Topic: Wes Anderson anyone? Fantastic Mr. Fox, Grand Budapest Hotel
dancedance20's photo
Sat 11/18/17 08:45 AM
The sensations I get from watching his films make a rainy day feels warm and the sunny ones feel cold. :)

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Sat 11/18/17 10:44 AM
The fox is definitely an instant classic

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Sat 11/18/17 11:36 AM

The sensations I get from watching his films make a rainy day feels warm and the sunny ones feel cold. :)

I don't know anything about that guy I just clicked on to check out your legs.. very nice, I might add.

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Fri 11/24/17 05:34 PM
For some reason I was thinking Wes Craven.

So I read Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Grand Budapest Hotel, and thought "wow, that guys movie range is amazing."

Coming soon. Wes Craven Anderson's New Nightmare at Grand Budapest Hotel. Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Jason Voorheeeeeeeeees"

That would screw up a lot of people.