Topic: honestly what do u think...
jen36's photo
Fri 09/08/06 06:51 PM
Even though we have never met,
I feel a bond between us.
A bond that should have taken years to build,
Yet was built in a month or two.
A bond that lifelong friends should have,
Although most never do.
A bond that I am glad to share with you...
My Friend and Confidant.

You are not here in body and soul,
But as a lighted rectangle.
You come to me every day as
A message on my screen,
A message that I can rely on
To cheer me up and make my day.
Through a keyboard we share
Our ups and downs.

I have opened my inner self to you,
And you have to me as well.
We have traded secrets and laughs,
As well as sorrows and pain.
I have never met you, but feel as if
I have known you most of my life.
To most this might sound silly,
But I assure them, it is not.

Jimatthebeach's photo
Fri 09/08/06 07:34 PM
I have a lot of thought on this one. People a lot of the time are not
what they appear to be. Yes, many people can write a good email, extend
the truth, be the person you'd much rather wake up next to... But...
Unfortunately, the one you have bonded with via email, PM's, I'Ms, etc.
is also in the same damn boat as you... Missing something in their heart
and soul and reaching out for it... So... The bottom line, the Vegas
odds.. I'd say ( after many hours of experience) It's about 50/50... You
never know when your soulmate walks or, in this case, writes, into your
life..... Good luck.... Roll the dice...

And always remember to smile. :-)

SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:08 PM
I didn't read all that crap

gterry05's photo
Fri 09/08/06 08:22 PM
Here is what I think,

I believe If someone makes you laugh,smile,cry,if they bring you outside
yourself and make your day,night,whatever better than thats great!
You know, I don't know if I will meet the "one",via message but I don't
know that I won't. What I do know is when I chat with someone I click
with, its really fun, and it'nt that what it is all about???
You know the people that I am talking with may very well be lying and
how would I know if they were? You know, I don't evenn think about it
cause if they are than I feel sorry for them.

All I can do is be real and honest, and if thats not what the other is
doing in time just like in real life true colors will show!! Maybe I am
a fool, A man that has long shot dreams,but I believe love true love has
no bounderies.. No matter how bad you want it to happen, or how bad you
dont want it to happen,no matter where you are at
work,school,car,park,club,church,walking,running,COMPUTER, ect.If
it's meant to happen than it will!! Until then, have fun...