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FrenchgirlUknow's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:47 PM
I have seen it in Paris, many times! And few friends of mine (female and
male)participate on this manner of approach...It is funny anyway and you
can meet lots of people in a short time.
The reality is less convincing unfortunately...

Just near from my home in Paris, there is a bar called "Drôle d'endroit
pour une rencontre" it means "Funny place for a meeting", there you can,
in return for 5 euros of expenses of enrollment, to have access to files
of registered persons who participate in this type of evenings.

The "singles" evenings are rather funny, but the principle seems to me a
sort of quest without end of the other idealized...More the "panel" of
people proposed is big, bigger becomes dissatisfaction to find for which
one looks, provided that one knows it indeed...

Airliner's photo
Sun 05/20/07 09:12 PM
booking my flight to Paris right now....

he he he

FrenchgirlUknow's photo
Sun 05/20/07 09:17 PM
May I rent you my apartment there?? I live in a great pretty section in
Paris...Montmatre if it means something to you...
Interested Airliner? :wink:

PinkyStar's photo
Sun 05/20/07 09:30 PM
I have never been to a speed dating place. But i bet it is pretty fast
paced. How do you even meet someone there?

Airliner's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:05 PM

mais bien sur !!!

of course I would rent your appartment....do you have any bubblebaths
for the tub???

(for FrenchGirl)

: }

FrenchgirlUknow's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:10 PM
No bath many in old apartment in Paris ya know?
We have more often shower...
A pity for the girls you will invite for a tub-session...

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