Topic: I need ur movie opinions plz...
Lookingfortheone1068's photo
Wed 11/21/07 04:33 AM
ok so I have a choice of two movies I can see b4 work today but I dont know which one to see.
I can each go see August Rush. I want to see that because I love music and thats wat this movie is based around.
Or I can go see Hitman which is an action film of course.
I've heard mixed reviews about both of them.
Which one do you guys think I should see?

Jtevans's photo
Wed 11/21/07 04:36 AM
Hitman because the game was great! happy

wildsideof35's photo
Wed 11/21/07 04:48 AM
I agree with Jt,Hitman all the way.action!!!!!!

blankpage's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:08 AM
August Rush.

The previews looked great.

Josue's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:15 AM
Go see hitman