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Topic: do u beilive
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Mon 08/27/07 11:55 AM
Conclusion: The above points in italics constitute the common gospel believed by all orthodox Christians through the ages regardless of denominational labels. On the other hand, some new religions such as Mormonism claim to be Christian, but accept as Scripture writings outside of the Bible, teach doctrines that contradict the Bible, and hold to beliefs completely foreign to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles.

Mormons share with orthodox Christians some important moral precepts from the Bible. However, the above points are examples of the many fundamental and irreconcilable differences between historic, biblical Christianity and Mormonism. While these differences do not keep us from being friendly with Mormons, we cannot consider them brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible specifically warns of false prophets who will teach "another gospel" centered around "another Jesus," and witnessed to by "another spirit" (2 Corinthians 11:4,13-15; Galatians 1:6-9). Based on the evidence presented above, we believe Mormonism represents just such a counterfeit gospel.

It has been pointed out that if one claimed to be a Mormon but denied all the basic tenets of Mormonism — that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that the Book of Mormon is true and divinely inspired, that god was once a man who progressed to godhood through keeping the laws and ordinances of the Mormon Church, and that the Mormon Church was divinely established — the Mormon Church would reject such a person’s claim to being a Latter-day Saint. One cannot fairly call oneself a Mormon if one does not believe the fundamental doctrines taught by the Mormon Church. By the same token, if the Mormon Church does not hold to even the basic biblical truths believed by the greater Christian community down through the ages, how can Christians reasonably be expected to accept Mormonism as authentic Christianity?

If the Mormon Church believes it is the only true Christian Church, it should not attempt to publicly present itself as a part of a broader Christian community. Instead it should tell the world openly that those who claim to be orthodox Christians are not really Christians at all, and that the Mormon Church is the only true Christian Church. This in fact is what it teaches privately, but not publicly.


Statements of 5 Christian Denominations on Mormonism

Christian churches teach belief in God as an eternal, self-existent, immortal being, unfettered by corporeal limitations and unchanging in both character and nature. In recent years, several Christian denominations have made studies of Mormon teaching and come to the conclusion that there are irreconcilable differences between LDS doctrine and Christian beliefs based on the Bible.

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Mon 08/27/07 12:06 PM
because they lie the church passes judgement on the people they told me i was going to hell because i left the church they use scare tactics they use the united states for there religion when i was in the military no lds person was in because they go on missions not serve so they use the people over there fighting for there freedom of religion its the only church that does so

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Mon 08/27/07 12:14 PM

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Mon 08/27/07 12:18 PM
i went to church once...

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/27/07 12:29 PM
bidright wrote:
“several Christian denominations have made studies of Mormon teaching and come to the conclusion that there are irreconcilable differences between LDS doctrine and Christian beliefs based on the Bible.”

There are irreconcilable differences between all Christian denominations that’s why denominations came to be in the first place.

So your point seems moot to me.

bidright wrote:
“they use scare tactics”

That's new to Christianity???

That’s news to me! Preaching fire-and-brimstone is the oldest tactic of Christianity in the book! It’s even used in the Bible!

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Mon 08/27/07 12:39 PM
only to talk about christ not about a religion i was told by my bishop that if i left the church i would be be in the lake of fire never to return to mormonism the church does not celieve in once saved always saved only jesus christ died on the cross for my sins not president hinkley why does the church change its doctrine the bible dosnt i dont belong to a religion i go to a bible teaching church i had a conversation with present hinkley 4 years ago in snowflake arizona i asked why didny the mormon church start anywere else or why hasnt another joseph smith pop up in any other country he said because america is the county that offers freedom of religion with out being perucuted that the mormon church is safe here you ever know that you dont here about mormons being persacuted in any other country the christians are look at china india pakistan shri lanka aferica joseph smith was a con artist

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Mon 08/27/07 12:46 PM
abra anwer these questions for all
i have a question if u believe in the bible why wasnt joseph smith ever metioned in it if he was so important and its the true church were in the bible does it say dod and satan were brothers

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Mon 08/27/07 12:46 PM
Thu 08/23/07 09:45 PM
When Christ died, did darkness cover the land for three days or for three hours? (Luke 23:44 and 3 Nephi 8:19, 23).

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Mon 08/27/07 12:47 PM
Joseph Smith said that there are men living on the moon who dress like Quakers and live to be nearly 1000 years old. Since he was wrong about the moon, is it safe to trust him regarding the way to Heaven? (The Young Woman's Journal, Vol. 3, pages 263-264. See repreint in Mormonism --Shadow or Reality? by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, page 4.)

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Mon 08/27/07 12:48 PM
Joseph Smith prepared fourteen Articles of Faith. Why has the original No. 11 been omitted? (Joseph Smith Begins His Work, Vol. 2, three pages after page 160, among the photos.)

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Mon 08/27/07 12:50 PM
its funny even the womans role in the church has changed
i have a question ladies for you
did u know the only way to heaven if you were mormon is if your husband called you out to to this means you have to have permission to go to heaven from your husband ladies what do you think

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Mon 08/27/07 12:50 PM
lets talk about spirit babies

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Mon 08/27/07 12:52 PM

Did you read that Mormon tell all book, "Secret Ceremonies"?

It did mention that a woman can only go to heaven if her husband calls her in. It's weird.

If so, is all of that true?

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Mon 08/27/07 12:54 PM
i was mormon

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Mon 08/27/07 12:55 PM
its awesome to be mormon men get all th econtrol spread your legs ladies you job is sex and babies

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Mon 08/27/07 12:57 PM
any mormon ladies on here or ex tell them about spirt babies and the planet i get with 40 ladies on it

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/27/07 01:09 PM
“abra anwer these questions for all
i have a question if u believe in the bible,…”

I don’t believe in the bible. It is was supposedly inspired by god then why all the male chauvinism? Also why weren’t issues of today addressed. Surely if the creator of the universe inspired the writings they would have been addressed to future generations as well.

I think it’s perfectly clear that the authors of the stories in the bible wrote it from their own world-view at the time. To me it’s clearly a book of human mythology. I’m completely convinced that future generations will look back on our day and age as the era of “Christian Mythology”, just as we look back on Greek Mythology today.

As far as I’m concerned most of the claims made in the stories in the bible simply can’t be true. They are inconsistent with modern observations. Moreover, the god depicted in the bible would need to be an attention-seeking spoiled brat who clearly has temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

You mentioned in your OP:

“Christian churches teach belief in God as an eternal, self-existent, immortal being, unfettered by corporeal limitations and unchanging in both character and nature.”

But the god depicted in the bible was always changing his mind about things. At one time he supposedly drown all human beings save for one man and his immediate family. Then he said that he was sorry and promised never to do that again. Hardly a depiction of an unchanging god.

If god had a master plan it obviously didn't work out.

The bible is full of inconsistencies, any deity that it represents must necessarily be just as inconsistent.

So no, I don’t believe in the bible at all. To me it’s no differnet than Greek Mythology.

So, yes, I denounce the Mormons right along with all other Christian religions.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/27/07 01:11 PM
“any mormon ladies on here or ex tell them about spirt babies and the planet i get with 40 ladies on it”

Wait a minute!

The Mormon religion is giving away a free planet with 40 ladies on it?

Where do I sign up?

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Mon 08/27/07 01:22 PM .com i see you are an athiest hmmmm good luck

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/27/07 01:26 PM
“i see you are an athiest hmmmm good luck”

You see nothing.

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