Topic: Lost and found
Born1976's photo
Mon 01/22/07 07:33 PM
We lose our minds,
Finding ourselves being lost in time,
We lose our hearts,
Finding ourselves searching for the next,
Only to be found,
By someone better known as a hound,
Hurting, searhing, relentless,
Restless are we all,
Lost and then found,
Our hearts broken,
Torn to pieces,
Our minds hinding the memories,
Of what was and what is,
The past, present, and future,
We as a human race,
Have no place to go,
When you come face to face,
With our deepest fear,
A tear,
Not of joy, nor of heartache,
But of the feeling deep inside of only wanting to be pronounce,
Found, no longer lost,
In the endless sea of lust,
In fact we are tired of being left for the dust,
To callect on our sorrows,
rotting in our borrows,
I say to thee where are you my hound,
My princess, my fair lady,
Allow me to find thee,
For i am lost without thee.

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:03 PM
agree...we're all searching for the better half 'cause without that
special one we are but only a ahlf