Topic: Good one for
Hoss34's photo
Wed 02/21/07 01:06 AM
Its a long one but its a good one...

So theres a 14 yr old boy and his dad, and they're sittin on the couch
watching a football game and the Dad pops open a beer. Well of course
his son ask, "hey dad you think I can get one of those?" And the Dad
replies"Well son that depends does your **** reach your asshole?" and
the son says "well no". "well then theres your answer!"

The boy is now 16 yrs old, and him and his dad are out on a fishing
trip. Again his dad pops open a beer, and again his son ask, "Hey dad
you think I can get one of those?" and again his father replies "well
that depends son, does your **** reach asshole?". "NO!" his son replies.
"Well then theres your answer."

The boy turns 18 yrs old and his dad decides to take him on this elk
hunting trip. while they're both sittin around the fire the dad pops
open a beer. And the son says "Look Dad, Im 18, I just inlisted in the
army, I could die for my country, legally I am an adult in the eyes of
the law, can I PLEASE have a beer." The dad replies again with"That
depends son does you **** reach your asshole?" and the son yells out
"NO!". "Well then there's your answer!"

So the boy is really pissed off at this point and storms off into the
woods and trips over this large suit case. He brings it back to the camp
fire and opens it. Inside is one million dollars. The father looks over
and ask "hey son, you going to share any of that with me?" and the son
replies with "Well that depends Dad does you **** reach you asshole?"
"Well as a matter of fact it does!" And the son blurts out" Well then
good you can GO **** YOURSELF!"

goosefraba's photo
Wed 02/21/07 01:14 AM
that was funny as hell lol lmao roflmao

Hotchikita's photo
Wed 02/21/07 01:17 AM
lol,I'll have to telle my fiance that one he will like it.