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Topic: Are there any 50+men who are truthfully interested in women
no photo
Thu 12/03/09 03:32 PM
Nice reply. women over fifty are through with children and are wise and life fine wine, are better in all ways life fine vintage wine. We like to take it slower and more sensual, plus we have a world of experience, including class. I would like to test any girl with a woman of maturity anyday. I assure you the men would prefer the wise generous and sensuality of maturity over the quick, self centered and less intriquing younger women. European men prefer older women precisely for the reasons I share.

Vintage Merlot, or Chardonnay anyone?

no photo
Thu 12/03/09 03:36 PM
It truly depends on taste and men who like intelligent conversation, beautiful women of experience who take life using wisdom gained from their years of expereince and add to that love, not sex, but intimacy, slow, refined,and passionately given not taken. WE know men and what they like most. A woman with class, and power in knowing themselves.

delilady's photo
Thu 12/03/09 03:48 PM

So why does it have to be a battle of who does what first? Why can't the man always "pick up the towel" and the woman always " give him attention"? Somebody had to stop doing something first. He either started leaving the towel on the floor which she resented or she stopped paying attention to him which he resented. So, as in all conflicts, someone started it.

of course, i agree with all of this. someone had to wrong the other first and someone has to begin to set it right first. it will never be that both will see the light at the exact same moment and begin to give the other person what he/she needs to be happy. it's a mutual effort eventually we hope but it never becomes mutual if one person begins to do what's right and gives up before the other person also participates in the new relationship. that's what happens normally as i see it. a man finally realizes that he get's more with honey than with vinegar but gives up the honey and goes back to the vinegar before the woman finally gets it and reciprocates. or the woman sits on his lap, kisses him an tells him how handsome and sexy he is and goes back to her nagging ways because towels keep dropping on the floor after a week goes by. what if eight days later you hit him with nagging about wet towels when he comes home from work and on that very commute he realized that he could at least pick up his towel in return for all the great sex he's been getting? but he comes home to find that that nag is not gone afterall so she can damn well kiss his a$$ if she thinks he's going to pick up any towels.

If you leave the towel on the floor and I let you know it bothers me and you continue to do it, are you not showing that you don't care about my feelings? As a woman, who is an emotional being, I have now lost the desire or interest in being loving towards you. Any affection would be a lie.

bingo. your relationship is already toast if any offer of affection would be a lie. if the two of you are that far gone that a show of affection would be anything less than genuine then why stay together? i'm suggesting ideas for keeping a relationship that you love. my method will not a relationship make nor will it spark a flame when the flame has died completely. here's the point. you fell in love with your boyfriend. he fell in love with his girlfriend. you both loved the itimacy, flirting, sexiness, compliments, praise, caring, etc., etc., that went with the courtship. neither of you knew that the other would become a spouse or parent of your children so you could not have fallen in love with your future husband/wife or mother/father of your future children. at the moment you fell in love you fell in love with your boyfriend. he fell in love with his girlfriend. that your roles changed over the years has nothing to do with it. the question is, do you miss your boyfriend? would you like him back? do you think he misses his girlfriend? are you willing to come back? you control your actions only. you've no control over his. you can act like a girlfriend or you can act like a nag. if showing affection would be a lie then you cannot act like a girlfriend so will you be happy as a nag? do you think he'll respond to the nagging? have you ever seen such nagging work?

Now instead of realizing that picking up the towel will bring back love and affection, you turn to another woman for that attention. A relationship is over and we end up divorced. You should have picked up the towel when I told you it bothered me.

yep. in more than half of all marriages. the same battle of the sexes rages without an end in sight. women feel they are terribly mistreated and misunderstood. men feel that they are terribly mistreated and misunderstood. both think the other needs to change or it will never get better. both take action to help or make the other change. both continue to fail in their efforts and the divorce rate continues to soar because both can only take action to change themselves but still they insist that it's the other who must change. so he witholds respect and caring about towels on the floor, she witholds sex and affection and neither side ever runs out of such deadly ammo. if it works for you, great. me? i'm going to find me a girlfriend and be the best boyfriend i can be. if she fails me at being a good girlfriend i'm going to be the best boyfriend i can be. when she has a bad day and nags me about the little things like wet towels on the floor i'm going to say oops "girlfriend" and go back to being the best boy friend i can be. when i'm not getting sex i once got i'm going to be the best boyfriend i can be. i can only control what i can be. now if i can just find a lady with only that one thing in common with me who'll be my best girlfriend ever.

Thanks for the debate jr. I think in the end we came to the same conclusion. Give the other person what they need and you will have all you need. Neither person can get lax and stop feeding the other person's needs.

jrbogie's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:26 PM

Thanks for the debate jr. I think in the end we came to the same conclusion. Give the other person what they need and you will have all you need. Neither person can get lax and stop feeding the other person's needs.

yes, our debate was spirited and enjoyable. we only have control over our own actions. i can wish all day what a woman would do but there is nothing i can do or say to make her do it. all i can do is act in a way that just might give her what she needs or desires and hope that my actions make a difference. it goes both ways. and of course what we haven't touched on much is the fact that some people simply were never meant to be together in the first place.

jrbogie's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:38 PM

Nice reply. women over fifty are through with children and are wise and life fine wine, are better in all ways life fine vintage wine. We like to take it slower and more sensual, plus we have a world of experience, including class. I would like to test any girl with a woman of maturity anyday. I assure you the men would prefer the wise generous and sensuality of maturity over the quick, self centered and less intriquing younger women. European men prefer older women precisely for the reasons I share.

Vintage Merlot, or Chardonnay anyone?

i understand the point you're trying to make but your gross overgeneralizings detract from it's crdibility. i can assure you that there are plenty of european men who've left women over fifty for younger women. and i run accross women over fifty often who are not in the least wise. i'll test the maturity of my twenty year old grand daughter or her mother, my daughter, willingly over the maturity of many older "experienced" women including my sixty year old ex wife. we are all individuals and nobody likes being lumped into a group. yes, i'd love a merlot, thanks.

oldsage's photo
Fri 12/04/09 05:28 AM
"Arm candy is nice, but too much candy, will rot your teeth."
May/December relationships can/do work, but they are the exceptions.
I preferr a lady close to my age, that still has a fire for life & can "tolerate" me.

Think this is the norm.

no photo
Fri 12/04/09 08:43 AM

"Arm candy is nice, but too much candy, will rot your teeth."
May/December relationships can/do work, but they are the exceptions.
I preferr a lady close to my age, that still has a fire for life & can "tolerate" me.

Think this is the norm.
That is true, Someone that lived through the same years as you have may have more in common. But I still think Americans have turned closer to Animals today when it comes to dating and sex.

I don't really care how mature a person might think they are, A real relationship with any substanance, Must come from Mutual Respect, Courting, Dating, and falling in love.

If everyone is to Prostitute themselves we become nothing more than Animals.


I'll take a genuine Woman and true love anyday, The Whores both men and women, Knock yourself out!! And Republicans are no different.LOL!!!

I'll stick with women that Graduated in 1974, bigsmile

jrbogie's photo
Fri 12/04/09 09:07 AM

"Arm candy is nice, but too much candy, will rot your teeth."
May/December relationships can/do work, but they are the exceptions.
I preferr a lady close to my age, that still has a fire for life & can "tolerate" me.

Think this is the norm.

therein lies the problem with "the norm". what is normal does not always make sense. i would never place a preferance on such incosequential issues such as howe close a lady is to my age. to do so would eliminate many wonderful women who are older or younger than myself. i'm open to any woman with whom i have enough in common to develope the kind of relationship that she and i both define together as ideal. i think as we age we often get hung up on what we've come believe to be "the norm" and loose sight of innovative thought. i'll work my damnest to never be thought of as normal.

no photo
Fri 12/04/09 03:38 PM

"Arm candy is nice, but too much candy, will rot your teeth."
May/December relationships can/do work, but they are the exceptions.
I preferr a lady close to my age, that still has a fire for life & can "tolerate" me.

Think this is the norm.

. i'll work my damnest to never be thought of as normal.
Your doing a Great Job at it!!bigsmile

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sat 12/05/09 04:02 AM

I think it's a pretty good shield to hide behind, gentlemen, that Simpleton Shield. "It must be something you women are doing because, gosh, we just want a sandwich and some sex."
The dryness problem with post-menopausal women can be easily remedied if her man would be a good lover and work up some spit for the ocassion instead of saying, "You changed and aren't the same woman anymore."

Lap sitting? How about when the man has health issues and hurts all over and doesn't want you on his lap and says so? Also, it's stereotypical to use the towel-on-the-floor example. That's something a woman would ***** about in her 20's-30's. More mature women over 50 will pick the towel up, wash it, dry it and fold it and put it away to clear the arena for some lovemaking with her man.

Use our air miles to see other countries? No thanks. I don't give a rat's behind about what some society who still wears birkas(sp) and buries their women up to their neck and stones them to death for alleged adultery.

well if you do think you have men figured out better than we men and you're content with your past relationships and how you view men then it would make sense for you to disregard all i've said regarding the shield that we hid behind. afterall, why accept what a man actually is when you can change him into what you want him to be huh?

I am very content with my past relationships (only two in 62 years and one died)and I don't have anything figured out better than men but I think I can stand back and see things differently than you are seeing them. I'm a woman and I could never sit here and state what all women think or want just because I'm a woman.
With all due respect, your response to almost every post was, "You almost have it.." or "You're starting to get it". Get what? Your point of view? Don't be too full of yourself, Lovey.
By the way, I am offended that you perceive me to be someone who would lure a man into my web only to change him. If he needed to be changed it wouldn't be worth the trouble to catch him. Only the desperate would settle for someone they have to mold into something else. Easier to purchase an inflatable doll, don'tcha think?

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sat 12/05/09 04:05 AM

It truly depends on taste and men who like intelligent conversation, beautiful women of experience who take life using wisdom gained from their years of expereince and add to that love, not sex, but intimacy, slow, refined,and passionately given not taken. WE know men and what they like most. A woman with class, and power in knowing themselves.

No truer words have been spoken thus far! Bravo!

jrbogie's photo
Sat 12/05/09 09:03 AM

I am offended that you perceive me to be someone who would lure a man into my web only to change him.

oh i understand completely. i too would not like somebody perceiving me as someone who'd lure someone so that i might change him/her. so i do my best to not say things that give people such a perception of me.

jrbogie's photo
Sat 12/05/09 09:13 AM

It truly depends on taste and men who like intelligent conversation, beautiful women of experience who take life using wisdom gained from their years of expereince and add to that love, not sex, but intimacy, slow, refined,and passionately given not taken. WE know men and what they like most. A woman with class, and power in knowing themselves.

No truer words have been spoken thus far! Bravo!

now this i've always found interesting. this concept of men/women with CLASS. class suggests that we all reside at different levels of society or that certain groups are elevated in some fashion. if someone considers themeselves to be a person of class they say to me that they hold themselves in stature above, or below i suppose, of someone else. are you a person of class because you fly in first class? am i a person of class because i fly in business class? are you more classy than me? are we both more classy than those eating peanuts and pretzels in coach? can i not have the power of knowing myself unless i reside in your class? i avoid such elitist rhetoric at all cost.

Linny1's photo
Sun 12/06/09 05:31 PM
In my own opinion - the term "class" in reference to the standing of men or women is that - Someone with class no longer has to put on "airs" or act like someone they think another person wants or dress, cook, or do anything that is based on anothers desire, wants, wishes, conditions. Someone with class defines himself or herself as a self sufficient, confident person - comfortable with their own needs, wants, desires..and do not try to be someone else...They are confortable and confident..

jrbogie's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:59 AM

Someone with class defines himself or herself as a self sufficient, confident person - comfortable with their own needs, wants, desires..and do not try to be someone else...They are confortable and confident..

agree. which means that as every single person i've ever met defines him/herself as such then every person i've ever met is classy. like it. removes all elitism.happy

CathyLyn's photo
Mon 12/07/09 08:41 AM
First of all, thank you for making this threat interesting and informative. I love it, we need more of it. Maybe on different topics as well. :-)

I personally think that its an unfair analogy "Frist Class vs Coach"... where people and relationships are involved.

I am capable of flying first class; but choose not to, because I am a mizer, frugle to a fault. Doesn't mean I have no class in behavior. For me, there is a difference between a person that has class and one that does not...as for as behavior,ethics, morality.

Sure there is a great misperception as to material things in reference to having class or not. In my opinion, that's merely window dressing.

I've met many that have money, status in society, etc and have no class at all as for as behavior, ethics and morality. I have also met people that have none of those things and have more class in behavior, ethics,and morals than the ones' that one would think should have, those with money, material things, social status.. Go figure.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:55 AM

I am offended that you perceive me to be someone who would lure a man into my web only to change him.

oh i understand completely. i too would not like somebody perceiving me as someone who'd lure someone so that i might change him/her. so i do my best to not say things that give people such a perception of me.

When you have a minute and can get off of your high horse, show me what I said that gave you the notion that I would lure a man in only to change him. What would be the point? If he's not what I'm looking for I wouldn't bother with him to begin with. By the way, from my point of view it seems you try to change or disagree with everyone's post. Just sayin'....

jrbogie's photo
Tue 12/08/09 07:50 AM

I am offended that you perceive me to be someone who would lure a man into my web only to change him.

oh i understand completely. i too would not like somebody perceiving me as someone who'd lure someone so that i might change him/her. so i do my best to not say things that give people such a perception of me.

When you have a minute and can get off of your high horse, show me what I said that gave you the notion that I would lure a man in only to change him. What would be the point? If he's not what I'm looking for I wouldn't bother with him to begin with. By the way, from my point of view it seems you try to change or disagree with everyone's post. Just sayin'....

nah, kinda like my high horse. lol. i don't do the thread search thing to back up my points so i'll just appologize if i took something you said out of context. you have said many times that you would not try to change a man and that he wouldn't be worth the effort in the first place so i likely took something you said wrongly. i'm sorry. such things happen on the forums, it's unfortunate and i'm as guilty as everyone here. you need not show me where i disagree as i do that often here. if we didn't disagree we'd likely not exchange views would we? to that claim i plead guilty as charged. but as you asked me to dismount and i refused, you likewise should stay saddled to your high horse of class and in that vain perhaps you can show me where i tried to change someone's post.

Linny1's photo
Tue 12/08/09 05:52 PM
Come on kids - lets play nice. This site is supposed to bring us all together.. We all have different ideas and that is life and what makes it interesting... But putting someone else down for their views are wrong and hurtful. Lets stick together ladies.. We are all we have.. Or all that most of us have and I think, deep down, we all like each other and need each other ..

metalwing's photo
Tue 12/08/09 06:22 PM
You can have class ...

and still be naked.

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