Topic: Profile locations
Daniel's photo
Wed 10/24/18 11:44 PM
Not sure if this is a bug or if this is intentional. Every time i chat with somebody that i think is local(due to the fact that there profile says so)turns out they are in an entirely different state. Can i get an explanation please.

Daniel's photo
Mon 10/29/18 12:34 AM
Why are they not filtered out. All the profiles with numbers at the end are scammers. Easy to spot

Daniel's photo
Mon 10/29/18 12:35 AM
Well almost all of them. The numbers are randon and non sequential.

Real Tx Girl's photo
Mon 10/29/18 05:35 AM
There are profiles out there without numbers as well that are fake or scammers. One just needs to use caution and common sense to figure out who's real and who's not. It is also important to report those who are scammers and block them from further contact.