Topic: Charles Rangel thinks he owns you
chismah's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:03 PM

Charles Rangel thinks he owns you
Congressman backs a public-service draft

Chicago Sun Times
Sunday, November 26, 2006

If Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel gets his way, everyone in
America will be the government's slave for two years. He doesn't call it
"slavery." He calls it a "draft." But if you look closely at what he's
demanding, it's not just military service. It's all-purpose involuntary

Rangel says having a draft would not necessarily mean everyone called to
duty would have to serve. Instead, "young people [would] commit
themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic,
whether it's our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals," with
a promise of educational benefits at the end of service.

So Charles Rangel's position is:

1. Everyone in America should be forced by law to work for the
government (or for someone approved by the government) for two years --
either for no pay or for minimal pay.

2. The two years of work should be demanded, not due to any national
emergency of any kind, but as a political stunt to influence national
policy. A draft, he says, would deter politicians from launching wars.

3. In service of this political stunt, people should be forced to work
at wherever the government dictates -- even for what should be private
employers like hospitals, seaports and airports.

In other words, Rangel advocates two years of involuntary servitude --
also known as slavery -- for every adult in America.

Serve two years in slavery, and then you'll be freed to do what you want
with your own life. (Maybe -- until Rangel comes up with his next
political stunt that demands that your freedom be sacrificed.)

Rangel thinks he owns you. He feels perfectly entitled to demand that
you drop whatever you are doing anywhere in America -- studying for
college, learning a trade, launching a small business, starting a family
-- so you can instead devote two full years of your life to promote his
political agenda.

Rangel doesn't care what plans anyone may have made for their own life
as an adult in the land of the free. His message is: "Welcome to
adulthood. Now do whatever the government tells you to."

Of course he's trying to make it sound positive. You'll be "serving"
this "great republic!"

Mind you, telling grown men and women what kind of work they will or
will not be permitted to do -- and for what compensation, if any -- is
not what made this republic great.

But you'll be "serving" in "hospitals!" or maybe "seaports!" or maybe

Hey, America's farmers could use a little help! We always have a
shortage of farm workers, remember? Who knows? Maybe you'll even be
allowed to "serve" in the Congress of this great republic and polish
Charlie Rangel's shoes!

See, central planners in the government know better than you do what are
good uses of your time.

It's communism lite. It's the two-years-of-your-life plan. Big Brother
will tell you what types of work are worthy and unworthy.

Want to work in a hospital for little or no pay? OK! Want to work at
your uncle's hardware store for a fair wage instead? Or at your dad's
veterinary clinic? Not OK.

Want to work at an airport doing whatever the government says? OK. Want
to get married and start your family? Nope. Want to start your career as
an auto mechanic, or hair stylist, or librarian? Not OK. What do you
think this is -- a free country? Want to help discover a cure for
cancer? What are you, a wise guy?

Want to be a teacher's aide? Big Brother says OK. Want to just stay in
college and work toward your degree? No way, Buster. Put those plans on

And if you won't cooperate with our plan for the first two years of your
adult life, we could always send you to "camp."

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 11/26/06 10:04 PM
So what's wrong with that? YOU MIGHT ACTULLY GET AN EDUCATION or heaven
for bid a SKILL!

No! We can't have that can we. Forced to be productive when we can just
mutch off the the Gov.