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Topic: Why do men always only want a skinny girl.
PinkyStar's photo
Sun 05/13/07 05:28 AM
I don't understand it, but it seems like every guy that i know wants a
skinny girl. What happened to looking at whats on the inside. Thats what
really counts anyway. I am 23 years old and i have not had a boyfriend
yet, because i am heavy set. I bacially don't have a love life either. I
mean I am still a virgin can you believe that. Its not a joke

slikylisa's photo
Sun 05/13/07 05:31 AM
i bet you are a very sweet girl and someday a very lucky guy is gonna
find you and make you happyflowerforyou flowerforyou
you have a beautiful smile so keep smilinflowerforyou flowerforyou

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Sun 05/13/07 05:40 AM
darlin'.... you just havent met the right kinda man yet....

when he finds you .. look out!!happy

you'll know what a real man is then and the ones interested in barbie
wont even cross your mind.

You are a beautiful gal... keep that smile... he's commin

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 05:45 AM
Pinky honey..I know exactly how you feel..its not just the weight they
care about..its ANYTHING that makes you different from the "norm" that
they are use me and my chair..guys have a hard time seeing past
that and seeing the girl IN the friends have given me so much
advice when it comes to men and nothing has worked "Don't tell them
about the chair right off,let them get to know you first"..didnt
work..then there's "Tell them right off..don't hide
perfectly honest"..that don't work my conclusion is..they are
the problem not they can't see the type of wonderful women
that we are its their loss NOT ours!

Lil_Luvr_75's photo
Sun 05/13/07 05:54 AM
Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. Reminds me of a quote I
once read...
"Who shall say that the maiden so pretty and fair shall always have the
greater man; and the ogre who walks to the beat of thundering clouds
will never find her prince?"
People tend to look at the exterior rather than what is really inside.
It is sad because almost always they miss the true treasure.
Pinky, you keep your head high hun!!! YOU ARE

Hugable38's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:09 AM
well im on the shy side but im gonna reply to this post,
anyhow ive always believed its not whats on the outside that matter its
whats inside that is only skin deep and thats how i
live my life i dont go around making judgements on how a person looks. I
truely believe in order to know a person you have to know them from
within. So just to let you know there are guys out here that are just
for the "skinny" women okay... someday you will find the right guy and
im sure he will be a very happy person as will you. take care and hang
in there.

SheNerd's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:14 AM
I agree with what the other members have said. As I have a noticeable
limp due to my spinal disorder, a lot of guys have been less than kind
to me as well. I also have terrible facial skin for which I've paid a
small fortune to derm's over the years to correct, unfortunately, it's
not fixable, (I have hereditable acne, severe scarring and rosacea), so
I basically just have to live with it.

IMHO, any guy who rejects you for your weight, your height, your skin,
your disability, or any other reason, HE is the reject. The right guy
won't care about superficial things, but will see you for you and love
you exactly the way God made you.

Best wishes from SheNerd :)

passionart's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:20 AM
You both have NOTHING to make you hang your head down. They say, there's
a season for everything! Think this might be yours!!!

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:21 AM
You disability is one that I was born with and most likely one
that I will die with as there is no cure for it..but I have had many
guys write me on lets say Monday Jan.1st and find out that I'm in a
wheelchair..then 2wks later the same guys write again to ask if I'm
still in the

SheNerd's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:23 AM
Hi Lady,

IMHO, that just proves that those guys are ignorant and not worthy of
your attention.

I like what passionart wrote, and he's probably right. :)

Best wishes from SheNerd :)

Lil_Luvr_75's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:23 AM
(((((((lady)))))))flowerforyou flowerforyou

klugman's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:25 AM
I was married to the stereotypical redheaded beauty queen for 9 years,
but on the inside her heart is black as coal.

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:26 AM
Thank you Sheflowerforyou

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:27 AM
((((((((((((((Lil))))))))))))Thank you honflowerforyou

SheNerd's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:30 AM
Hi Lady,

You're very welcome. I just know you will find someone special as I can
tell you are a very special and caring person. IMHO guys just take
longer to mature than we ladies do, that's why when they're younger they
fall for the Barbie dolls, all surface and no substance. As they
mature, most decent guys realize that what's on the inside is what
really counts. I'm still waiting for the guys in my age group to
mature... :)

Best wsihes from SheNerd :)

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:33 AM
And you other thing I've always had happen to me..well I've
always been attracted to guys outside of my race..white guys mostly..and
once I was with this guy and his mom was racist and I wasn't aware of
this until I started hearing her tell him that the "nigg**" was wanting
to talk to him..he and I actually had plans to marry which changed when
his mama told him she would die before being related to a
"nigg**"..Thats what I get for dating a mama's boy I

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:35 AM
wow..I have done ALOT of venting today..I'm gonna shut up yall

no photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:36 AM
do you really want the answer to your question?

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:38 AM
i dont, skinny girls are to boney for kissen.its watts in ya :heart:
that counts with hopen to meet a woman who does not only want a
man for the thickness of his wallet.laugh

NYCgirl's photo
Sun 05/13/07 06:40 AM
Hey! I have my extra pounds and I don't here compaints
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
If they don't like you for who you are and how you are, they don't like
you at att.
When there is love, they will accept you no matter what.
So, who ever don;'t like you because of the way you look, tell them to
go to hell and keep on going. Life is too beautiful to stress out of the
small minded people.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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