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Topic: Do you believe in Long Distance Love
Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:48 PM
It is good to see you posting again we miss you Bored:smile:

wanttachat's photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:48 PM
yes i do cause mt brother met a gal online she lives in Hong Kong thay talked alot and well they got married in sept 2006 unforunatly they are still waiting on her to full fill her contract with her job.

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:49 PM
LOL snuggles. I would have to get to know him more in person. Things are so much different online most of the time. Then to get to know the person you have to see them often.

You really know people when you get in that move-in stage and live together noway LOL you find out things you didn't want to know when you do

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:52 PM
ahhhhhh that is why you take your time talking, and realize that yes there are going to be differences but if your love is true and strong built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and communcation then you can make it.........:smile:

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:52 PM
Thanks everyone for so many different view on the matter of long distance relationships. I have had mixed emotions when it came to that subject. But now I've decided it could work with the right person.

Cali66's photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:55 PM
NO! You dont know someone truly tell u are with them basically each day. When distance isnt a issue and u can at will spend time together, THEN things might not seem so wonderful. People people people. I believe it is possible to have a connection with someone over the net, phone etc.. Isnt a base or foundation for a life together. Its a beginning, and without having the ability to use all ur senses, how can it be love?
Its one thing to have been living and married with someone for many years then ur job takes u away for periods at a time. Even with that dedicated built love, even then it is difficult to keep things together when ur relationship is from a phone. I just dont get how people think they can love someone that they havent spent any physical time with, or very little. Love is something that is felt after knowing someone, who they are, how they look after biting a lemon. Knowing how they pull a shirt over there head. Knowing they will leave u a wonderful note in the am b4 they go to work. Love is not words, THATS LUST! Seriously how can u claim love when u dont know them. ::puzzled look::

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 05:44 PM
snuggles love is COMPLEX. It's not that simple. It sounds buttery and nice statements like "If your heart connects online then it will work out." But it's not always a reality laugh

There are some cases it has worked and many cases it hasn't.

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 05:45 PM
Cali you have some good points. Especially in the 2nd paragraph.

Roxxxie5's photo
Sun 08/19/07 05:46 PM
I use to think that it was possible..but i dont know anymore..mabe temporarily but this is wat i beleive is the "reality" of the long distance thing...u dont see wat the other person REALLY does each day...and alot of times..even tho we dont like this..if someone closer comes along they could get together with them..and we might even choose someone we meet closer too if we are honest with ourselves. I think its easier to maintain a "long distance" thing cuz we dont have to INTERACT in person each day which is really hard but also can be really great..phone calls..internet stuff..its all um..just typing and calling..the real thing is the ones that are in front of u...and sometimes when we think we are "In Love" long distance and we hang out with the person for real for a while..that magical thing disappears cuz we get to know the real them..does this make sense?? I just like being near the one i care about..and i feel ridiculous missing someone thats 1000 miles away........wow..thats the most ive ever written on here..lol..Roxxx out-

mishaellyn's photo
Sun 08/19/07 06:48 PM
I believe you can make it work. If you truly care about each other, you will do what you can do to make it work.

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