Topic: George W. Bush Library Opens, Amnesia Ensues
Bestinshow's photo
Mon 04/29/13 05:56 PM
There is no decency in using 9/11 and going to war on a lie, based on a false case made to the Congress and the American people, which claimed the lives of thousands of U.S. soldiers, Iraqi civilians, and sullied the dignity of our country.

There is no decency in giving the order to commit torture and violate human rights, which should have made George W. Bush and Richard Cheney both eligible to be tried for war crimes.

There is no morality in beginning the indecent procedure of housing uncharged and untried suspects in a prison offshore, leaving them in limbo for their entire lives.

There is no decency in ignoring warnings of Al Qaeda before 9/11, demoting the first counterterroism czar, then banishing him to the wilderness until after 9/11, while ignoring warnings and preferring to stay on vacation clearing brush.

There is no decency in donning a flight suit and landing on an aircraft carrier to proclaim “Mission Accomplished,” when that was well away from the truth.

There is no decency… Oh, forget it. I’ve done this all before.

I don’t blame any person, including a journalist, for standing when the president comes into the room. That’s hardly the issue. But swooning because you get sent a note? Equating a written missive with decency when the policies of the man were abhorrent and sent this country into a nosedive reveals our media to their core. Most are just not up to the job anymore.

A leader’s decency must be judged through his actions while in office, which have nothing to do with being polite to journalists.

George W. Bush is opening a library, so amnesia is the mindset of the week