Topic: one fine day/an old school poem
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Mon 12/11/06 07:19 AM
This is not my poem..and I'm not big on posting other peopes work,but i
used to love this as a I'll share it with you

I hope I get this right...

One fine day in the middle of the night
2 dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced one another
drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
ran away and caught the boys
If you do not believe this story is true
ask the blind man,he saw it too

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:23 AM
Yeah I remember that-

Brought back memories of school.
Funny how we forget little things like that.
Thanks for reminding me...

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Mon 12/11/06 07:24 AM
its rather amusing JT thanks for sharing that