Topic: No need for God?
AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:26 AM
Some questions on the future of humanity.

Will the ever be a time when mankind has no need of the concept of god?
Will we reach a point where we as a species will have reached a level of
enlightenment that allows us to live within the universe as a part of it
all and not a creature to be yanked one way or the other by forces
beyond our control?
Will there be a time when we will be faced with the 'god like' decisions
involving an 'emerging' sentientent being? (if such a thing should
happen will we confuse them or assist them? Or leave them to struggle
into understanding on their own?)

TwilightsTwin's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:31 AM

Jess642's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:42 AM
Will the ever be a time when mankind has no need of the concept of god?

Which god? The one in the bible? Which bible? Which holy book? Which
deity? We are talking Mankind here, so there are more than one...

Will we reach a point where we, as a species, will have reached a level
of enlightenment that allows us to live within the universe as a part of
it all, and not a creature, to be yanked one way, or the other, by
forces beyond our control?

Once again...Mankind? Humans as a species? Not all will obtain would be so wonderful though.

Will there be a time when we will be faced with the 'god like' decisions
involving an 'emerging' sentient being?

It is already happening...emerging sentient beings, everywhere...look at
our children, and many adults around.

(if such a thing should happen will we confuse them or assist them? Or
leave them to struggle
into understanding on their own?)

I suspect we may confuse them, as a species...

As to struggling for understanding, many are baffled as to the lack of
awareness amongsth the species.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:47 AM
There is one true God, the God of Abraham. No, we will always be
affected by him for all eternity.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:53 AM
farrrout jess you are an owl! your a marathon runner!.sat19th 1:20
amyawn im off t the land of nod thank ya all for ya talk on god.

Jess642's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:55 AM
laugh 1.54 am...and your kmart comp is still telling you the wrong
time...or maybe kariZ time..

I don't need a lot of sleep..but yes, is about that time for me

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 10:09 AM
i have this idea.......

that for the sake of self preservation of the specis we evolved into
religious concepts especially to structure morality and education and
develope our environment accordingly.....and actually it worked.

there is far less violence now than in more primitive times....we
evolved a social and personal conscience....but hey as a specis we are
young and we are workin the bugs out of the system as we speak....i have
alot of ideas like the one that wonders if we have reached the zenith of
our cycle, and now, like a flower loses it's bloom , we have indeed
become more yin.

our future depends alot on our environment.... i'm kinda hoping mother
nature will kick some butt and rebalance ...i don't see anyone giving up
their cars fast enough

as humans we are making a big mistake to not take more seriously what is
happening on the planet in terms of climate change....

i feel there is a need for the concept of God as well as the concept
that there isn't....the checks and balances work together they are not
meant to be black and white any more than alll males must look alike and
all females must look alike.....all the perspectives are part of our
intellectual process to help us live fruitful lives and fundamentally
driven by our biology...our genetics to preserve the specis, one way or

i guess i am rambling...... must be leftovers from my digesting the
moral code i am working

the gospel according to alex....heheheeheehheeeeeeh

don't hold your breath lmao

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/18/07 10:30 AM
Bl8ant wrote:
“as humans we are making a big mistake to not take more seriously what
is happening on the planet in terms of climate change.....”

It is true that we aren’t changing nearly fast enough. My god! I had
recognized problems with human societies when I was still in my teens!
Yet for some reason all these supposedly adult politicians don’t seem to
have a clue.

I listen to NPR all the time and the things that are going on in this
world are totally despicable.

Is it sin? Or is it just plain stupidity? I personally think it’s the

I’m more convinced than ever that we have evolved from apes because far
too many people are still acting like apes.

What was the topic again?

Oh yes, god?

If we need a god it’s only because we’re too stupid to think for

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:01 PM
in case you havn't noticed