Topic: White people that love "Black" people!
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Wed 10/03/18 02:03 PM
I dislike all of you equally and wish you would find another planet in a different galaxy to colonize. explode

Must2050's photo
Wed 10/03/18 06:19 PM

Mrmxb's photo
Sat 10/06/18 08:50 AM
Edited by Mrmxb on Sat 10/06/18 08:51 AM
"White people that love" Black "people!" From the window of this sentence often appears the continent of America.
"love of someone of different colors someone of other colors",
the entire planet may appear in the window of a sentence.

Let's go back to the main topic:

paints of the skin of the people of this planet are different.

Yes, we call it leather. We don't call lung, liver, brain or heart.
presumably the subconscious prejudices just overlook the mind and see only the skin organ. can not see other organs. this case for abstract situation.

there is an abstract object called the heart;

clean, pure, clear and colorless.
by prejudices;
it should not be polluted. because it does not accept the impurities,
it should not be imprisoned,
it must be released.
it ...
it ...
it ... .

mine only;
a different perspective from a different window with my short mind.

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:24 PM

Like "hey , i cant possibly be racist cuz i think Rhianna is hot, buuuuut black people should just get over it cuz they arent the only ones to be persecuted for no legit reason" WTF?! Do you really not know youre racist dude??! GTFO of here with that ignorant SH-T!!

Wow, you seem to be in a splendid mood, eh.... Lol.
Me, a racist?...Haha.
I hope, while writing this you just had a bad day, or an "off-day,"
otherwise I might consider you as being very bad at judging people and their original meaning and opinion..... At least when it comes to me.... Lol.
Read your last few posts, and I have to admit that you're way off target... But please go ahead...biggrin smile2
(Calling me a racist...Hahaha.)

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:33 PM

Nooo, the thread wasnt, but about 8 seconds into, thats what it boiled down to, verrrrry surprising, and msharmony, i wasnt directing this at you, except fir your defense if it. My response is directed at the 7 PAGES of crap that followed and ESPECIALLY Vons retort of " im so glad you brought that up" racist BS, k


VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:45 PM

I have nothing really against black people as long as they behave normal, as in not as if they are superior or demand by their behaviour they be treated as superior. I hate that friggin' chit.

I also don't see why this should be on black people. It's always as if they're special. They're not.
Apart from Caucasians there's a whole lot of different races. Why do you have to highlight black people?
That's what I don't like, they're always made out to be special while they're not. There's also Native Americans in the US you know, and no, Native Americans are not white people.
Yet, no one ever comes up with a similar topic on Native Americans, or Mongols or Maori.
Maybe we'd get somewhere if this BS of highlighting white vs. black stops, and you are doing the exact same thing. You just turn it around. Mankind is not black & white people.
There's Arab, Asian, Maori, Aboriginal, Native American, Innuit and so on.
Black people aren't the only ones who suffered hundreds of years ago. Get over it.

I'm glad you brought it up... Because you're absolutely right.
Every single race on this earth has suffered under the rule of some nutcases.
White man was a slave for thousand of years... Nobody mentions it.
White men was actually stolen from the shores of western Europe by north Africans... And so we can keep on.
The Mongols slaughtered half of Europe. China did the same. Japan slaughtered China...No man in history are to go free of bad behaviour.
But does 2 or 20 wrongsmake a right?...Shouldn't we by now have learned? Yup, but we still haven't... So what's the point of pointing fingers?

oh for ****'s sake , surprise surprise, the guy who starts this thread agrees with this ******** take

Do you have a problem with history... No matter which way it goes?
If you don't know it, don't comment it. I was merely speaking of todays world to begin with.
But if you wanna make a problem out of a non existing one concerning my opinion. Go ahead.
(Guess you already did, eh...Lol.)

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 10/12/18 06:02 PM
I love people that are respectful and kind to one another..color doesn’t affect my choice of wether I like a person..flowerforyou

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 06:12 PM

I love people that are respectful and kind to one another..color doesn’t affect my choice of wether I like a person..flowerforyou

Lovely post.. thank you..biggrin

mysticalview21's photo
Thu 10/18/18 06:16 AM

Just wanted to make a post that unites us instead of
devides us.
I'll take the beatings that will come along the way... kill me, roast me, beat me, I care not... My daughter is half "black" and if you wanna dispute her existance, Brrring it on!!!
I will NEVER deny her, and the fact that I love her. I stand by her side anytime.

Pretty supper dad...smile2

personally I like many cultures ...

but honestly their are some... I do not like ...
and that is becouse of their ways...
not becouse of what race they are ...

actionlynx's photo
Fri 10/19/18 09:28 PM
Honestly, I hate topics like this. Why? Because it's only an issue if people keep insisting on making it an issue. And that's what threads like this do -- they make it an issue.

It doesn't matter if the purpose is to unite or to divide. By making it an issue, it automatically promotes and creates division, even unintentionally.

A few of the old timers here on Mingle may remember me standing up to neo-Nazis and white supremacists on this site. All because I recognized what 1488 stood for. So there are people still on this site who know I'm not afraid to stand up to racists and bigots.

I've dated a Jamaican and a Filipina. Race doesn't matter to me. Ethnicity doesn't matter to me. People matter.

So to focus on some sort of difference, even if intended to bring people together, only continues to point out those differences, creating an us and them atmosphere that will always divide people.

My philosophy is to focus on what we have in common. Not what makes us different. If you look for the commonalities, then you begin to realize that all people are basically the same. Same motivations. Same desires. Same passions. Same values and potential. Those who don't tend to be outliers, exceptions to the general rule. Even then, they have the potential to change their status and become similar to most everyone else.

So if people want to unite people, stop focusing on differences like skin color, even if you have the best of intentions.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/18 10:56 PM
I will say respectfully that ignoring difference is not really focusing on similarities. Sometimes, its just ignoring differences. The differences are there. I feel to speak about them is to respect them and not continue to stigmatize them merely for being differences.

We are all human, most of us have loved ones and want to be safe. But we are also male and female, peaceful and violent, we are different races and nationalities and shapes and cultures and religions. We can learn alot about each other when we talk about whats different in a way that is respectful and embracing, as opposed to avoiding the topic as if it is negative in and of itself.

Just a difference of opinion, but certainly respectful of different perceptions.drinker

actionlynx's photo
Sat 10/20/18 08:23 AM

I will say respectfully that ignoring difference is not really focusing on similarities. Sometimes, its just ignoring differences. The differences are there. I feel to speak about them is to respect them and not continue to stigmatize them merely for being differences.

We are all human, most of us have loved ones and want to be safe. But we are also male and female, peaceful and violent, we are different races and nationalities and shapes and cultures and religions. We can learn alot about each other when we talk about whats different in a way that is respectful and embracing, as opposed to avoiding the topic as if it is negative in and of itself.

Just a difference of opinion, but certainly respectful of different perceptions.drinker

I totally understand this. It's just that people in this country make it such a touchy and volatile subject that I think your way needs to come second, not first. It's as if we need to people need to calm down first, and your way doesn't seem to accomplish that.

So it's not that I truly disagree. Rather, I don't think our country is to that point just yet.

Rooster35's photo
Sat 10/20/18 08:45 AM

Just wanted to make a post that unites us instead of
devides us.
I'll take the beatings that will come along the way... kill me, roast me, beat me, I care not... My daughter is half "black" and if you wanna dispute her existance, Brrring it on!!!
I will NEVER deny her, and the fact that I love her. I stand by her side anytime.

I would hope so, she's your daughter !

Being of mixed race for me it doesn't matter what color someone is. I judge people by their actions, not what they happen to look like.
That goes also for how I treat the rich and the poor.
Everyone has the right to this planet's bounty. Everyone.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 10/20/18 09:14 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Sat 10/20/18 09:14 AM

Honestly, I hate topics like this. Why? Because it's only an issue if people keep insisting on making it an issue. And that's what threads like this do -- they make it an issue.

It doesn't matter if the purpose is to unite or to divide. By making it an issue, it automatically promotes and creates division, even unintentionally.

A few of the old timers here on Mingle may remember me standing up to neo-Nazis and white supremacists on this site. All because I recognized what 1488 stood for. So there are people still on this site who know I'm not afraid to stand up to racists and bigots.

I've dated a Jamaican and a Filipina. Race doesn't matter to me. Ethnicity doesn't matter to me. People matter.

So to focus on some sort of difference, even if intended to bring people together, only continues to point out those differences, creating an us and them atmosphere that will always divide people.

My philosophy is to focus on what we have in common. Not what makes us different. If you look for the commonalities, then you begin to realize that all people are basically the same. Same motivations. Same desires. Same passions. Same values and potential. Those who don't tend to be outliers, exceptions to the general rule. Even then, they have the potential to change their status and become similar to most everyone else.

So if people want to unite people, stop focusing on differences like skin color, even if you have the best of intentions.

Someone earlier said:
"I have nothing really against black people as long as they behave normal, as in not as if they are superior or demand by their behaviour they be treated as superior. I hate that friggin' chit."

I bet this person feels the same way about women...noway

If you are a white guy of European have NO idea what other races have gone through.
(be they the Aboriginals, Latinos, Africans, Asians...whatever)
True, you can read about it..
But telling someone to "get over it" (and essentially saying "sit down and shut up") is wrong....and minimizes and negates *their* lived experiences.

actionlynx's photo
Sat 10/20/18 09:29 AM
Edited by actionlynx on Sat 10/20/18 09:30 AM

Honestly, I hate topics like this. Why? Because it's only an issue if people keep insisting on making it an issue. And that's what threads like this do -- they make it an issue.

It doesn't matter if the purpose is to unite or to divide. By making it an issue, it automatically promotes and creates division, even unintentionally.

A few of the old timers here on Mingle may remember me standing up to neo-Nazis and white supremacists on this site. All because I recognized what 1488 stood for. So there are people still on this site who know I'm not afraid to stand up to racists and bigots.

I've dated a Jamaican and a Filipina. Race doesn't matter to me. Ethnicity doesn't matter to me. People matter.

So to focus on some sort of difference, even if intended to bring people together, only continues to point out those differences, creating an us and them atmosphere that will always divide people.

My philosophy is to focus on what we have in common. Not what makes us different. If you look for the commonalities, then you begin to realize that all people are basically the same. Same motivations. Same desires. Same passions. Same values and potential. Those who don't tend to be outliers, exceptions to the general rule. Even then, they have the potential to change their status and become similar to most everyone else.

So if people want to unite people, stop focusing on differences like skin color, even if you have the best of intentions.

Someone earlier said:
"I have nothing really against black people as long as they behave normal, as in not as if they are superior or demand by their behaviour they be treated as superior. I hate that friggin' chit."

I bet this person feels the same way about women...noway

If you are a white guy of European have NO idea what other races have gone through.
(be they the Aboriginals, Latinos, Africans, Asians...whatever)
True, you can read about it..
But telling someone to "get over it" (and essentially saying "sit down and shut up") is wrong....and minimizes and negates *their* lived experiences.

I'm not saying that though. I've met and known black people from many different countries. I've also known white South Africans. So I've had ample opportunity to see how people outside the US approach the issue. Most countries are far far ahead of us, with South Africa still lagging behind.

So it's not a question of "sit down, shut up", but rather of getting people to see people with differences AS PEOPLE, not actions or skin color or ethnic, or <shudder> lesser beings. (the South African women I knew had that view, and it was a complete turn-off for me).

Unfortunately, people will use differences to judge and feel superior. We need to minimize that by first focusing on the commonalities that make us all people.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 10/20/18 09:33 AM

I'm not saying that though. I've met and known black people from many different countries. I've also known white South Africans. So I've had ample opportunity to see how people outside the US approach the issue. Most countries are far far ahead of us, with South Africa still lagging behind.

So it's not a question of "sit down, shut up", but rather of getting people to see people with differences AS PEOPLE, not actions or skin color or ethnic, or <shudder> lesser beings. (the South African women I knew had that view, and it was a complete turn-off for me).

Unfortunately, people will use differences to judge and feel superior. We need to minimize that by first focusing on the commonalities that make us all people.


It wasn't directed at *you*...flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 10/20/18 09:54 AM
I've just come across your comment about humans not all coming from Africa and instead coming from Atlantis.

Recent archaeological evidence has shown that Plato's story of Atlantis is based on the Minoan island of San Torino. The Minoans were highly advanced and just like the Atlantians in the fictional story.

Secondly, genetic evidence has proved that all humans came from the great Rift Valley that runs all the way up Africa. Blue eyes come from one woman in the Middle East (a mutation) and white skin only developed within the last 7 thousand years. When humans got to Europe and Asia, they mixed with the Neanderthals that were already there (a different but similar species). Almost everyone on the planet outside of Africa has 1-2% Neanderthal genes.

What we don't yet know is how many waves of humans left Africa and exactly when. We just know that it was between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago.

Hope that helps.

actionlynx's photo
Sat 10/20/18 10:17 AM


It wasn't directed at *you*...flowerforyou

Ok. The quote threw me off.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 10/20/18 10:20 AM

I've just come across your comment about humans not all coming from Africa and instead coming from Atlantis.

Recent archaeological evidence has shown that Plato's story of Atlantis is based on the Minoan island of San Torino. The Minoans were highly advanced and just like the Atlantians in the fictional story.

Secondly, genetic evidence has proved that all humans came from the great Rift Valley that runs all the way up Africa. Blue eyes come from one woman in the Middle East (a mutation) and white skin only developed within the last 7 thousand years. When humans got to Europe and Asia, they mixed with the Neanderthals that were already there (a different but similar species). Almost everyone on the planet outside of Africa has 1-2% Neanderthal genes.

What we don't yet know is how many waves of humans left Africa and exactly when. We just know that it was between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago.

Hope that helps.

They probably migrated when the continents were stil all connected...Pangea..

I find it fascinating that diverse cutures on opposite side of the planet have pyramids...
They had to have communicated somehow...surely they all just didn't have an "aha!" moment where it occured to them to build pyramids spontanously.

no photo
Sat 10/20/18 10:42 AM
Black... black... black

Is that the only " color" of skin that counts?

How about whites who love.. whites, Asian, Latino's. or Asians who love Asians, Latinos, whites, or Latinos who love Latinos, Asians, whites.

Why is loving blacks such a big deal compared to other colors?