Topic: House dreams
Amoscarine's photo
Fri 07/11/14 10:44 AM
Dream fields. Wind whipped, i dreamed for you, but not of,
As words drip idly off of these damp walls with shining eyes,
Buildings raised only to raze, but still fingerprinted, some walls stand,
Smudged as this sentiment wanes poetic, The standing makes wisened cry
Dipping down, in and around you and this fire i swim,
Cold waters begin to sting sensitive, then it's most clear what you say t' me
Dreamily smiling, yet the greatest deceit escapes from between your teeth,
What it meant to meet you, i remember every time anew.

A setting out, embark for all that **** rogues must go through,
a quick tie, left to be undone or not by chosen fate,
A dream, and from life components will you it fabricate?
From the way destiny flows, form swirls and eddies on which to float,
And i'm torn twixt stupid past eking out,
what i an no longer wishing to be concerned about, the past,
and a damned future pulling in installments, set to tear!
Etching not in fear, i don't want to be set, o a million circumstance,
that to after long sense, are transplanted and buried before sprouted.
No longer to be a back up, a sorta spare,
Or pitfalls to tiger-trap, lost connections, and sources of despair,
If from your fast trailblazing, it leads a footfall to fault.

Open the window, let the trees murmur their pennies worth too,
Draft to chill bones, when no one is near to hear,
and you're left home alone.
Does then the house speak to you, the tree and bird tweet?
Ever the sweet sound, listening to moldic manifests,
but greatest, the succulence often found,
not in warmly breathed nothings into an ear,
But in hearing the inaudible,
and with, reaching further the unbound.