Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:36 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 11/06/09 06:37 PM
It's quite obvious you didn't even bother to check out any of the videos i linked you to..

greed yes.. but greed set up by the fiddling with the market in the name of social engineering.

social engineering gone horribly afoul..

and the ones that caused it point the fingers at the ones who threw up the warning signs.. warning signs that were outright ignored..

Pelosi, Frank and other House Democrats had plenty of opportunity to get on board and help put the brakes on the runaway train but they kept shoveling coal on the fire instead, calling the brakemen racist..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:32 PM

"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care."

Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat.

And this is my problem how?

Excuse me? You aren't the only person in this country that pays taxes. And I do not think I was addressing you, so buzz off!

so explain to me why i should pay more taxes so you can have healthcare.

I do not have to explain anything, I suggest if you do not like it then stop paying. Or buck it up.

Not taking sides in this particular arguement..

but a question if you would so endulge me:

To how much of another's prosperity are you entitled so that you might enjoy a comfortable life?

Well since the top 1% wealthiest people in the US own more total wealth than the combined wealth of 95% of the people in the US, I would say them SOB's better start kickin' in. drinker

"start kickin' in?"

Are you kidding me? The top percentile already covers way over half the federal tax reciepts.. and they don't just swim in the rest.. it's mostly invested throughout the market so that other people and small businesses have access to money to borrow and banks have money to lend..

get off your populist bent..

I don't want to be on a "fixed income". I want to be able to earn more someday than I do today..

populism results in stagnation.

self reliance results in growth.. of the self, of the family, of the community...

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:27 PM

"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care."

Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat.

And this is my problem how?

Excuse me? You aren't the only person in this country that pays taxes. And I do not think I was addressing you, so buzz off!

so explain to me why i should pay more taxes so you can have healthcare.

I do not have to explain anything, I suggest if you do not like it then stop paying. Or buck it up.

Not taking sides in this particular arguement..

but a question if you would so endulge me:

To how much of another's prosperity are you entitled so that you might enjoy a comfortable life?

"Comfortable"? Are you kidding me? By not dying because someone gets a needed medical treatment is "comfortable"?noway

So someone gets sick and needs to seek medical treatment, you think that most people do not deserve to get better just as you? You think you are better than the person next to you? I bet it must be hard to look at yourself in the mirror everyday.

non-responsive.. you didn't answer the question

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:20 PM

This CRAP you are reading in the OP are the last gasps of a failed Republican Party.

They know that when this passes, they are doomed! laugh

They are fighting tooth and nail to oppose anything that looks like reform.

you know, it's funny. From the middle, I see the exact opposite. I see a democratic party drunk with power and bickering over every little ounce of what they want, while the republicans have something to unify themselves against.

The democrats currently have the power to pass anything they want, but they have not. That should be telling you something.

Right! and they insist on dragging a couple of "Republicans" along so that they can make the claim that it's a "bipartisan" effort.. all for the sole purpose of giving themselves cover in the next election cycle...

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:17 PM

"The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care."

Um what health care? I am one of those folks that have none. You know, along with the millions of other americans in the same boat.

And this is my problem how?

Excuse me? You aren't the only person in this country that pays taxes. And I do not think I was addressing you, so buzz off!

so explain to me why i should pay more taxes so you can have healthcare.

I do not have to explain anything, I suggest if you do not like it then stop paying. Or buck it up.

Not taking sides in this particular arguement..

but a question if you would so endulge me:

To how much of another's prosperity are you entitled so that you might enjoy a comfortable life?

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:02 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 11/06/09 06:07 PM

Then why, in the latest polls, do 75% of the American people want to have the choice of a PUBLIC OPTION? drinker

what poll? Show me... drinker

The CNN poll showed that people favoring a public option jumped from 65% in August to 75% in October, while people opposing the public option decreased from 35% in August to 25% in October.

The CBS/New York Times poll from late October also showed people favoring the public option rebounding to 75%, up from the summer low of 65%. While opposition dramatically weakened to only 26% of Americans opposing the public option, compared to 34% who opposed it in August.

You better get with the program and quit supporting the INSURANCE Companies! drinker

no link? no demographics? no methodology?

I bet I could design a poll that would show you 85% of people would be willing to let me put a .45 to their brainstem and pull the trigger..

It's all in how you ask it and to whom you ask it..

how many people in this poll? a couple thousand?

where was the poll taken? downtown Detroit? The CNN pressroom? A homeless shelter?

come on..

if the statement is "if I have a choice..." maybe sure plenty might see it as a good idea

if the statement is "you have no choice but to enroll through us..", I'm certain you'll get a different response..

Can you afford $15,000 per year in insurance?

Would you rather go to jail?

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 05:54 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 11/06/09 06:14 PM

Freddie Mac posts $5 billion loss

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE - News; NYSE:FRE - News), the second largest provider of U.S. residential mortgage funding, on Friday posted a loss of $5 billion in the third quarter and predicted it would need more government support amid a "prolonged deterioration" in housing.

Increases in the value of securities Freddie Mac held over the period helped buoy its net worth, however, erasing its need to tap government funds for a second straight quarter to stay solvent while continuing to buy and guarantee home loans.

Including a $1.3 billion dividend payment on senior preferred stock bought by the Treasury in previous quarters, Freddie Mac's third-quarter loss increases to $6.3 billion.

The home funding company's loss comes amid a rise in provisions for credit losses to $7.6 billion in the quarter, up 46 percent compared with the previous quarter, as delinquencies worsened on loans it guarantees. Provisions will remain high this quarter, it added.

"I would say we are just beginning to see the impact of the chargeoffs on their guarantee book," said Janaki Rao, vice president of mortgage research at Morgan Stanley in New York.

Its larger rival Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM - News; NYSE:FNM - News) on Thursday said it would need $15 billion from the U.S. Treasury after a whopping $18.9 billion third-quarter loss.

Results at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are widely watched as a barometer of the U.S. housing market since they own or back nearly half of outstanding mortgages.

The losses have presented a dilemma to Congress as it wants to protect taxpayers' money but is also counting on the companies to undertake foreclosure prevention efforts which are significantly adding to expenses.

In order to ease the terms of loans under the Obama administration's Making Home Affordable refinancing program, the companies must buy the mortgages out of securities, and write down their value. Seeking alternatives to foreclosures also means bad loans sit on their books longer.

Despite signs of recovery in home sales and prices, rising delinquencies and unemployment levels mean the housing market is still fragile, Freddie said. High unemployment, foreclosures and excess inventory will impede the recovery "for some time" and push house prices lower, the company said.

This means that Freddie Mac's survival will continue to depend on support from the government, which forced the company and Fannie Mae into conservatorship in September 2008.

Freddie Mac has taken $51.7 billion since then while Fannie Mae's draw will rise to $60.9 billion.

For Freddie Mac, "the positive net worth without the help from the Treasury is significant, but it is too early to say whether an end to conservatorship is ahead," Rao said.

Starting in 2010, the company will begin accounting for $1.8 trillion in mortgage-backed securities it guarantees on its balance sheet to meet new guidelines. This will increase interest income and interest expenses, and could have a significant negative impact on net worth, it said.

Shares of Freddie Mac were flat at $1.23 in light after-hours trading following the results.

Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION"

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell

Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis.

Democrats LIE about ECONOMIC Bailout - video of Barney Frank DOING NOTHING ABOUT BANKING CRISIS then pointing fingers at Republicans

Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

Watch out! You might get what you're after!
Cool Baby! Strange but not a stranger.
I. am. an. or_di_na_ry guy.. Burnin Down the House!

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 05:03 PM

Then why, in the latest polls, do 75% of the American people want to have the choice of a PUBLIC OPTION? drinker

what poll? Show me... drinker

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:59 PM
<---------Is wondering what modern application leaches have besides catching catfish...

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:58 PM
PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail
JCT Confirms Failure to Comply with Democrats’ Mandate Can Lead to 5 Years in Jail

Friday, November 06, 2009

Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”

Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below:

“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]

- - - - - - - - - -

“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2]

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“Criminal penalties

Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:

• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.

• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]

When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail.

“The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp.

According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.


raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:54 PM
Remarks Before the Rules Committee, H.R. 3962 and the Republican Alternative, "Common Sense Health Care Reforms and Affordability Act"
Friday, November 06, 2009

(Remarks as Prepared)

Madame Chairman,

The people have spoken: they do not want a trillion-dollar government plan to replace their health care. Republicans have listened to the American people; it is clear from the Speaker’s health care bill, H.R. 3962, the Democratic majority has not.

The bill Speaker Pelosi crafted over the last three months, behind closed doors – which doubled in size from 1,000 pages to 2,000 pages – will do lasting damage to our economy, medical innovation, and heap mountains of additional debt on our children and grandchildren, especially when combined with an unpaid for bill to address the flawed Medicare physician payment system.

This bill will kill American jobs. Using methodology developed by the President’s top economic advisor, this bill could cause us to lose another 5 million jobs, something we can’t afford to do when our unemployment rate just reached 10.2% and shows no signs of improvement.

The Democrats’ bill will cut Medicare – by up to one-half trillion dollars, which will harm the health care 11 million seniors currently have and like.

The Democrats’ bill will pile debt on our children.

The Democrats’ bill will increase the federal commitment to health care by $600 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office. And an earlier report by the non-partisan Medicare actuary confirmed that the bill approved by Ways and Means would bend the curve upward, meaning health care would consume an even faster-rising share of our economy.

Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag has stated that, “The single most important thing we can do to improve the long-term fiscal health of our nation is slow the growth rate in health care costs.”

If the Budget Director is to be believed, then the worst thing we could do for our nation’s long-term fiscal health is to increase the growth rate in health care costs by enacting the Speaker’s health care bill.

The Democrats’ bill will raise taxes by over $700 billion. Many of those tax increases will hit families with incomes below $250,000, something the President has repeatedly promised he would not do.

The Democrats’ bill will use federal funds to pay for abortions.

The Democrats’ bill will allow taxpayer money to subsidize health insurance for millions of illegal immigrants.

I share the commitment of each of the Members on the panel here today that we must do something to make our health care system better and more efficient. But the solution put forward by the Majority’s deep flaws make it one I cannot support.

Republicans have a better solution and I am here to let the American people know, and urge the Rules Committee to make in order for the purposes of a substitute, the House Republican alternative to this government takeover of health care.

Let’s be clear about the Republican bill: it delivers what the American people want – lower health care costs.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Republican health care reforms would reduce premiums by up to 3 percent for Americans who get insurance through a large business, up to 8 percent for Americans without employer sponsored insurance, and up to 10 percent for those working for a small business (50 or fewer employees). CBO has not made a claim that the Democrats’ bill would lower premiums.

The Republican bill will significantly reduce health care premiums, insures millions of Americans, guarantees those with pre-existing conditions have access to quality, affordable health care and does all of this without raising taxes, without spending $1 trillion we don’t have, without cutting Medicare and without putting some new Health Czar in between doctors and patients, which is what the Democrat majority does in their government takeover bill.

Americans’ health care is too important and too complex to risk on Democrats gamble. Instead, Republicans are promoting a step-by-step approach to comprehensive health care reform, and the first step is to make health insurance affordable for families, affordable for small businesses and affordable for America.

Finally, unlike the Democrat plan that increases taxes almost immediately but delays health reforms for several years, the Republican plan will immediately begin to lower costs.

Madame Chairman, clearly the bill offered by the Speaker is not what the American people want. Americans are clamoring for lower cost health care and that is what the Republican plan offers – lower costs health care without tax increases, without Medicare cuts, without adding to the deficit and without eliminating jobs.


raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:32 PM

Even I will admit that was in poor taste.....but most must realize that he might have done that due to he don't write his speech's. As well as to the fact the intentions were to get the small stuff out of the way quick then focus on what happen. No one is perfect not even the President and his speech writer.

No matter what we do it is bound to upset someone.....whoa slaphead

he also doesn't speak from his heart.. if he spoke from his heart he runs the risk of letting the cat out of the bag, that he doesn't give a cold dog turn about out military, that he doesn't give two cold dog turds about stimulating growth, he doesn't give three cold dog turds about protecting our image overseas.

all he cares about is trashing us overseas, dismantling and inhibiting our military, destroying its morale, stoking the flames of racism and wiping out the private sector of the economy..

every move he's made for a solid year now has been to those ends..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:26 PM

Companies have cut back on staff and found they could do without them. Productivity has increased because everyone is working harder. So since productivity has increased, companies are saying "What the heck, why hire now? Let's wait until the economy turns around."

Trouble is, the economy won't turn around until the Companies start hiring again.

It's a viscious circle. slaphead

companies are having trouble hiring because they are having trouble keeping business..

All this bail out business and the picking and choosing that the stimulus bill has built into it has everybody guessing who's gonna get bailed out next and who's in line for the next round of stimulus money..

I still say that if they had just come in and put a temporary halt to income taxes and capital gains taxes and actually encouraged growth, rather than discouraging it, the breaks might have been put on the downward slide a long time ago.. and yes, I'm refering both to Bush and Obama..

Too big to fail means 'monopoly'.. banks go down all the time..

If they had just let the fire cleanse the forest, growth would be on the way by now..

instead, still have ever increasing unemployment and now they're telling us to get used to it, that it'll be around for a while..

anyone remember when unemployment was down around 4-5% and the media was all telling us about the recession we were in..

Bush's 4-5% looking pretty good right about now..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:05 PM

all i know is i need to get a bullet proof jacket...NO ONE IS SAFE. We can't think that one man in a pretty white house is going to protect any of us when he is to busy protecting his image.

bullet proof vests aren't all that hard to breech.. they have their weak points..

even so, I don't wait for anyone in any house other than my own to look out for me.. be it this president, the last president or any other president..

Part of living in a free society is the responsibility of being self reliant.. and not waiting for someone else to look out for you.

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 02:07 PM

this is like a suacide bombing exept it is suicide attack with guns. not the first one in the us. here are some other american suacide shooting rampages known or likely linked to is Islamic extreemism 1997 empire state building 1 dead, 2002 LAX shooting 2 dead, 2003 camp PA. shooting 2 dead*, 2006 seattle jewish federation shooting 1 dead* 2007 trolley square mall shooting 5 dead, and fort hood shooting 12+ dead.
*:perpatraitor survived
note: death toals do NOT include attackers

so should we make a big deal out of all the Christians that go on shooting rampages??? In this country they far out number isolated incidents perpetrated by those in the islamic community
:thumbsup: I think you may be right.:thumbsup: I seen on the news today that a man with a christian name shot 5 people in Florida:cry:

any reports of his yelling religious sayings while doing his killing? or that his actions were motivated by his religious beliefs?

That's the difference..

so quick, you are, to assume another's meaning..
:smile: Does it make it worse what a person shouts when he shoots a bunch of people?:smile: I think the finger pulling the trigger is what was killing people rather than the words of a disturbed individual:smile:

goes to motive..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 01:13 PM

this is like a suacide bombing exept it is suicide attack with guns. not the first one in the us. here are some other american suacide shooting rampages known or likely linked to is Islamic extreemism 1997 empire state building 1 dead, 2002 LAX shooting 2 dead, 2003 camp PA. shooting 2 dead*, 2006 seattle jewish federation shooting 1 dead* 2007 trolley square mall shooting 5 dead, and fort hood shooting 12+ dead.
*:perpatraitor survived
note: death toals do NOT include attackers

so should we make a big deal out of all the Christians that go on shooting rampages??? In this country they far out number isolated incidents perpetrated by those in the islamic community
:thumbsup: I think you may be right.:thumbsup: I seen on the news today that a man with a christian name shot 5 people in Florida:cry:

any reports of his yelling religious sayings while doing his killing? or that his actions were motivated by his religious beliefs?

That's the difference..

so quick, you are, to assume another's meaning..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 12:40 PM
yes, we know.. there have been many references in the already-existing threads on the Ft Hood subject..

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 12:22 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 11/06/09 12:44 PM
from American Heritage Dictionary

psychopath n 1. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one mainfested in aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior.

No where in this definition is there any indicant that the person isn't or cannot be held accountable for his behaviour or not being in his right mind.

nice try.. next.

and are you really asserting that Maj Hasan should not be held to account for his actions?? really????

roflmao, you take the cake man...

By the very definition of the term "psychopath" a person who suffers from this affliction can not be held accountable because he is not in his right frame of mind!

The media are reporting he was from a Jordanian Palestinian origin.
He was going to be deployed to Iraq and he did not want to go . Also his entourage people were teasing him constantly about being Muslim .
Also the media are reporting an increase in the military suicide, family violence and abuse and post stress crap.......etc .

The Military as a whole has a new policy where the are downsizing servicemembers throughout every branch. One of the quotes for a source in Washington stated "Servicemembers are and continue to be our greatest expense, every one we can downsize frees up money to be spent elsewhere" well what this is causing is them overworking Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen. Pushing them to work 18+ hours a day and often not in a job that they are remotely qualified for. Causing accidents, and soldiers to completely burn-out. I think this is an EXTREME case of burnout, but I still blame Washington, and the money grubbing bean counters there.

yeah you're so right!

None of the blame should be place on the a-hole who strapped a couple pistols to his belt and walked into the processing center, yelling Allahu Ackbar! and started shooing up the place..

yepp.. not his fault.. people were teasing him..

not his fault.. washington is "downsizing" the military (Shades of the Clinton, anyone?)

not his fault.. he was forced to see all those casualties from overseas..

not his fault.. his mommy didn't love him enough..

not his fault.. he grew up in a socio-economically depressed area..

not his fault.. his high school baseball coach cut him from the team..

not his fault.. his girlfriend dumped him before prom..

not his fault.. he sat in his room playing World of Warcraft 16 hours a day..

not his fault.. blah blah blah blah..

When are violent psychopaths ever held responisble for their actions?

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 12:06 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Fri 11/06/09 12:07 PM

The media are reporting he was from a Jordanian Palestinian origin.
He was going to be deployed to Iraq and he did not want to go . Also his entourage people were teasing him constantly about being Muslim .
Also the media are reporting an increase in the military suicide, family violence and abuse and post stress crap.......etc .

The Military as a whole has a new policy where the are downsizing servicemembers throughout every branch. One of the quotes for a source in Washington stated "Servicemembers are and continue to be our greatest expense, every one we can downsize frees up money to be spent elsewhere" well what this is causing is them overworking Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen. Pushing them to work 18+ hours a day and often not in a job that they are remotely qualified for. Causing accidents, and soldiers to completely burn-out. I think this is an EXTREME case of burnout, but I still blame Washington, and the money grubbing bean counters there.

yeah you're so right!

None of the blame should be place on the a-hole who strapped a couple pistols to his belt and walked into the processing center, yelling Allahu Ackbar! and started shooing up the place..

yepp.. not his fault.. people were teasing him..

not his fault.. washington is "downsizing" the military (Shades of the Clinton, anyone?)

not his fault.. he was forced to see all those casualties from overseas..

not his fault.. his mommy didn't love him enough..

not his fault.. he grew up in a socio-economically depressed area..

not his fault.. his high school baseball coach cut him from the team..

not his fault.. his girlfriend dumped him before prom..

not his fault.. he sat in his room playing World of Warcraft 16 hours a day..

not his fault.. blah blah blah blah..

When are violent psychopaths ever held responisble for their actions?

I didn't say it gave him an excuse to do those things, but go over to Iraq, stay for a couple of tours, then spout off.

yeah, hey thanks smart guy.. I tried.. they won't let me.. I had a slightly asthmatic childhood, though I grew out of it, and have flat feet.. though either don't really affect me that much

I could have lied my way through MEPS, covered up my medical history like the sh!thole staff sergeant recruiters told me to but I didn't feel like risking my Constitutional rights for the rest of my life on a dishonorable medical discharge..

but thanks for playing..

As for Maj Hasan.. if his name had been McVeigh or Smith as Martha Raddatz wishes, All we'd be hearing about would how he was right-wing terrorist and how we've gotta be on the look out for these right wing extremists..

But noooooo... his name is Middle Eastern and he's a muslim who sympathises with the enemy.. (which has nothing to do with it, I'm sure)

:smile: The "muslim extremists" ARE right-wing terrorists:smile:

Their "right wingers" make our right wingers look pretty tame.
:smile: The right wing factions of every culture tends to be hostile to the percieved liberalism of other cultures.:smile:

Well there sure isn't a shortage of liberals herelaugh

laugh laugh Now that is a fact they cannot dispute:thumbsup:

:smile: The Middle-East needs more liberalism in their societies.:smile:The liberal muslim countries such as AbuDhabi are prosperous and beautiful places.:smile:

:smile: The liberals of different societies tend to live in peace with each other,while the conservatives of different societies tend to make war upon each other.:smile:

Sorry you feel this way, and I completely disagree with you.

What's really sad is you were the first one to make this a political argument. Instead of refraining and showing your disdain for conservatives, you chose to go that route instead of noting the deaths that just occurred by a cold blooded killer.

Nice moveslaphead

I;m a conservative. I make no attempt to diguise that.. but my conservatism has nothing to do with religion. not a thing.

Liberalism does not equate to tolerance

Conservatism does not equate to extremism

and no amount of empty headed howling will make it otherwise.

I no more identify with the "God hates fags" church in Kansas, whatever they call themselves, than I do with the Trinity United Black Liberation Theology Church. Both preach intolerance and intolerance I reject, no matter which side of the spectrum it comes from..

And there's at least as much intolerance on the Left as there is on the Right..

It's tolerance that allows people to live in people, in coexistence.

Stating that "Liberalism" tends to peace as "Conservatism" tends to voilence is a gross over-simplification.. and a sophomoric, ideolgically-driven, hyperpartisan way of thinking..

thanks for helping establish a middle ground slaphead

raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 11/06/09 10:22 AM

A person ought to have an inner conscience to follow and not follow orders from any superior . Politicians come with absurd and unfair decisions of life and deaths . Some folks use their brains and refuse unfair orders and some just keep on following them .
We are all different . I personally answer only to my conscience regardless to what others say .

That's a convenience a soldier doesn't enjoy..

when you raise your hand and swear your oath to the Constitution, you don't have that right anymore..

the only order a soldier is obliged not to follow is an unlawful one. Being deployed to a war zone doesn't fit that description..

You follow your conscience.. Soldiers follow lawful orders from superior officers..

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