Topic: What would you do in a major disaster?
AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:18 AM
If a major disaster hit. Say a supervolcano or an massive asteriod
impact that effects most of the world what would you do?

Would you stand and cry out to Jesus?

Or would you dig in and help dig out?

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:23 AM
I posted this before I read any threads.

DISCLAIMER: I am not attacking anyone. Nor am I attacking a religion.
I am simply asking a question. So many are waiting for nay even wanting
the end times. I am curious as to how many will take a trembling of the
entire earth as a signal of the comming and not do what is necessary to

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:23 AM

same ole same ole...:wink:

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:29 AM
well, if u really dont let god take care of u and go to him, doesnt
matter..but, in a disaster u can pray all u want, if its your time to
go, its your time to go..hes calling u to come home with him..:wink:
which is sure hell of a better place then here im sure.:smile:

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:38 AM
I'm going to dig in and help out, no you will not see nor hear me crying
out for something I have no faith in.

(I am not going to post a disclaimer, its friggin stupid , you don't
like what I got to say or post then don't friggin read me)

Jess642's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:42 AM
I am a survivor, and am moved to action in disasters, I know this, as
have experienced them.

So would dig in, and help dig out.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:43 AM
dig in and start again...which mankind has done many times before ...
I think it's interesting that most cultures have stories / myths about
the world ending and doing a rebirth one will be
the 5th age of man?...yeah..I believe that...

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:45 AM
I thought we were in the 5th age on the cusp of the 6th.

wonderman37's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:47 AM
i agree with sweetpk what good would it do

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:11 AM
ohwell some of us will just have to kiss our arses goodby.if i
survived i think id take out a law suit against god for the damages.and
if there was any thing in gods will id try for a bit of that as well.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:16 AM
Ab...yeah I'm not sure which age it is..I always found it an interesting
story about egypt
where the pyramid priests laughed at either the greeks or someone..and
told them that
they shouldnt consider themselves as all knowing because man has existed
and laid to waste four times before...(crude paraphrasing
obviously)....myself I like the mayan ideas about
all of that..

got to run to work

TwilightsTwin's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:22 AM
There is only so much I can do, I am human.

I would do all that was humanly possible of me. After I had done my
share I would turn to God.

My opinion is you have to meet God half way. You can't just whine & do
nothing and expect God to do it all for you. There is a reason for
everything and it takes a great deal of struggle to learn. I also know I
can't do everything alone. There is only so much we can do, then comes

^My same synopsis on dealing with my health problems.

I do everything the doctors tell right, skip the salt,
excercise..etc. The rest I put in God's hands.