Community > Posts By > justaguy1821

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:06 PM
after my divorce i spent years trying to figure what i had done wrong and what i could have done differently. I still cant figure it out 16 yrs later

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:01 PM
This is why i dont ask women out. Im afraid the will think Im just one of those crazies

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:57 PM
I really met a girl i started dating at a funeral. I was a paul bearer and she came from cali to Texas with some of the family. We dated for 2 years.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:53 PM
The fantisy of thinking it can be fixed and th thought that this is security

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:50 PM
My ex told me that she had very little memory of the time we were together

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:35 PM
If you love me tell me every day. Every time you have the urge to. I will do the same for you. Those are comforting words. End your phone calls with it. End our day with it, and say it whenever we part or return. I will love you that much more for it. That will never stop my other expressions of love. Only enhance them.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:14 PM
I had a wife that wanted to move another woman in with us. I said no. She left me for that woman. That is no different from her wanting to move another man in with us. I dont want to cheat and hurt any one and dont want it done to me. If a woman wants ANYBODY else besides their husband they are still just a cheat.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:06 PM
I guess the T.V. My mom was to Damned mean for me to love from my parents

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:42 PM
Wounded in action a few times but ready to go back. Retreat is not an option. But looking for that sweet surender

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:26 PM
Actually you will not have that choice. If sombody says they dont love you any more they have already walked away emotionaly and will be physicly walking away in a matter of days. I know. Im very experianced.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:15 PM
I would have to say that over the years my standards have changed but not lowered or changeed. When i was young my standards said they had to be a knock out in the looks. Als i cared about was are they beautiful and are they good in bed. I usually had somebody in the bed. But they never stayed. As i grew older and had a son to raise my standards changed. Looks are still important but more in the lines of, do they take care of themselves? Now i also have to think about, how will they get along with my son, and are they good to have around him.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:04 PM
Just plain and simple. Adultry should be a punishable crime. You distroy the lives of not only the spouse but also any children in either sides family. This leades to sicologicle problems in children and spouses and creats a domino effect that could be the reason for probloms in their lives all the way up to roberies and murders. So who actually caused that murder. Maybe it was mom or dad.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:56 PM
You cant just give 50/50 If you do that then you are measuring. Then you start saying. "Where is my 50%?" You have to give 100% all the time. If both people in a relationship will do this only then will you find total old movie happieness

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:50 PM
If only one of the parents wants the child that person should be given the right and responsibility of a child. The other person should not be able to interfer with that. Both people decided to have the sex, so if she doesnt want the child and he does she should not be alowed to kill the baby. Unless this a rape of coarse. However if neither parent wants the baby, This poor childs destiny could be worse than death. If bouth parents are loving and nurturing parents and both want to be a part of this childs life but cannot get along with each other please just give the child happiness when you can and be for them.

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:30 PM
Thanks. buy the way my name is Tom. glad to meat you

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:19 PM
It would be nice to find sombody, but if i dont i guess ill just hang out

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:17 PM
I think the better choice would be the real you

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:14 PM
You look prety good animated or on film

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:12 PM
1. for welcoming me 2.For sharing your pic. lol

justaguy1821's photo
Sun 04/05/09 04:09 PM
thanks Chrissy

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