Topic: Separation of Church and State ?
Giocamo's photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:58 AM
my friend Walter E. Williams us at it again...the condensed version...for your reading pleasure...

School boards have recently banned songs and music containing references to Santa Claus, Jesus and other religious Christmas symbols. A public school teacher is suing his district and principal for barring him from using excerpts from historical documents in his classroom because they contain references to God and Christianity. The historical documents in question are: the Declaration of Independence and "The Rights of the Colonists" by John Adams.
Eugene, Oregon's City Manager Jim Johnson banned Christmas trees and holiday decorations with religious themes from public spaces giving as his reason the need to "put a neutral face on a religious holiday in the workplace." A float proclaiming "Merry Christmas" was banned from Denver's Parade of Lights.

Under the pretense of the First Amendment's prohibitions against "establishment of religion" and the court's bogus "separation of church and state" interpretation of the same, we're witnessing a part of the ongoing attack on American values. The Constitution's "establishment of religion" clause was written to prevent the formation of anything similar to the official Church of England in the United States.

So why the attack on religion? Read the Declaration of Independence. You'll read phrases such as: "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights", "Laws of Nature and Nature's God," and "appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world." The vision held by the Framers is that our rights come not from government but from a "Creator" or "the laws of nature and of nature's God." That means the purpose and power of government is rightfully limited to protecting our natural God-given rights.

The idea that government doesn't grant rights is offensive to those who wish to control our lives. Therefore, to gain greater control, the idea of natural rights, God-given rights and Christian values must be suppressed. The idea that rights precede government was John Locke's natural law philosophy that had a significant influence on our nation's founders but they chose to refer to natural law as rights endowed by the Creator.

The attack on Christian ideas and Christian public displays is part and parcel of the leftist control agenda in another way. Certain components of the leftist agenda requires that our primary allegiance be with government. As such there must be an attack on allegiances to the teachings of the church and family. After all, for example, if you want popular acceptance of homosexual marriages, there must be a campaign against church teachings that condemn such practices.

Embolden by their successes in the courts and intimidation of public officials, there's no question there will be other leftist demands; there's no logical end point except complete Christian capitulation. There are Christian symbols and exhibits in many Washington, D.C. government buildings that will come down such as: Moses with the Ten Commandments inside the U.S. Supreme Court, George Washington praying in the Capitol Building, Abraham Lincoln's speech mentioning God carved inside the Lincoln Memorial.
If leftists say they have no such intention to go after television, radio and other public expressions of Christianity, what they really mean is that they haven't softened us up enough yet. I'm not quite sure of just how we respond to the ongoing attack on Christianity and American values but we'd better do something quickly....

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 12:58 PM

my friend Walter E. Williams us at it again...the condensed version...for your reading pleasure...

School boards have recently banned songs and music containing references to Santa Claus, Jesus and other religious Christmas symbols. A public school teacher is suing his district and principal for barring him from using excerpts from historical documents in his classroom because they contain references to God and Christianity. The historical documents in question are: the Declaration of Independence and "The Rights of the Colonists" by John Adams.
Eugene, Oregon's City Manager Jim Johnson banned Christmas trees and holiday decorations with religious themes from public spaces giving as his reason the need to "put a neutral face on a religious holiday in the workplace." A float proclaiming "Merry Christmas" was banned from Denver's Parade of Lights.

Under the pretense of the First Amendment's prohibitions against "establishment of religion" and the court's bogus "separation of church and state" interpretation of the same, we're witnessing a part of the ongoing attack on American values. The Constitution's "establishment of religion" clause was written to prevent the formation of anything similar to the official Church of England in the United States.

So why the attack on religion? Read the Declaration of Independence. You'll read phrases such as: "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights", "Laws of Nature and Nature's God," and "appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world." The vision held by the Framers is that our rights come not from government but from a "Creator" or "the laws of nature and of nature's God." That means the purpose and power of government is rightfully limited to protecting our natural God-given rights.

The idea that government doesn't grant rights is offensive to those who wish to control our lives. Therefore, to gain greater control, the idea of natural rights, God-given rights and Christian values must be suppressed. The idea that rights precede government was John Locke's natural law philosophy that had a significant influence on our nation's founders but they chose to refer to natural law as rights endowed by the Creator.

The attack on Christian ideas and Christian public displays is part and parcel of the leftist control agenda in another way. Certain components of the leftist agenda requires that our primary allegiance be with government. As such there must be an attack on allegiances to the teachings of the church and family. After all, for example, if you want popular acceptance of homosexual marriages, there must be a campaign against church teachings that condemn such practices.

Embolden by their successes in the courts and intimidation of public officials, there's no question there will be other leftist demands; there's no logical end point except complete Christian capitulation. There are Christian symbols and exhibits in many Washington, D.C. government buildings that will come down such as: Moses with the Ten Commandments inside the U.S. Supreme Court, George Washington praying in the Capitol Building, Abraham Lincoln's speech mentioning God carved inside the Lincoln Memorial.
If leftists say they have no such intention to go after television, radio and other public expressions of Christianity, what they really mean is that they haven't softened us up enough yet. I'm not quite sure of just how we respond to the ongoing attack on Christianity and American values but we'd better do something quickly....

Well local schools have local school boards that are acountable. My kid, my school, my say. You have compete control over YOUR schools. I beleive in MY God, MY church, My beleives...Its a sin to push them onto otheres. I have no right to judge anybodys sins. My god will judge me!

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:32 AM

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:37 AM
Gio luvs Walter!

Pass it on haha

beachbum069's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:43 AM

Gio luvs Walter!

Pass it on haha

It explains why Gio is for gay marriage.laugh

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:47 AM
The I AM concept is one that fights and twists the founding fathers thought and writings.

We want to be I AM that we can control without a higher power in place.

Many of leaders have said if we can take control of the thoughts of our children then in a generation or so we have total control..I AM

For 150+ years the 10 commandments were in all schools and court houses.

This in itself speaks loudly of what our forfathers were talking about church and state.

I wonder how long before the tradition of our House of Rep. and Senate stop opening a session of congress with a prayer.

I wonder why that has always been and still is to this day.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:02 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/15/08 11:02 AM

The I AM concept is one that fights and twists the founding fathers thought and writings.

We want to be I AM that we can control without a higher power in place.

Many of leaders have said if we can take control of the thoughts of our children then in a generation or so we have total control..I AM

For 150+ years the 10 commandments were in all schools and court houses.

This in itself speaks loudly of what our forfathers were talking about church and state.

I wonder how long before the tradition of our House of Rep. and Senate stop opening a session of congress with a prayer.

I wonder why that has always been and still is to this day.
I believe our children should be just that..People complaining about whats being taught in their schools!! or I really like this...Are afraid of WHAT might be taught!!! I for one am against teaching my child to be gay. I wont have itlaugh . We all do have control over our childrens schools and lifes. I prefer to keep "Uncle Sam" out of it..!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:10 AM
It explains why Gio is for gay marriage.


Gotta luv Gio being here on these boards.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/15/08 11:51 AM
Its scary Im starting to sound like a republican.

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:57 AM
So, what happens if your child figures out they are gay?

Despite every effort on your part?

Will you disown the child? Blame society? Will you pray the be "cured"?

I know it's easy to think children are taught to be gay but the scientific research is starting to suggest it is nature not nurture that determines it.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:05 PM

So, what happens if your child figures out they are gay?

Despite every effort on your part?

Will you disown the child? Blame society? Will you pray the be "cured"?

I know it's easy to think children are taught to be gay but the scientific research is starting to suggest it is nature not nurture that determines it.
Well you and I know being gay is not taught. All I heard of out California was they were doing this or that in the schools and heaven forbidlaugh its taught to my child. Well I call you on it!!I have called the people of Fl on it!! If you dont want it taughtlaugh take it up with YOUR local school board and stop it. I guarantee you its not being in "taught" in my kids school!!!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:31 PM
I do not believe it is really taught in a way.

What I do believe is influences/peer pressure causes kids to question what they never would of thought about if it was not so prevelant now among young people as an alternative lifestyle.

peer pressure is a very hard thing to ignore. i smoked my 1st joint from peer pressure.

Many other things I did also from it.

I hear of all this hate from people when I see alot of hate from those if you do not agree or accept it as peer pressure.

You could see that easily in an interview on cnn a few days ago about the picketing of Mormon churches.

The spokesman for the Gay Activist had a fit and interupted about anything the Mormon spokesman had to say.

You could see the Hate for him very clear.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:52 PM
My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:22 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/15/08 01:27 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:26 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

My daughter is 24 and at the time she was in high school I signed no permission slip for sex ed.It was part of the curriculum.
With my son I am very involved because he is special needs and I have to fight them for everything.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:33 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/15/08 04:34 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

My daughter is 24 and at the time she was in high school I signed no permission slip for sex ed.It was part of the curriculum.
With my son I am very involved because he is special needs and I have to fight them for everything.
Its all aproved by the board. Who do you have on your board? I know we(Lee County) need to clean house.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:34 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

My daughter is 24 and at the time she was in high school I signed no permission slip for sex ed.It was part of the curriculum.
With my son I am very involved because he is special needs and I have to fight them for everything.
Its all aproved by the board. Who do you have on your board? I know we need to clean house.

I watch the meetings but only know the superintendent's name.Portsmouth schools are good but with budgeting ya gotta fight for your kids rights.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:34 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

My daughter is 24 and at the time she was in high school I signed no permission slip for sex ed.It was part of the curriculum.
With my son I am very involved because he is special needs and I have to fight them for everything.
Its all aproved by the board. Who do you have on your board? I know we need to clean house.

I watch the meetings but only know the superintendent's name.Portsmouth schools are good but with budgeting ya gotta fight for your kids rights.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:36 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/15/08 04:37 PM

My daughters school taught that experimentation was okay.I think the rate of teen suicides among gay teens is high so they were teaching tolerance. also sleeping with another woman was/is an in thing.whatever.I'd rather eat a lima bean.

That school didnt teach anything the parents didnt see right. The Local School board is your say in anything pertaining to that school. From funding to whats being taught. Thats one right I dont want taken away.I like signing those permission slips. You might be surprised what really is being taught our children. Honey Im pushing you to get involved locally. Theres alot around here that needs fixing.

My daughter is 24 and at the time she was in high school I signed no permission slip for sex ed.It was part of the curriculum.
With my son I am very involved because he is special needs and I have to fight them for everything.
Its all aproved by the board. Who do you have on your board? I know we need to clean house.

I watch the meetings but only know the superintendent's name.Portsmouth schools are good but with budgeting ya gotta fight for your kids rights.
You have rights! Transcripts of the meetings if you cant attend.