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Topic: If you could have one super power for a day, what would it b
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Sun 07/14/24 05:42 AM
Time travel. Either that or live for as long as I want to, staying the age I choose to be.

Gordon's photo
Mon 07/15/24 04:10 PM
Cheese on toast !

Trunk Riley's photo
Mon 07/15/24 11:59 PM

Earthgirl83's photo
Sun 07/28/24 11:24 PM
For a day, today...teleport

no photo
Mon 07/29/24 04:55 PM
Being able to read minds, and visit the NYSE

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Tue 07/30/24 12:48 PM
To pantyhose up all of my girl friends at once and go out with our boyfriends! Lol

outoftheblue's photo
Wed 07/31/24 09:09 PM

Antonio Spagnolo's photo
Fri 08/09/24 08:25 PM
The power of healing :)

power of thoughts

no photo
Sat 08/10/24 01:42 AM
A blessing of being chosen to be one of the disciples of Jesus, if I should be worthy for it :sparkles:

Big Z's photo
Sat 10/19/24 04:56 AM
Edited by Big Z on Sat 10/19/24 04:58 AM
Bull **** man...so I could just fly in when somebody is chatting waffle.....B*L***** !!lol

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