Topic: does looks mean everything?
prettyboi's photo
Thu 10/05/06 06:47 PM
Be honest!

FariesDoFly's photo
Thu 10/05/06 06:49 PM
I dont believe everything, you spend more time with someones personality
then you do there looks i wouldnt be able to go out with someone that
lacked in personality but held in the looks department, i feel you have
to be attracted to the person, but sometimes people havent been
attracted to each other and have lasted a long time.

tretia's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:04 PM
looks arent everything, but i have to be attracted to him...i'll tell ya
what, this next time around, i want just about everything..i'm not
settling for less. sounds bitchy, i suppose..but i think i deserve a
good looking, honest, intelligent, good humored, hard workin man..i will
know off the bat if we click..and i can spot red flags miles away..ok
got off the subject

even if you dont have the looks, man, at least take care of your
appearance..some simple hygiene..brush your hair, brush your
teeth..shave..trim the nose hairs...dont dress sloppy, especially if
you're overweight..get some clothes that fit right..

some of the men on here are about my age, and im sorry guys, but you
look about 10 or 20 years older..dont be an old fuddy duddy..

if youre that worried about appearance..find out what the fashions are
and get a new look..

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:09 PM
Not everything, but there does have to be some attraction...but beauty
is in the eye of the beholder. (Haven't we talked about this before??)
Whether or not someone is "attractive" is definately up to who you're
asking. For instance, I have a "thing" (rolling my eyes) for men with
long hair...(Hush up...) but that's me. My best friend happens to think
that long hair kinda makes a guy look's not something that
you can make quatitative, so there is no concrete answer to this

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:19 PM
I was always pretty shallow when I was younger as I was all into looks,
Then I got married hahaha! There was a strong chemistry but he was not
OMG attractive but in time he was the most attractive man ever! Now that
I am almost divorced I see him as a ugly person as he was not very nice.
I do tend to still date attractive people but I am opening my eyes to
look further then just the outter appearence,
But give me a hispanic and I am in Awwww over their looks.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:33 PM
"Topic: does looks mean everything? "

No but it helps. LOL.

Sportychic's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:34 PM
recon said it, looks dont mean everything but it certainly does give a

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:55 PM
Heh...Does anyone else find it kind of ironic that the topic asking if
looks mean everything was created by someone named 'prettyboi"?

But to answer the question, no...Not everything, but it is a nice bonus.

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:56 PM

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:37 AM

No way, looks are certainly not everything!

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:38 AM

They help, sometimes they help a lot, but not "everything"

chica42ny's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:39 AM
Hi everyone, looks is not everything. You need chemistry going on.