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Topic: Scammers
Affectionisme's photo
Mon 06/03/13 03:21 PM
Yes i know what u mean.....i got scammed....and i cannot believe i fell for a man in afghanistan. who .said he was a marine......his user name is - salutescot
He gave me the biggest sob story....talked to me for months....said he loved me....ect...i actually sent money thinking he would come see me....he was a liar!!!!!....

Affectionisme's photo
Mon 06/03/13 04:41 PM
Hi....my name is Areti...i am 44 separated mum of three...Please listen to me when i say.....BE VERY CAREFULL....to whom you message or chat too...I myself got sucked in by someone user name on mingle called............ salutescot on mingle i fell for him thinking he was the one...Apparantly he was stationed in Afghanistan a marine slash army guy.... and he sent me pictures of him there and pictures of him at home with his kids....He said he loved me...wanted me....wanted to come &see me....so stupid me sent him money...too much money.....then he said he was sick....needed money....i told him i was broke....that i had no more to give.......he said i did not really love him....he swore at me...told me to go away...never to speak to him again.....NEVER EVER GIVE OUT MONEY OR PERSONAL DETAILS OF YOURSELF LIKE BANK DETAILS...YOUR ADDRESS....ETC....I learnt the HARD.....WAY....

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