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Topic: Biblical World View
Lynann's photo
Sun 11/16/08 06:16 PM
I hear James Dobson had something to say about this too.


A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person's Life

December 1, 2003

(Ventura, CA) - Any objective social analyst would conclude that the United States faces its fair share of moral and spiritual problems. A new research study from the Barna Research Group'suggests that a large share of the nation's moral and spiritual challenges is directly attributable to the absence of a biblical worldview among Americans.

Citing the findings from a just-completed national survey of 2033 adults that showed only 4% of adults have a biblical worldview as the basis of their decision-making, researcher George Barna described the outcome. "If Jesus Christ came to this planet as a model of how we ought to live, then our goal should be to act like Jesus. Sadly, few people consistently demonstrate the love, obedience and priorities of Jesus. The primary reason that people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think - our attitudes, beliefs, values and opinions. Although most people own a Bible and know some of its content, our research found that most Americans have little idea how to integrate core biblical principles to form a unified and meaningful response to the challenges and opportunities of life. We're often more concerned with survival amidst chaos than with experiencing truth and significance."

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:59 AM
Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.


Giocamo's photo
Mon 11/17/08 07:02 AM

Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.


Oh !!...what a shot !!...:banana:

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 11/17/08 07:49 AM

Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.


Oh !!...what a shot !!...:banana:

It's the truth. Those who point fingers have many more pointing at THEM!

Lynann's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:04 AM

Yeppers, I can see it now. Jesus stops in and starts saying things like this.

"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. "These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man."
Matthew 15:10-20

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

I bet some of you conservatives would be first in line to kill him.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:34 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/17/08 08:39 AM

Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.

There is a religious thread. Could you please post there? Thank youflowerforyou Your PERSONAL religous beliefs belong there. i beleive what lynana post was article on world perception.

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:19 AM
Jesus was asked what the very most important commandment was.

"There are two", He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself. Do this, and all else will fall into place."

I dig Jesus. flowerforyou

Foliel's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:26 AM
I love how you become a christianity hater if you disagree with the teachings. I disagree with religion alot yet I do NOT hate it, I just have a different viewpoint. I am entitled to my view just as much as christians are entitled to theirs. I usually won't say anything about religion itself if I can help it and will always apologize if I have accidentally upset someone.

Once the people of the world embrace the commandment Jesus put forth then maybe the world can be a better place.

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:42 AM
My point exactly. happy

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:46 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/17/08 10:50 AM

Jesus was asked what the very most important commandment was.

"There are two", He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself. Do this, and all else will fall into place."

I dig Jesus. flowerforyou
What church do you attend. Is their fireside worship? What are your beliefs on sins. Is it ungodly to judge others. Can your god be the only to judge your sins. Would you let musilms donate money to any political cause? Trying to understand your religon. Thxflowerforyou Do you beleive in the teachings of gayness.

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:52 AM
I don't have a religion.

*I believe in God.

*I believe Jesus was a liberal bada** in His day who spoke true and was, in fact, not only God's son, but His voice to people who didn't undersrand Him then and, sadly, don't understand Him now.

*I believe that everyone has a right to love God in their own way and with their own understanding. If I can ses MY children as individuals, how much moreso can God see His?

*I don't go to church but I fellowship with people all the time.

*I trust, love, and respect humanity. I have hope in people.

Does that help?

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:53 AM

Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.


Well! Hate against what?... Oh yeah the RELIGION of christianity.

With his Holiness Christ I have no problem.

However the religion(s) that profess his name for the most part don't even follow his teachings.

And if he did come back at this time... The RELIGION of Christianity itself would destroy him...

He would bring down their house of cards with simple truths...

There is ALLWAYS more to be SAID!

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:53 AM

Well with all the hate against Christianity on this board I'm not surpized that if Jesus did come back those who hate Christians would hate Jesus....AGAIN! They would kill Him all over again.


Well! Hate against what?... Oh yeah the RELIGION of christianity.

With his Holiness Christ I have no problem.

However the religion(s) that profess his name for the most part don't even follow his teachings.

And if he did come back at this time... The RELIGION of Christianity itself would destroy him...

He would bring down their house of cards with simple truths...

There is ALLWAYS more to be SAID!

I have nothing agains Jesus. It's His fan club I can't stand.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:55 AM

I love how you become a christianity hater if you disagree with the teachings. I disagree with religion alot yet I do NOT hate it, I just have a different viewpoint. I am entitled to my view just as much as christians are entitled to theirs. I usually won't say anything about religion itself if I can help it and will always apologize if I have accidentally upset someone.

Once the people of the world embrace the commandment Jesus put forth then maybe the world can be a better place.

Iam not a christion hater. I love all. I agree. I wish more people have accepted Christ.It is my belief I have to accept him. We probably agree on 99%. Hey if there were more people like us....

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:57 AM

I don't have a religion.

*I believe in God.

*I believe Jesus was a liberal bada** in His day who spoke true and was, in fact, not only God's son, but His voice to people who didn't undersrand Him then and, sadly, don't understand Him now.

*I believe that everyone has a right to love God in their own way and with their own understanding. If I can ses MY children as individuals, how much moreso can God see His?

*I don't go to church but I fellowship with people all the time.

*I trust, love, and respect humanity. I have hope in people.

Does that help?
Thank you, plz feel free to ask mine.flowerforyou :smile:

Lynann's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:58 AM
"I have nothing agains Jesus. It's His fan club I can't stand."

Ten points for you!

Well said

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:19 AM

I don't have a religion.

*I believe in God.

*I believe Jesus was a liberal bada** in His day who spoke true and was, in fact, not only God's son, but His voice to people who didn't undersrand Him then and, sadly, don't understand Him now.

*I believe that everyone has a right to love God in their own way and with their own understanding. If I can ses MY children as individuals, how much moreso can God see His?

*I don't go to church but I fellowship with people all the time.

*I trust, love, and respect humanity. I have hope in people.

Does that help?
Thank you, plz feel free to ask mine.flowerforyou :smile:

Please do tell. I LOVE discussing religion and faith with those who can do so with clarity, peace, patience and understanding. flowerforyou

Ten points for you!

Well said

Thank-you, thank-you. I'm here till Thursday. laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:32 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 11/17/08 11:48 AM
:smile: If someone says they are a christian and a republican in the same breathe, don't believe anything they say about the bible.:smile: They are deceived.:smile: :

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:46 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/17/08 11:48 AM

I don't have a religion.

*I believe in God.

*I believe Jesus was a liberal bada** in His day who spoke true and was, in fact, not only God's son, but His voice to people who didn't undersrand Him then and, sadly, don't understand Him now.

*I believe that everyone has a right to love God in their own way and with their own understanding. If I can ses MY children as individuals, how much moreso can God see His?

*I don't go to church but I fellowship with people all the time.

*I trust, love, and respect humanity. I have hope in people.

Does that help?
Thank you, plz feel free to ask mine.flowerforyou :smile:

Please do tell. I LOVE discussing religion and faith with those who can do so with clarity, peace, patience and understanding. flowerforyou

Ten points for you!

Well said

Thank-you, thank-you. I'm here till Thursday. laugh
Since you ask I shall tell. Im not in any church at present. I was raised Lutheran but was never active. I believe in God and he gave his only son for our sins. He wants me to come to him, he wont come to me. He is the only on that can judge a persons sins. He gave us freewill and dangled sins in front of us. I am individual and family tied into one. Don'T mess with either. Gayness is not taught you are they way you are I have no right to judge. I like the laws locally that control what my child sees and learns in school. Its My life, my kid, my school. Don'T wont outside influences to interfere...And I dont think the muslim religon as awhole should openly donate money to polical causes. Individuals can..

snarkytwain's photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:47 AM

I don't have a religion.

*I believe in God.

*I believe Jesus was a liberal bada** in His day who spoke true and was, in fact, not only God's son, but His voice to people who didn't undersrand Him then and, sadly, don't understand Him now.

*I believe that everyone has a right to love God in their own way and with their own understanding. If I can ses MY children as individuals, how much moreso can God see His?

*I don't go to church but I fellowship with people all the time.

*I trust, love, and respect humanity. I have hope in people.

Does that help?
Thank you, plz feel free to ask mine.flowerforyou :smile:

Please do tell. I LOVE discussing religion and faith with those who can do so with clarity, peace, patience and understanding. flowerforyou

Ten points for you!

Well said

Thank-you, thank-you. I'm here till Thursday. laugh
Since you ask I shall tell. Im not in any church at present. I was raised Lutheran but was never. I believe in God and he gave his only son for our sins. He wants me to come to him, he wont come to me. He is the only on that can judge a persons sins. He gave us freewill and dangled sins in front of us. I am individual and family tied into one. Don'T mess with either. Gayness is not taught you are they way you are I have no right to judge. I like the laws locally that control what my child sees and learns in school. Its My life, my kid, my school. Don'T wont outside influences to interfere...

This is what I call fellowship. :wink: drinker

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