Topic: Sometimes it goes that way...
MikeMontana's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:29 PM
Last friday my boss pulls me in. "Hey Mike, listen, you're going on
vacation May 15th to May 22nd right? Well, listen, why dont you extend
it till May 30th?"

"Sure Henry. Whats going on?"

"...and in June, how about you plan for 2 weeks. We're out of money
Mike. Dont know how else to say it. You're a consultant, and so you're
the first to go. If we dont get any business by June 30th, we're all out
of a job. But, if we *do* get at least one of the deals pending, then of
course we will need you very much. We want, and plan, to need you full
time in July and from then on, but, no promises."



I'm feeling kicked in the nuts - been a rough two years. Now this.
Around Wednesday, my roomate, here in the "House of Broken Dreams",
casualy asked, 'so hows things mike?'

"Terrible. Got let go on Friday"

He casually replied 'oh thats too bad' and continued walking by as if
nothing was said. That was irritatingly rude. He continued on into his
room. About 20 minutes later he came back out, and just as casually, he
walked over, handed a peice of paper, "Here is my boss' email, send him
your resume. Can you start next week?"

I thought he was kidding. The next morning at work I typed my resume,
and emailed it to him. Within 30 minutes the HR ppl called, " your
resume... when are you available? what salary?" and all that stuff.
Today I had my "initial" screening interview - I was asked a bunch of
C++ technical questions, which I got wrong (havn't used it in 5yrs),
but, in the discussion of why I was wrong it became very clear to the
interviewer that I really knew quite alot, sufficiently so that he said
'ah, its clear that you know what you're talking about even if you got
the details wrong. good enough for me!"

As things stand, I think I'm to interview with the Manager/Boss sometime
tommorow. One door closes... another opens.

This year has been filled with so many "collapses". Relationships,
Finances, Self-Confidence, Friendships, Vehicles, even where I live -
and now even my Job. But, in all of these "collapses", something better
has grown to replace them [well, with one clear exception: No Romance
has appeared]. I'm closer with my family than ever before. I've made
several male-friends, which is a great thing to have, I had forgotten
what it was like to just "hang with the guys" after being married 10
years. I'm broke, but, for the first time in 10yrs nobody is demanding
explanation of where "did yesterday's $10 go?!". I live in a literal
rat-hole [yes, including rats] but, its clean, and orderly. I finally
have pictures that *I* like hanging on my walls...

2007 is a grinding year so far - and the sausage ain't all that bad.
Hows things by you?

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:35 PM
My life rocks!!!

Every time fate, circumstances bite me on the butt...something truly
amazing awaits me.

Although at the time of the 'fate butt bite', ( but NOT fatal) it may
sting a little...always, always, something amazing is waiting for me.

"Everything is exactly how it is supposed to be, and I know everything I
need to know"

I hold that close to my heart and at 43 I have learnt it is so true.

I say to myself..."well, I am not dead,no bullet wounds, so I best get
on with it..laugh

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 05/11/07 10:04 PM

I'm starting to see it your way!
