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Topic: Courage to Change
HJFinAZ's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:03 AM
Janurary 20

I cannot hurt others without hurting myself. This is a compelling reason for taking thought before I release words that might set off an angry interchange. HAve I ever considered that the impulse to say something unkind comes from my own guilt and unease, which erupts in blpws against others?

It may be a momentary release for me, but it returns like a boomerang to increase my own discomfort. Impatience with others only generates their impatience with me.

If only I can learn to quiet my mind before I speak! I do not wnat to act with impatience and hostility, for I know it will react on me. It is a mistake to think this requires self-control; patience can only be aquired by learning to let go of self-will.

Jonathan Swift said: "Whoever is out of patience is out of possession of his soul. We must not turn ourselves into bees who kill themselves by stinging others."

HJFinAZ's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:48 AM
Janurary 21

We can always think of ways to improve our intimate partenship, but usually are best ideas are fgor changes in our partner. We wish we had a more generous attitude from our partner; we wish we had a more agreeable partner-someone who was more fun or who would lose weight-and we want more sexual pleasure. But these ideas are the easy ones to think of. The harder and more effective ideas are those that call for changes in ourselves.

We enter into a life partnership. We take pleasure in each other's lives and we are on the sane team. But we don't walk in the same footsteps because we all need to stand on our own as adults. Intimacy is not the merging of personalities but the bridge between seperate people. Once we have our adult seperateness, we can be more intimate, more loving, and more generous with each other.

"Where there is great love, there are always wishes." ~Willa Cather

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:51 AM
Inspiring words to live by,,, What an incredible way to wake up,,, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i feel the calming of my soul taking over once again flowerforyou flowerforyou

HJFinAZ's photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:07 AM
Janurary 22

Are we willing to hope? Some of us have adopted an attitude of optimism about the progress of life. we know that many things are unpredictable, but we believe we have the strength to deal with whatever happens. Others of us have chosen the oppisite. We dare not hope, protecting ourselves from the hurt of disappointment. But our spiritual growth calls everyone of us to believe in the possibilities for happiness and all the promices that go with it.

We need to ask ourselves, do I dare to hope? We simply suspend our doubts. We put them on the shelf and hold open the possibility that good things will happen. ANd if we don't get what we hoped for, we can deal with it. It is a choice we make.

"In the face of uncertainity, there is nothing wrong with hope." ~Bernie SIegel

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 05:09 AM
HJ....well said...words of wisdom and alot of truth to that..


HJFinAZ's photo
Wed 01/23/08 06:13 AM
Janurary 23

Resentment and the urge for revenge can corrode our lives.We carry these dark feelings with us., sometimes in the back of our minds and sometimes up front. Such feelings keep living in the past and tie us to the people we resent. Our spiritual goal is to reach the point of forgiveness. It is not easy to make that transition, and it cannot be done in a phony way. A good beginning is to accept forgiveness as a goal and then focus our efforts thorough and searching inventory of ourselves. Finally we can reach the point where we simply tear up the I.O.U. We stop expecting repayment for past wrongs and release ourselves from carrying old resentments. We let others deal with their own conscience.

We reach a sense of freedom and well-being that is a great reward for forgiveness. It suprises us when our own self-esteem rises as we right off the bad debts we think others owe us.

HJFinAZ's photo
Thu 01/24/08 05:40 AM
Janurary 24

I have the right to want what I want and to feel the way I feel. I may not choose to act on thoses feelings or desires, but I won't hide them from myself. They are a part of me. I do not have the right to harm another to get what I want or because I feel the way I feel.

"This above all: to thine own self be true." ~William Shakespeare

LAMom's photo
Thu 01/24/08 07:49 AM

Janurary 24

I have the right to want what I want and to feel the way I feel. I may not choose to act on thoses feelings or desires, but I won't hide them from myself. They are a part of me. I do not have the right to harm another to get what I want or because I feel the way I feel.

"This above all: to thine own self be true." ~William Shakespeare

And when one is true to themselves,, Oh the bounty of possibilities is endless,,

Good Morning to you flowerforyou

HJFinAZ's photo
Fri 01/25/08 06:10 AM
Janurary 25----------The End!!

LAMom's photo
Fri 01/25/08 06:51 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh not the End,, Only the beginning to new revalations,, new dreams, new hopes,,,


HJFinAZ's photo
Fri 01/25/08 01:44 PM
Fri 01/25/08 06:51 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh not the End,, Only the beginning to new revalations,, new dreams, new hopes,,,

For some, yes. For others it will be living in the same old fear, day after, day, after day.. Sadly, some will simply never get it..


no photo
Fri 01/25/08 01:48 PM

Too bad it's easier said than done..ohwell

HJFinAZ's photo
Fri 01/25/08 04:26 PM
Nobody ever siad changing was easy..


no photo
Fri 01/25/08 05:10 PM
true..wish it were that easy..lol..but then again, guess you wouldn't appreciate it more if it were, eh?..flowerforyou

robinlynn42's photo
Fri 01/25/08 06:20 PM
ok i will change into RAMBO and take out the neighborhood and any other twit on the blocklaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil smokin smokin smokin drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

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