cologne lectures are available on Amazon. Better than anything I learnt from my philosophy profs.

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 08:14 PM

Your inaccurate opinion is always welcome

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Go Wikiogle and find out what I am talking about first. At least then you can disagree about it in good faith.

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 04:06 PM
so how was it another mingler happened to know your status?
which is the only way it was introduced in this particular thread...

What status are you talking about?

and why not just state that you thought there was a mistake instead of an 'affirmative action based result'?

The humor effect would be minimal

but , as the persistent assumptions are starting to bore me,,, I Will return to the op,,,

That is gonna comeback to bite you soon enough... assumptions are starting. I have not made assumptions but mere suggestions.
For example...
1. Have you been smoking crack? - I am not assuming, but merely suggesting
2. ... perhaps the computer provided a affirmative action base result (regarding the 100% you claim you scored on the IQ test). Again a mere suggestion which provides an explanation.
3. Perhaps an inability to read an article for what it is worth seems to be an acute symptom some suffer from

And I suppose there are others like these scattered throughout this thread. Again I am not assuming anything.

Perhaps you need to read and comprehend what exactly is being said.

DeusImperator's photo
Thu 10/20/11 04:57 AM
Edited by DeusImperator on Thu 10/20/11 05:01 AM
You said

My brain works quite well, in fact, went to the mensa sight myself and took the sample test, got all questions right,, I have also been in the gifted and talented program throughout my entire pre college educational journey, so please dont assume that reading and absorbing alot of things on topics that interest you makes me less intellectually compatible, as opposed to just not as interested

Citing that instance, I said:
Perhaps, that online IQ testing computer was programed to provide affirmative action based results?

To which you replied:

lol, couldnt resist huh>

really should do something about that whole race complex thing ya got going,,,,

rofl rofl rofl
Not race complex, but a little perplexed at the claim that you even might qualify for Mensa that was all, so I suggested that perhaps the computer might have provided a affirmative action based result - but this was merely a suggestion and have no way of proving otherwise. Remember, as I said earlier, my sister even claims that her dog got a 100% on the Mensa test. Mensans do not run around forums claiming to have a Mensan level IQ (which is considered bad form), and is seen as proof that the claimant is just another wannabe.
rofl rofl rofl

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/19/11 09:07 PM
Edited by DeusImperator on Wed 10/19/11 09:12 PM

WOW,,, with tiresome repetition,,,,

At least I am consistent.

... several lines of the usual blathering deleted ...

and thank you , for finally deciding to delete 'red herrings',,,also politely referred to previously as ad hominem attacks,,,,

??? Look at what I delete ??? these were just more diversionary blathering by you that detracted the forum readers for the issue. So obviously you
1. Do not know what a red herring is
2. You do not know what an ad hominem is because all that was being delete were your blathering (which was just vexatious) and if anyone ad hominem was deleted it was yours.

Perhaps, that online IQ testing computer was programed to provide affirmative action based results?

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/19/11 08:55 PM

The only thing that has to be said to show that conservatives aren't and Republicans are anti average American is .........wait for it...........The Bush tax cuts did absolutely nothing to help create jobs. 10 years of Bush tax cuts have done nothing to help the economy unless the uber rich were buying.

The Bush tax cuts were pathetically small, and didn't offset his regime's insane spending. The buying power lost by the middle class and poor made the "tax cuts" irrelevant in real terms. You're right that the regime didn't do anything to help the economy. There's nothing a government can do to "help" an economy in the first place (except getting out of the economy). The economic interventionist fetish is a result of what Hayek aptly called "The Fatal Conceit".

You are absolutely right in that the only thing the government can do to help the economy is get out of the way. However, governments, like people love control and even more than that they love doing favors for those who elect them which means the governments will intervene in the economy.

Government do not create job, that is a plain and simple fact. The Keynesians with their pump humping fetish cannot fathom that people can get it right on their own without the state's interventionist hand mucking around in the economy.

The paltry tax cuts during the Bush era did not and could not really do much for the economy and was a merely small bone thrown in our direction.Not only did we need to cut taxes, and flatten these taxes Bush should have cut spending . However, like Greece there is no appetite for cutting spending because it will inevitably aggrieve some votes. And some of these people, like the OWS scatalogists being loud and obnoxious will be all the rave in the liberal left media (which is almost all of them).

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/19/11 07:41 PM
Of course the pump priming fetish favored by the JMK aficionados such as Hopkins, Perkins and the rest of the Jackass Trust just prolonged a recession which should have been over and done with in a year and a half at the most. Leave it to the academics to get it wrong as usual. But this sort of pump priming is favored by B0 and his cronies. The malaise in the economy is a direct result of B0 ineptitude at everything other than having his teleprompter give rabble rousing tirades. After all the Dear Leader B0 who was hailed as the Messiah by the riffraff of silly street has been proven himself to be nothing more than a perpetually agitating electioneer full of bluster but lacking any serious substance.

DeusImperator's photo
Wed 10/19/11 05:14 PM
what did I post that was 'incorrect'
let me re post what started this ego filled , nonsensical, back and forth

Sorry it was not my ego, rather the inferiority complex which you seem unable to overcome. For example, the claim that got 100% on an online IQ test. The claim that you were a prodigy etc etc. laugh So wrong on so many counts.

Red herrings deleted...

here is also a capital gains tax phenomena in AMerican history which can be read about here

This link is what it is about. I think I have made myself clear regarding this Kangas fellow. I was correcting you as to the source of the artcle. You claimed it was Krugman. I corrected that indicating it was nutter Kangas. Our gal msharmony probably did not know who the nutter Kangas was and probably thought he was Messiah II - the Return of B0 (that was zero) as his take on economics correlated to her own. As they say "bird of a feather flock together".

My ego is in tact, which is apparent by my repeated contribution that allowed for READERS to read and decide for themself and my assumption that they will be able to do so.

So let me get this right... you provided an article written by a nutter, who was known to have pitched several of the articles supporting a socialism to various liberal media outlets, and got turned by each of these because he was a nutter, and proved as much when he offed himself (as in committed seppuku washroom style), to decide for themselves.

So what are we supposed to decide? That he was really Krugman in disguise? Or that Steve Kangas was reincarnated into Krugman?