Community > Posts By > N8Short

N8Short's photo
Wed 02/21/07 10:15 AM
Keiraaa Yer a fox so I can't really blame these younger and older dudes
from trying, but it is a ongoing problem with men to think that somehow,
they can be the exception to the rule. And another thing... us men don't
listen to well, so you might have to just dig deep and pull out that
inner ***** in you and give them proof positive that they aren't what
you are looking for. My dilema is..... Why do all the larger women dig
on us thinner dudes??? I mean, if big is soooo beautiful, then why are
they hitting on ME... By that logic, I should be the ugliest mother
effer on here ha ha ha :) But that's a different post I guess :)

N8Short's photo
Wed 02/21/07 09:49 AM
No hurry to get into a relationship?!? That's the best way... Let
yourself heal... Forgiveness if I was a little harsh, It just plagues me
when this happens... Luckily for girls that I ever fully decided to be
in a "Relationship" with, I have never been a cheater.. It makes no
sense to me and I wouldn't want it done to me, even though I'm sure it
has :) Family and Friends are the best bet to help you get through it
and when they aren't around.... STAY BUSY. Stay positive too :) There
are too many nice guys out there and there is too much beauty in the
world to dwell on the negative. Stay single for as long as you can. Get
lovin when you need it, and gaurd your heart. It will take some time to
heal, but when you do, you will be much happier and your mind can rest a
little easier :) Either way, keep your head up and keep on smiling.....
Exes and Owes Kid!!! :)

N8Short's photo
Wed 02/21/07 09:19 AM
Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense... "He turns on Dr. Phil for me even
when he doesn't like it" That's the lamest excuse I ever heard.... And I
am probably the ONLY guy in this topic that ISN'T trying to get in your
pants.... Let's see, by this logic, cheating is acceptable as long as
your girly whims are satisfied. You know why he caters to you?? Because
you've proven to him that as long as he plays along and does all those
nice little oh so sensitive things with you, then you will keep making
excuses for his behaviour. I'm not going to fault the guy or talk ****
on him for being the type that likes variety, me being a single dude by
choice, I agree with him. I LOVE VARIETY, that's why I don't get into
relationships. However, if he's lying to you, that should NOT be
tolerated. You can't exactly call it a RELATE-ionship if he feels he
can't let you know what's going on. Here's the bottom line, since you
posted this topic, this subject is obviously taking it's toll on you and
you NEED to get out.... Why do you NEED someone to be there to turn on
Dr. Phil.... It's okay to love someone, but never stop loving yourself
(and I would appreciate no pervy comments from the peanus gallery) You
started this topic Tretia, I say you finish it by standing up for
yourself and stop settling. And as for disrespect.... catering to you or
not... if homeboy is lying to you.... that's the worse kind of
disrespect there is, you know why?? Because you will never be able to
make an educated decision without knowing all the facts, and I wouldn't
tolerate it... Love or no.

N8Short's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:30 PM
Hey Tretia, I find good friends come in handy... Single friends are the
best, they know how to have fun without having to ask for permission.
The pain takes as long as it will take, my suggestion is to stay as busy
as possible... Anytime you find your mind wandering to him, get busy
doing something.. Stay active, I find the brain works allot less when
you are physically exerting yourself... It's hard I know, but you have
to do it for your own sake... You've spent how long thinking of him??? I
say it's high time you focused on you and the little one and get out and
have fun whenever you can... Don't rebound too soon, but if you do
rebound, it will probably end up being you that breaks it off when you
find yourself not needing anyone. You have a hole and you want it
filled, I say fill it to the brim with you and the tike. You are worth
enough to fill that big hole and then some... Just remember... You are
the cause and answer to all your problems... You just have to be
strong... I wish you the best.. :)

N8Short's photo
Mon 02/19/07 06:21 PM
This is my first day :) YAY!!

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