Topic: Hash House Harriers
UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Fri 10/26/07 02:25 PM
I'm pluggin' a group I hang out with. is the local group although there are 2000 worldwide Hashes. Our motto: "We are a Drinking Club with a Running Problem". Premise is the Hare and the Hounds. Hare get's 15 minute lead sets true and false flour trail and the Hounds (while waiting drink beer in a parking lot) take off to figure it out. When the Hounds figure out trail they get beer or water at the half way point(whatever your preference). Then we return to the start and drink more beer and then it gets real funny (but I can't explain here). First time is free. After it's $5 to party and enjoy beer and the social scene. Only show up if you love laughing cause there's lots of it in this crazy group.... P.S. You don't have to run to enjoy this thing. Many just show up and go straight to the beer check.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Tue 10/30/07 04:34 PM
So checkin in if anyone is going to Millbrae to Hash House Harriers on Thursday Nov. 1st? for info. Click on Calendar and then on November for info on those dates.

If you are out in Mountainview area a bunch of us are catchin the #379 which leaves Mt View at 5:58.

If you have any questions feel free to ask or just type in Hash House Harriers into Google to see how much info comes up. It's really a bunch of fun if you like socializing and drinkin a few beers.

We've got a Yahoo Groups as well to check out.

no photo
Wed 10/31/07 12:34 PM
haha running for beer???? drinker laugh