Topic: Just dropped by...
izzie's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:03 PM

needagoodlaugh's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:03 PM
((((((((SHENERD)))))))) Congratulations!!! I am so thrilled for you. Wish you nothing but happiness!!

Love ya!!

Puffins1958's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:34 PM

OMG!!!! This is WONDERFUL new honey. I wish you all the BEST. May you have years of health and happiness...

Keep us posted....

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:36 PM
congratulations girl

nusalor's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:48 PM
Wow! Shenerd found a Henerd! Isn't the universe colored with parallel lines that converge in the distance of perspective...


SheNerd's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:52 PM
Aw, you guys are too much.

The monkey is still around, and is threatening to come on the honeymoon. I think he neds a good kick in the horny chair.

Nerds converging makes for a very colorful and interesting universe. :)

nusalor's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:55 PM
And a happy one of everything to you both!

eaglewoods's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:56 PM
SPRING WATER 2 YOU SHENERDflowerforyou flowerforyou

SheNerd's photo
Mon 09/17/07 05:57 PM
Thanks, he's a total nerd from head to toe (pocket protector and all, well, not really, but he does wear those cute suitjackets with the corduroy elbow patches and smokes a pipe, very professorial), and I couldn't be happier. His ex's loss is my gain... :)

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:00 PM
{{{{ R ? }}}} Middle,first or last ? Corner shop, near traffic lights ? Way to go {{{{{SheN}}}}} flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

widowerseeking's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:05 PM
two nerds, is the world ready for that???? one thing to remember while you nerds are playing, let the monkey out so it can play the accordian for us... we want to hear from it every so often... LMAO

Puffins1958's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:06 PM
LOVE is in the AIR!!!!

What a WONDERFUL thing on JSH!!!!

:heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:07 PM
as old as you????grumble

SheNerd's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:27 PM
He's actually a few years older than I am, 42 to my 39, but close enough for jazz, as they say.

No, not R, T (but his middle initial is R) and we met online, we started chatting and realized we lived near each other, so we did meet at the gas station the first time so we'd have a point of reference. Our schedules aren't completely compatible (he teaches nights, I work days), but since we live so close we do see each other most days. As soon as my lease expires in December, I'm moving in with him. It will be nice to live in a real house for a change, instead of this ratty college student apt.. :)

Bonny, the R guy is sooooooooooooooo history. He still IMs and wants to know why I won't see him. I told him because you can't give me what Tim will, full time love and affection, the wedding ring and the house with the white picket fence, (OK, there's no fence, yet, but we'll work on that one). :)

This nerd may be giving up the single life, but I haven't given up the accordion. The monkey may be another story, though, if he doesn't quit jumping in bed with us and wanting stories... bigsmile

Katertots37's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:53 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((SheNerd))))))))))))))))))))))))))I am so happy to hear you are happy with your nerd:cry: (happy tears)

eileena9's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:58 PM

Congrats on such great news!!!!!!! Tom's roll call just hasn't been the same without you!!! heck...this place just hasn't been the same without you!!flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

SheNerd's photo
Mon 09/17/07 07:14 PM
Aw, thanks, I am soooooooooo happy!!! :heart: I never ever in a million years thought anyone would want this worn out old bag, but I was dead wrong about that. He even tells me I'm beautiful all the time, (and nobody except for my immediate family has ever said anything like that to me before).

So, there really IS someone out there for everyone, just hang in there and don't lose hope, and I swear it will happen when you least expect it. I've waited almost 40 years for my Prince Charming, but I have to say it was definitely worth the wait. :)

Now to figure out how to play some wedding marches on the old accordion. Where's Weird Al when I need him??? bigsmile

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 09/17/07 07:27 PM
Still {{{{ R }}}} in the middle, told you, petrol station...............

SheNerd's photo
Mon 09/17/07 07:41 PM
Yep, you were right on the money with that. happy

OK, now that I'm no longer the Doughgirl, I figured it was about time I took my real face out of the closet. Don't scream too loudly please... bigsmile

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 09/17/07 08:20 PM
Always told you that yiu are pretty SheN and I meant it and still do, in fact I KNOW that you are a beautiful woman inside and out. Love you dearly and you know that. :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou