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Topic: fate?
crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:13 AM
ok ive got a question for you all to ponder many of you think
that our actions choices and situations are predestined to happen? Do
you believe in fate? Does everything happen for a reason? Just let me
know what you think....i know the answer already!!!!!!This one should be
good Kev!!!!!

shenadra's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:16 AM
Well, personally, I think that everything happens for a reason. The
choices you make in life could possibly be predetermined, but I am not
too sure I beleive that.
I think that there are two roads. The choices you make put you on one of
these two roads. If you make the wrong decision, you have to deal with
the consequences.
But that is something I have pondered over, and still ponder over. One
day I will find the answer that is right for me.flowerforyou

beachgirl103's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:19 AM
I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. It kind of
gives us a reason why bad things happen to good people. It also gives me
an excuse for all the dumb stuff I have done, because if I had never
done them I might not be the lovely person I am today or have my
beautiful children.

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:26 AM
yoyu can call it fate or carma it happens

crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:52 AM
so each of you believe that the choices that we make are the ones we
were meant to make.....and karma is so different than fate

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:54 AM
I don't believe in it. I think the whole concept of fate or karma or
whatever is just a manifestation of people's inherent need to try to
impose an anthropocentric system of order on things they can't control
or understand. Life is intrinsically random and chaotic, and that
scares people. They want to believe there's a "reason" or a "purpose"
because they find comfort in this idea.

It's really no different than thousands of years ago, when many people
believed that the sun moving across the sky was actually Apollo flying
by in his chariot....people create explanations for those things they
can't understand....

I really don't think there is any "reason" to anything, other than that
which we arbitrarily ascribe to it....

Lostgurl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:54 AM
Well if everything i do is predetermined...somebody played a cruel joke

shenadra's photo
Fri 03/02/07 05:54 AM
Yes, I do beleive that.

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:00 AM
i believe that we were meant to make our own decisions and karma was
meant to influnce them. if u rob a bank knowing youll get caught would
ya do it?

Lostgurl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:01 AM
Good point!!

crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:01 AM
you people arent getting it
everything is predestined
for example you could pick this choice or the other ok!
the one you chose was predetermined or you would have chose the other
one....think about it

Lostgurl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:02 AM
So that would mean people are born to either be...for lack of better
wording...good or bad?..meaning some are predestined to choose
poorly??.....i think that is never predestined

crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:05 AM
i didnt say our characters were predetermined but they probably are...i
said our actions are predetermined

crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:05 AM
good point though

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:05 AM
if your going to tell us were not getting it why ask us what we think?

Lostgurl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:07 AM
Bur doesnt our actions determine our character...i mean i loveeeee sex
but i dun stand on a street corner yanno? LOL

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:08 AM
I think the problem with the idea of "predestination" is that it
requires someone or something to do the "predestinating" -- and now
we're back in the realm of superstition, or religion, which is really
the same thing but with a better funding structure. Not saying that it
couldn't be that way, I'm just saying there's no demonstrable evidence
to support it.

Also, predestination would mean that there really is no such thing as
free will, which opens up some major cans of worms if you believe in a
God who rewards and punishes based on one's individual actions....

crazysillygirl's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:10 AM
oh no there is free will
we freely make choices but the ones we make are predestined or we would
have chosen the other choice

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:14 AM
That's an internal contradiction. If the choices are predestined, then
we inherently cannot have free will -- the "choice" we think we are
making has already been made! -- long before we reach the point where we
are faced with it. If it's predestined, then the "choice" is simply an
illusion on our part, and we're following a predetermined script. There
is no free will in that scenario, just an illusion of free will.

Kevology's photo
Fri 03/02/07 01:48 PM
Oooooh. Mind if I sit here and listen? smokin This is a good one,

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