Topic: Fox New intenionally cutting news reports on Iraq war.
Fitnessfanatic's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:35 AM
Here are clips that the Fox network is now trying to ignore the war
because it makes Bush look bad. Now if only Bush administration could
ignore problems like; the war, wherther to pardon Scooter Libby and how
that would look, the immigration bill, the attorney general firings
probe, and maybe, just maybe they'll go away.

davinci1952's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:56 AM
they won't go away..they are a cancer that needs to be removed.

no photo
Wed 06/20/07 01:42 PM
Bush is trying to bide his time until the '08 elections, so he can hand
off the Iraq disaster to the next President to worry about. Some leader.
There is NO WAY on God's green earth that ANYONE with an I.Q. above 5
couldn't say that Bush has, BY FAR ,been the ABSOLUTE WORST President in
history. Compared to this ass clown, Nixon is Mother Teresa. Bush DOES
serve one purpose, however. He makes former Presidents Grant, Jackson,
Ford, and Carter look positively competent!

smo's photo
Wed 06/20/07 03:02 PM
I have to agree with davinci: "they won't go away, they are a cancer
that needs to be removed." Also, I believe the serpent is eating his own
tail, and may literally remove himself without realizing it. First, you
were never intended to have a "democracy":that is a Soviet Bolshevik
(communist) term. The Founding Fathers of the united States
-in-America(land of heaven) christened you as a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC
(Republic:"a nation whose government is wholly elected, having no king")
You are a country of Christ-following, God revering beings who believe
that your enemy cannot be the very ones who proclaim to care about your
security and the prosperity of your family. You have been taught that
the enemy of the Republic is a standing army wearing the opposing
uniform, always representing a clear, unmistakable target to shoot at.
By constant reinforcement of this image, it never occurs to you that
your most dangerous foe is wearing a grey suit.