Community > Posts By > SamanthaMarie

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sun 03/22/09 12:23 AM
Lately mine has been 'If It Means A Lot To You' by A Day To Remember.

What's the song you can listen to over and over and never get tired of hearing?

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:57 AM
Oh wow...there's so many...SIMON TAM. I wanna play doctor. Alllllll day long. Pretty much the ENTIRE cast of Firefly[minus Book, that's dirty.], pretty much the entire cast of Battlestar[Helo and Sam will always be my favorites though], and Travis Pastrana. I know, he's a real person, but he's still on tee vee! But i've also had a crush on him since i was a teenager and really into motocross. I still follow the xgames from time to time, just to watch him.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:53 AM

I heard an interview with Shirley Manson from Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles and she suggested that the fate of the show was still up the air and a third season is still not a sure thing. I'm a big fan of the franchise and the series and would really pissed if they cancel it.

But...the tee vee show is so frakking awesome! And Shirley Manson is like...the greatest Terminator ever. Well, ya know...Ahnold will always be number 101...haha, stupid little pun. It's not so much the actual Terminator aspect of her that i enjoy so much; it's the fact that her terminator character is having such trouble adapting to being human.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:48 AM

ok i retract that movie, ive never seen the whole movie. I just thought that since he said "it could happen" films i'd list it.

Ok, i get where you were going with that now. Haha. Yeah, it's an awesome movie though. Malcolm McDowell is one of my all-time favorite actors, both for that and Tank Girl, which is just one of the greatest movies ever. I mean, come on, he's the Water & Power guy who gets a holographic face and walks on broken glass with bare feet.

As far as 'it could happen' movies, nothing is better than the first two Mad Max movies. If you want hilarity in a 'horror' movie, watch Doomsday. It's a total cheap knock-off of Mad Max, but it's hilarious. They burn a guy, then chop him up and eat him, pretty graphically, off of blue paper plates. Then jump cuts to an effing joust.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:19 AM
'A Clockwork Orange' doesn't really fall into the categories that we're talking about. Stanley Kubrick films are a category all their own. Plus, the book was WAAAAAAY more of a mindf*ck than the movie.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Thu 03/19/09 05:50 AM

5:30...haven't slept yet...have to work later...i'm going to be screwed. Lol.
I'm glad I have no plans today.....I'll just take a nap later.... Sorry you have to work today.....don't fall asleep!!! How are you this VERY early morning????happy

I was watching my brother's baby, haha. The kid throws off my entire sleeping schedule because he's only 3 1/2 months, so he still wakes up during the night. It's probably better if i don't go to sleep before work, Oh well, i guess i'll just have to sleep when i get home from work.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Thu 03/19/09 02:31 AM
5:30...haven't slept yet...have to work later...i'm going to be screwed. Lol.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Mon 03/16/09 02:37 AM
I know ,the second to last episode was crap! Now they have to cram all this stuff into the series finale, and if they leave anything unanswered, i might go find Ronald Moore and David Eick and have a little chat with them. I was happy that they showed Zak Adama is one of the flashbacks though. =]

But, there is a movie in the works, there will also be a show called 'Caprica', and this was on the website.

'It was recently announced that sci-fi remake series Battlestar Galactica is getting a whole new spinoff prequel series called "Caprica." Signed on for twenty hours worth of finished product, including a two-hour pilot, the new series is to be set 50 years prior to Battlestar Galactica, and will focus on two rival families, the Graystones and the Adamas. '

There's going to be a lot more coming from these guys, don't worry. It's all going to be what happened before caprica was decimated, but it's all good. =]

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:21 PM
My favorite group growing up was the Ramones. That was my mom's fault. My dad listened to some of the worst stuff ever, but he all listened to some of the good stuff, like Quiet Riot, and i used to love playing his Led Zeppelin vinyl on the old record player we had. I would put it on, then just lay on the floor and groove. My mom used to tell me i should've been born in the seventies the way i acted with music when i was little.

Also loved the Violent Femmes[i could sing you all the words to Gone Daddy Gone by the time i was 5]. I love Gordon Gano, that tiny little man. Haha. Pearl Jam was another one.

I also grew up with my brother introducing me to stuff like Marilyn Manson[who i still listen to, on very rare occasions], and Bush[though now i do think that Gavin Rossdale is such a joke]. He also took me to a lot of local shows when i was younger, and most of the bands that played then no longer exist anymore, which sucks.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:06 PM
Alabama and Meatloaf. I'm 21, so whatever i'm supposed to be listening to is NOT that. I get it from my daddy, he used to play those all the time when we were growing up. Also, the soundtrack to 'Cocktail'. I hate the movie, but love the soundtrack.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:59 PM

I think the gut and blood spilling is really not scary anymore, neither the rotten faced ghost girl coming back from the well. They overdone it.

I got so many ideas for horror movies, and it doesn't come from something jumping at you or someone with a half decomposed body, but more like psychological.

I think real horror is like on the line of something that resembles reality and "it could happen" and less to do with the supernatural.

google "Elizabeth Bathory" and also try "Armin Meiwes"

If you really want a psychological horror movie, watch 3 EXTREMES. It's three different short films, one of which is directed by Takashi Miike, who directed the japanese version of 'One Missed Call', which is SOOOOOO much better than the american remake.

Also, they made a movie centered around the Elizabeth Bathory tale, it's called 'Stay Alive'. It's not all that great, but kind of funny to watch. The guy from the tv show, Heroes, is in the opening scene, and he's all geeked out, with long hair and glasses. It's amusing.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:46 PM
Treasure of the Sierra Madre. And Casablanca. And Rear Window. Pretty much anything with Humphrey Bogart or Carey Grant. Or James Stuart. or Grace Kelly.

More movies:
A Man For All Seasons
Seven Samurai[this movie is the original telling of The Magnificent Seven.]
The King and I[Yul Brynner version]
Breakfast At Tiffany's[of course!]
Dial M for Murder
High Society
It's a Wonderful Life

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 01:01 PM
Well, Diary of the Dead was his last film of the 'Dead' series. There will be no more. I mean, have you seen how old he is? Lol. But seriously, he's not making any more. I don't know if he's going to be making more films period, but no more Dead movies. Diary was pretty good, i did actually like it, but the standards were so high for it that it just fell so short of expectations. I personally like Dawn of the Dead best, the new one. The old one, it's really hard to get through the beginning to the good stuff. The new one, stuff is happening instantly.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Sat 03/14/09 12:57 PM
I love that show. I have the movie too. =]

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:09 PM

I was a huge fan of Firefly, unfortunately it only lasted 1 season. What series did you like that was canceled after 1 or 2 seasons?

Greatest tv show ever created, in my opinion.

If anybody is interested, they are thinking giving Joss Whedon the chance to tie up some loose ends that were left between the end of the first season and the movie 'Serenity'. There is a website that has a survey[totally legit, i promise! You don't even have to put your name to it.] to make the second season.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:03 PM

The typical child ghost revenge story is really played out.

The zombie genre is getting beat into the ground.

Horror remakes is another one that is getting old really fast.

But...but...but...Zombies are the greatest thing ever! And there are so many different ways and plagues for the Zombie Apocalypse to begin! I mean, granted, George Romero fell way short of the mark with Diary of the Dead[his last and final movie in the 'Dead' series], but still! Zombies are awesome!

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:00 PM
Battlestar Galactica!

Second best tv show ever made.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:55 PM

Are you afraid of what your friends will think of you if you tell them you listen to GWAR?

No. It was a joke.

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:53 PM
Day Tripper. It's really the only Beatles song i like, actually...

SamanthaMarie's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:51 PM
Just most Dream Theater in general.