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Topic: Health Care and Illegal Immigrants
no photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:22 AM
oh one more thing on your system armydoc......when in america, I had to
get health insurance, my insurance guy told me not to get pregnant for
at least 6 months or they would not cover me!!!! Oops I got
pregnant!!!! Good thing I had a miscarriage and had to go to the county
(gunshot) hospital. Oh yaaaaaaay me!!!

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:40 AM
hmmm, me thinks someone may not be as honest as one would at first seem
to be.

gunshot hospital? you do realize that the majority of folks on this site
are americans right? gunshot hospitals? pick a term that makes since.

quality health care and high taxes? like adding 2 and 2 getting 7.

but hey glad you like it, you can keep it.

and now just a little comment of concern---when was having a miscarriage
ever a good thing?

i do think you are that hungarian chick named gary picking fights for

it would be nice to find some real people

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:48 AM
Lol sorry not gary but if you want gary I can hook you up!!!

Because you have no idea about our health system, does that mean I am
lying???? I guess it does to a medic.

Yes I do realize there are americans are on this site....did you not see
the word county and yes.....that is what my american husband even said
about it.....and yes that is where the gang members were patched up.
Don't believe me??? I dont really care. Your ignorance in all things of
our system and other foreign countries shone through as well. I hope
you read the other post on canadian healthcare.:wink:

Oh, and please pleeeeeeeeeeease keep thinking your system is the best
along with your country!!!!! It keeps the dumb ones from entering our

laugh laugh laugh

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:53 AM
save it for someone who's a believer.

and have a nice night.

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:54 AM
ty come again ;) :wink:

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 02:00 AM
ok I will leave this "american" thread. Lol its been fun!!! Really!!!!
WE must do lunch sometime!!!!smooched smooched smooched

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 06/27/07 06:24 AM
once again people thank you for your taxes

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:03 AM
I thought the topic was interesting. I might interpret things
differently, but it has to be admitted the unpaid services would be
expected to drag down the financial condition of an institution. I
expect though that more well developed areas of the country might see
smaller influx of illegals, largely due to the nature of work the
illegals would expect to find in those areas.

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