Community > Posts By > Slimme

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 06:05 AM

Republicans and Democrats be aware it don't matter whether you have an r or a D in front of your name they're all stealing from the United States citizens on a regular basis they're rotten they're crooked they are thieves they all need to be lined up and given a cell one at a time and I'm not talking to Obama cell phone I'm talking to cell in prison. You can't trust either party they've gotten too big for their own britches as my grandmother would say and way too arrogant speaking of I don't know what to say about Trump I know he's trying to do the right thing but he has he has gains to be made by being in that position for sure. I've only seen one president ever tell us exactly what he was going to do while he was running for president then when he won he went straight in there and did every single one of them I've only seen that once in my lifetime I'm 59 going to be 60 July 1st but here A whole lot of b******* and nothing ever happens normally he totally turned that around. He's so arrogant I couldn't sit in the same room with him and listen to him me me me I did this I did this I did that love it when bosses take all the credit for your hard work but he did it I get it you know that's he's got the right to take credit for it but I think he's an embarrassment oh my family may disown me for that comment but I wouldn't sit in the same room with them there's no way there'd be a fist fight I'd tell him to shut the f****** arrogant m*********** but then on the other hand he did do what he said he was going to do and I've never seen that I don't know guys I don't want to see him in jail I don't want to see him broke from defending himself from b******* charges but I'm not sure I want to see him in charge neither I don't know who else we have to choose from but I guess he would do to get it going in the right direction but he didn't put Hillary in jail and he should have he had enough evidence to put her in jail when he got into office and he didn't do it and guess what it bit him in the *** Hillary should be in prison do you know after 60 trillion dollars were sent to the Ukraine Joe Biden said to help them run their country in the next two weeks multiple politicians showed up over there with no cameras not wanting to talk to the press and leaving right away within an hour afterwards their money had been laundered Hillary was first in line what the f*** are them people doing in a warzone. Just about empty everybody out of jail that hasn't killed somebody or hurt somebody on purpose and fill it up with politicians and bastards work my tail off and pay a s*** ton of taxes damn sure ain't working my tail off for them m************

That's why it's best to vote values and not personalities. Politicians are not perfect regardless of who they are. Politicians are elected to get the job done. They work for us, we don't work for them. Unfortunately that fact have escaped this modern generation of politicians. The era of governments putting their citizens first is gone.
They may be one or two here and there but all governments around the world are on board with the NWO that erodes the rights of citizens, strips nations of their sovereignty etc while they enriched themselves while smiling sweetly in your face and retiring as millionaires and multimillionaires.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 05:48 AM

Republicans and Democrats be aware it don't matter whether you have an r or a D in front of your name they're all stealing from the United States citizens on a regular basis they're rotten they're crooked they are thieves they all need to be lined up and given a cell one at a time and I'm not talking to Obama cell phone I'm talking to cell in prison. You can't trust either party they've gotten too big for their own britches as my grandmother would say and way too arrogant speaking of I don't know what to say about Trump I know he's trying to do the right thing but he has he has gains to be made by being in that position for sure. I've only seen one president ever tell us exactly what he was going to do while he was running for president then when he won he went straight in there and did every single one of them I've only seen that once in my lifetime I'm 59 going to be 60 July 1st but here A whole lot of b******* and nothing ever happens normally he totally turned that around. He's so arrogant I couldn't sit in the same room with him and listen to him me me me I did this I did this I did that love it when bosses take all the credit for your hard work but he did it I get it you know that's he's got the right to take credit for it but I think he's an embarrassment oh my family may disown me for that comment but I wouldn't sit in the same room with them there's no way there'd be a fist fight I'd tell him to shut the f****** arrogant m*********** but then on the other hand he did do what he said he was going to do and I've never seen that I don't know guys I don't want to see him in jail I don't want to see him broke from defending himself from b******* charges but I'm not sure I want to see him in charge neither I don't know who else we have to choose from but I guess he would do to get it going in the right direction but he didn't put Hillary in jail and he should have he had enough evidence to put her in jail when he got into office and he didn't do it and guess what it bit him in the *** Hillary should be in prison do you know after 60 trillion dollars were sent to the Ukraine Joe Biden said to help them run their country in the next two weeks multiple politicians showed up over there with no cameras not wanting to talk to the press and leaving right away within an hour afterwards their money had been laundered Hillary was first in line what the f*** are them people doing in a warzone. Just about empty everybody out of jail that hasn't killed somebody or hurt somebody on purpose and fill it up with politicians and bastards work my tail off and pay a s*** ton of taxes damn sure ain't working my tail off for them m************

A word of advice? Break up lengthy posts it made for better reading on the eyes.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 05:45 AM

Finally, congress has started the impeachment against Home Land Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, for article 1; not upholding the law as it applies to migrants crossing into the U.S. and article 2; lying to the American public by saying that the border is secure..Biden used 94 executive orders to undo the policies that secured our border put in place by Trump. When those policies went away along with Biden telling them to come on in, that’s when the number of illegal entries skyrocketed.. Joe could stop the flow by reversing those orders today and wouldn’t need xtra funds or anything from congress …

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Biden the other day say that he would need an executive order to secure the border?

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 05:15 AM

Yea you are right, there is no way one of these “wonderful “ illegal immigrants would ever think of trying to attack the U.S…🤪.. Everyday we hear of another attack against the cops, school children , the elderly , committed by these “ wonderful” immigrants. Only a matter of time before these immigrant thugs start dying in the streets from Americans defending themselves . Reality= Most are coming for the freebies Biden and the democrats are giving to them, in NY they can get up to $10,000 on a debit card, free housing , free food , free education . While they supply these immigrants with a free living they are displacing homeless Americans including our vets and the elderly.. I say it again.. Anybody that thinks Joe Biden is doing right for the American people are living in denial, and I don’t mean the river…

Imagine the frustration, resentment and bitterness of folks waiting for years to gain American citizenship legally, spending thousands on legal fees then to see 9 millions illegal immigrants waltz into America given free cell phones, free housing, free medical care etc and now a 10,000 debit card. Imagine the thinking of folks who can't afford or access medical care or housing in the US for whatever reason but seeing their own government distributing vital resources to illegals like themselves don't matter or they don't count. Any government around the world that does not put its own citizens first does not care about their citizens.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:54 AM

You seem to be confused on your last statement. So let me correct it for you.

It's Ok if other countries makes jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump too. At least Trump was getting the job done and was respected around the world.

If Trump broke international laws, there are international agencies for that. If Trump broke domestic laws there are domestic agencies for that.

Bush jr had a size 10 shoe thrown at him. He was made fun at. The difference is that Bush jr and Trump was respected around the world and America was respected around the world.

The world is watching a new movie called ' America'

America under Biden is a laughingstock to the world and Biden is tolerated.

Sure it is, Slimme. Biden's such a laughingstock that he's rallied all the NATO countries together to help Ukraine resist the Russian invasion, and returned America to the Paris Climate Accords, showing understanding that global climate change is a serious matter. The US economy under Biden is doing better than every other national economy after countless conservative pundits declared that it would crash into recession along with our stock market and create explosive unemployment. The competent administration has defied all the doomsayers. But Biden has plenty more work to do, so doesn't whine and cry about pundits and comedians poking fun at his old age. We appreciate that the freedom to tease is a good thing, and see that Biden's above that kind of pettiness.

The law is coming after Trump right now. There were so many crimes that the courts are having difficulty scheduling them over the next months and years, and even Trump supporters can't keep the different cases straight.

But go ahead and tell yourself that some YouTube video proves Biden is the joke.

Respected - someone deeply admired for their achievements, abilities and accomplishments.

Tolerated - to accept or put up with someone or something but not particularly liking them or it.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:35 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:33 AM
Lock the door

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:30 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:27 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:24 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:22 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:19 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:17 AM

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:14 AM
Apple banana custard

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/29/24 04:11 AM
York - England

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/27/24 12:42 PM

They say Love is blind, but clearly everyone in love can see.
How is that possible?

It means that those in love missed/ignore red flags that serves as warnings until too late and 2/ being love overlooked faults and weaknesses in the other person.

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/27/24 12:17 PM

Not confused about anything. Well aware that U S Steel is not a government corporation. US Steel is not just one of many different steel manufacturers. It is an American powerbase that is essential to the success and prosperity of the US industrial base. It creates valuable jobs across US. It is family silver. Now u spoke on Dems bringing back manufacturing jobs but why so quick to defend a foreign company buying US Steel :thinking: and yet if the sale is approved there is no guarantee of no reduced jobs and downscaling. Even democratic Fetterman had his say against the sale (and it will go thru) citing national security and all that....

Now if u know anything about local companies sold to foreign entities you know that said foreign company promises to retain jobs, few years down the line, production shifts to foreign country to reduce production costs, facilities are shutdown, good jobs lost, local customers and workers lose out. It happens all the time around the world. As for the protroleum market as stated before America does not need to depend on middle east oil it can be energy independent but your energy independent is 100% renewables while others may see abit of both renewable energy and fossils fuels. Now you spoke on reduce battery costs . The facts is wind and solar farms for instance needs a large amount of land to operate just to produce a little bit of energy. Renewables are not always a viable commercial option in every case.

US Steel isn't even the biggest US steel company. That would be Nucor, and there are dozens of other steel companies in the US. Even if a Japanese firm comes and buys US Steel, it won't be able to take the mines overseas. Possibly the mills, but given the bulk and weight of steel, that doesn't make sense, either. Downsizing can happen even if the company stays US-owned, so it's not really clear that you're not confused on this. Companies are bought and sold in the US every day.

As far as wind and solar go, it's not like the land can't be used for other things at the same time. Farmers grow crops under and between solar panels and wind turbine towers. In the US we install solar panels on rooftops, too.

Try doing that with a coal or gas power plant.

Lastly, it's OK if other countries make jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump, too. At least biden is getting the job done, and not breaking laws while at it.

I stand by what I said in previous posts.

Downsizing a US company whether US owned or being bought by a foreign company is still downsizing.

Renewable energy is not also a viable commercial option in all cases. The efficiency of a wind energy system depends on the location.

Lastly, it's OK if other countries make jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump, too. At least biden
is getting the job done, and not breaking laws
while at it.

You seem to be confused on your last statement. So let me correct it for you.

It's Ok if other countries makes jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump too. At least Trump was getting the job done and was respected around the world.

If Trump broke international laws, there are international agencies for that. If Trump broke domestic laws there are domestic agencies for that.

Bush jr had a size 10 shoe thrown at him. He was made fun at. The difference is that Bush jr and Trump was respected around the world and America was respected around the world.

The world is watching a new movie called ' America'

America under Biden is a laughingstock to the world and Biden is tolerated.

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/27/24 11:51 AM
With some programmers goal of AI becoming human and AI rapid advancement....anything is possible....

Slimme's photo
Mon 02/26/24 09:25 AM
The laughingstock that America is is once again displayed on the world stage. Is there no end?

Slimme's photo
Fri 02/23/24 04:01 PM