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Topic: Have you ever - part 10
gibbs1602's photo
Tue 06/10/14 12:26 PM
Yes to repenting no to being Baptised - asking for full absolution of my sins and fasting before accepting communion.

Have you ever wondered if you were mistaken in your haste to judge?

no photo
Tue 06/10/14 12:27 PM
no i don't judge others
have you ever been quick to rush into judgement?

gibbs1602's photo
Tue 06/10/14 12:33 PM
no as I do not judge people - every person has a cross to bare.

Have you ever regretted a rash decision?

no photo
Tue 06/10/14 12:44 PM
no i don't make rash decisions
have you ever made a split second decision tha you later regretted making?

gibbs1602's photo
Tue 06/10/14 12:48 PM
yes and suffered the consequences.

Have you ever regretted making a decision, even though you had given it a lot of thought, it still turned out to be wrong?

lonelyman3036's photo
Tue 06/10/14 03:30 PM
Yes. usually because I thought about it too much.

Have you ever dreamt of something And then it happened to you not long afterwards?

HoneyFly's photo
Tue 06/10/14 09:20 PM

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

dreamerana's photo
Tue 06/10/14 09:38 PM
No. Have you ever predicted something that came true?

mikey5360's photo
Wed 06/11/14 12:21 AM
Yes, often, for a bloke I have very strong intuition....still cant predict the lotto numbers though!

Have you ever been seriously bullied?

HoneyFly's photo
Wed 06/11/14 12:41 AM
No. But people can be mean.

Same question :

Have you ever been seriously bullied?

mikey5360's photo
Wed 06/11/14 12:46 AM
Yes, but years later I got over it, it took a few years to grow in confidence and then that gave me the ability to shrug it off.

Have you ever bullied someone? even mildly and then realised what you had done?

HoneyFly's photo
Wed 06/11/14 12:56 AM
Regrettably yes. Not to proud of it either.

Have you ever thought you will be single for this long & wonder if you could've done something / change the course of what you are now?

mikey5360's photo
Wed 06/11/14 01:15 AM
Yes, on purpose and yes I am not proud of myself and the last couple of years, but as I mentioned shrugged it off and trying to atone for it all

I am posing the same question back at you..

HoneyFly's photo
Wed 06/11/14 01:23 AM
Edited by HoneyFly on Wed 06/11/14 01:35 AM
Seriously... smokin

Have you ever went to your HS Prom?

mikey5360's photo
Wed 06/11/14 01:30 AM
No, sadly got booted out of school 3 weeks before finals...that was another me, another lifetime.

Change of pace...have been posting so madly your dinner went cold....again?

HoneyFly's photo
Wed 06/11/14 01:43 AM
No. Technology at the palm of your hand. It does wonders.

Same question back at ya.

no photo
Wed 06/11/14 06:59 AM
No.. Yes.. and Maybe.. laugh

Have you ever stopped to see the Earth Changes..?

Astrid's photo
Wed 06/11/14 07:07 AM
Yes, it can be felt by the five senses too

Have you ever noticed how fast the depopulation of man through natural disasters?

no photo
Wed 06/11/14 07:11 AM

..and have you ever noticed that we are rapidly losing both polar ice caps..(one now, almost completely gone)..?

Astrid's photo
Wed 06/11/14 07:19 AM
Yes, I watch the news daily, we are expecting a rise of the sea levels in the years to come and sinking islands too.

Have you ever wondered how is Mother Earth 10-20 years from now?

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