Community > Posts By > KerryO

KerryO's photo
Sat 11/13/10 07:29 PM

We have been accommodating them with out problems for hundreds of years.It has only been the last 15 or so years that we have been having problems.The problems are largely and nearly always brought on by Atheist who demand people only worship in their own home.

Just declare the Constitution of the United States as being null and void, then. Problem solved.

Atheism is an anathema to your religious way of seeing things? With the Constitution out of the way, just pass laws that prohibit Unbelieve. Problem solved.

BTW, wasn't it Christ himself who admonished against praying like the Pharisees did, of making a big public show of one's personal dialogue with the Almighty?

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Fri 11/12/10 04:01 PM
Edited by KerryO on Fri 11/12/10 04:02 PM
This is what you said some time ago:

People always ridicule what they don't understand.

Really? How do you reconcile this statement with ones you've made lately about people with whom you disagree?

Pot. Kettle?

BTW, Einstein thought pretty little of quantum physics and later recanted somewhat, so if you're going to (mis)use him as your 'star witness', know that there is also a logical fallacy that covers this nicely called 'the argument from Universal Expertise'. The opinion of a genius in one field about another with which he has little knowledge is just that-- an opinion subject to all the vagaries of human vanity, prejudices and just as prone to error.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Fri 11/12/10 03:36 PM
Just a guess, but I'd bet that this Christian woman wouldn't be refusing to handle paperwork recording heterosexual divorces on religious grounds.

I'm also sure that when the miscegenation laws were repealed, there was a similar acts of 'conscientious objection' to filing the paperwork for biracial couples, too. Google it up and see how what people were saying back then and compare it with present day 'political statements' like the one she is making by doing this. There were religious people back then who used scripture to justify their positions, too.

I thought public servants swore an oath to uphold the laws of the land, not just the ones with which they agree.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Tue 11/09/10 07:53 AM

Know this...People have spent their entire lives trying to fight Christianity and the bible.They have never succeeded and they never will.No matter what you say or what you do you will never make history as someone who had any effect on the bible.Millions have tried and their names and their works have long been forgotten.As Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away".Indeed that is true as there is no doubt the Holy bible will be until the end of time with billions of followers no matter what you or anyone else has to say about it.Why Atheist waste hours,days,and years fighting what they know is losing battle from the start is beyond me.

I can't speak for the Atheists, but *I* do it because of things that have taken place in history like this:

Besides, this country still canonizes religious freedom, so it's my time to 'waste' as I see fit. I'm not doing it for the recognition and I'm not trying to 'win' anything. But when the Catholic Church thinks it can kidnap children based on it's dogma, *someone* has to oppose its 'authority'.

Because it's the right thing to do...

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Sat 11/06/10 09:49 AM

Oh sure and Atheist's can't possibly have problems with what our Government is doing including health care?As a regular poster in the politics section I know you are wrong.

Now THERE's an authoritative source. LOL!

Once again who passed the health care bill?Was it Atheist or Christians?This finger pointing with Christianity as the scape goat is getting old.

Well, considering there's only ONE atheist in Congress, I guess Christians will have to take the blame for it.

Myself, I KNOW there are two persuasions of Christians when it comes to politics-- there's the Religious Right, whose memebers beat the drum constantly, and there is a pretty silent majority many call the Christian Left.

But really, I think I can settle this one pretty quickly-- if Jesus were in Congress, do you _really_ think he'd side with the Religious Right on social welfare issues??

Can you post any truth that churches are buying guns before butter?Churches have bought guns before to get them off the streets and they were destroyed on the spot.Considering the churches run all the food banks and Atheist run none I think you are out of ammo.

Wow, talk about a major league distortion! I think the cliche 'guns and butter' is pretty well understood--'guns' means military spending and 'butter' means social welfare programs.

And, I think if you check, welfare spending is about 1% of the budget and that churches couldn't possibly handle the load. In fact, wouldn't-- teakwood pews are often the kind of priorities that nose it out.

Lastly, your assertion that Atheists 'run none' is not only wrong, it's typical Religious Right bigotry.

Here's a list, by NO means totally inclusive of what's out there:

Atheist Relief Fund- collected money and supplies for Haiti Earthquake victims

Atheists Helping the Homeless- a small group based in Austin, Texas

And then there's the heavy hitter,

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Although I'm an Agnostic, I've given time and material to a church group that performs humanitarian work in Haiti. I don't even write it off on my taxes and I could care less who gets the CREDIT-- I only care that the people in need get the BENEFIT.

I suspect that's the case for most of the Agnosistics and Atheists I know. YOU wouldn't know this, most likely, because your attitude would put off any Unbelievers from becoming close personal friends (that is a guess, but seems likely.)

I really wish Fundies would drop the Holier Than Thou act.

-Kerry O.

Again, care to speculate how Jesus would come down on the issues of say the war in Iraq and making sure everyone can get healthcare?

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Fri 11/05/10 05:32 PM

Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning.

So, what's the first thing the Religious Right does when it gets a leg up in Congress? People like Mitch McConnell say their numero uno prioity is to repeal health care and unseat a moderate Christian president. Besides bitching and moaning about how much in taxes they have to pay to support the social safety net. It's easier to drop a a sawbuck in the offering plate and feel good about yourself than to actually BE your brother's keeper.

See, that's why your post's logic fails-- Christian churches don't even begin to have the means to be doing what's claimed and they are stingy about the government money it takes to do it, preferring to spend it on guns rather than butter.

Or healthcare.


And that's another reason I don't believe in militant Christianity-- because if there were a God, he'd punish the people that talk out of both sides of their mouths.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Thu 11/04/10 01:36 AM

free will is a very simple concept. why is it so hard for some people to understand it. ex: if you are sick with a fatal disease and are offered a variety of medicine to take, and all but ONE of those medications are a placebo, you have the choice to choose any of them but only ONE will cure you. this is the same with religion. do you get it now.

I've actually been in that position, and I can tell you from experience that one sometimes gets horrible advice from someone one trusts as an expert.

Trouble is, *I* was the one that bore the brunt of their incorrect 'choices'. That doesn't mean that there was any malice or subterfuge involved-- they had the best of intentions, they just didn't have all the facts or the modern technology to reach a more informed diagnosis/prognosis.

And for some maladies, placebos work just fine. No harm, no foul. But to tout, for example, some like aspirin as being the cure for everything is a mistake, too. Because of my personal biochemistry, NSAIDS like plain old aspirin could conceivably set up a chain of events that could kill me.

But I'm not preaching against the evils of aspirin on that basis-- I'm just saying nothing works for everyone.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Thu 11/04/10 01:06 AM

This orgy of Wall Street funding stands in stark contrast to many of the candidates’ campaign postures. Toomey, in particular, has been vocal about his supposed outrage over the Wall Street bailout, but didn’t mind raking in almost $1.2 million from Wall Street to fund his campaign.<b> Toomey worked in the derivatives business on Wall Street for years before jumping through the revolving door into politics. He even helped write the repeal of Glass-Steagall—one of the landmark acts of financial deregulation that paved the way for the Great Crash of 2008.</b>

Living in Pennsylvania, I have to say I never saw anything that approached the hard sell the Toomey campaign put on in the closing days of the campaign. Everyday I went to the mailbox I could count on a new round of 8 1/2 x 11" glossy, full color flyers touting "MORE JOBS LESS GOVERNMENT". Even Comcast, the second most agressive junk emailer in my parts, couldn't keep up with him.

Being a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall St., I think Pennsylvanians will rue the day they sent this guy to Washington. He's a throwback to the Bush Administration days, cast from the same mold as Phil Gramm and Rick Santorum.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Wed 11/03/10 04:20 PM

I don't see how "Yes officer, I saw the speed limit sign, but I didn't believe it" is a good defense.

No defense it needed if the 'officer' claims he is Barney Fife and he threatens to take you to the Mayberry jail and throw you in a cell with a drunk named Otis. All you have to do is change the channel.

The Bible says repeatedly that you must have faith. What would your defense be when Jesus said something like this: "You expect me to believe that you would have accepted me as the creator of the universe, but you couldn't believe in a global flood? You would have believed that I created a billion galaxies with a billion stars each, life and the very laws of physics, but you couldn't believe that I could flood a tiny marble of a planet?"

I'm sorry, but when you are told that faith is required for salvation and you reject Christianity because you can't believe certain events in the Bible really happened, it takes the bottom out of your case. You were already told that faith would be required, so finding something unbelievable wouldn't be a defense.

Your whole argument fails on the logical fallacy of petitio principii-- the Latin term for the assumption that the very issue under discussion must be true by incorporating the conclusion of the argument into the premise that 'proves it'. It's a form of circular reasoning used constantly to 'prove' things in the Bible.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:45 PM

It is absolutely nothing like that. We do have free will on which we will be judged on how we used that free will. We are not tethered, we can go do anything we wish. It's about what are you willing to do. We willingly turn away from sinful actions. We are not "forced" or anything of such. We willingly turn away as to be obedient to what our father wishes.

Sheesh, you guys can't even agree on what your 'Father' wishes and fight like cats and dogs. That you love your tether is more about you than about us, and if you take our refusing to be 'domesticated' to your food animal way of thinking as sin, who cares- it isn't disobedience, it's an inborn refusal to be placed under the yoke.

You know, Live Free or Die?

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:26 PM

I have to admit, like others, I’m confused about some Christian views pertaining to free will and how this relates to concepts of salvation. presented?

If one tethers a baby elephant to a stake and gives it a limited radius of choice of movement, even when it grows to be one of the most powerful animals on the planet, it will remember and takes it on faith that that limited range=its range of choice of movement.

The religious fundamentalist's concept of Free Will is a lot like that. It makes its adherents think that they can choose not to die by never testing testing the limits of that spiritual tether. Everything becomes a black & white choice based on faith in something that can't be proven or tested by inspection.

But, since it would NOT do to have elephants roaming free, those who choose another way, i.e. to live in the wild, they must therefor canonize domestication. Those who don't make such a choice to be domesticated are like the stray and vagrant deer of the field. They have to be scared into submission by something like Satan, the great hunter of stray and vagrant souls.

It never EVER occurs to them that one doesn't HAVE to choose domestication freed from a life of strife and danger over being a food animal in the wild. It only peripherally occurs to herd animals that by Freethought, one can be a powerful spiritual omnivore in one's own intellectual right.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:28 PM

Can someone please take a look and tell me whats wrong with my profile, what needs to be changed or added, any help will be most greatfull thanks

I think your 'teddy bear' headline is kinda cute and the rest seems fine. If you try to write a profile that will make the angels weep in hopes that The Perfect Guy will fall out of the sky, the smart money will see it as being too contrived and deploy their parachutes.

More than anything, finding True Love on these sites is like shopping at Wal*Mart-- you have to rifle through a lot of cheap merch to find that one-of-a-kind future family heirloom in the clearance aisle.

-Kerry O. <---- roadkill on the Internet Highway of Love

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:09 PM

Ensign has had only ONE act of indescretion in his career where Reid just keeps going and going.

BTW you mean to say Bill Clinton's NUMEROUS affairs with NUMEROUS women? I didn't criticize Slick Willy's affiars until he got stupid and lied and ourged himself and got himself disbarred.

If you screw up admit it and move on, Ensign did it. He hasn't lied about it at all and when asked admitted to it.

Well, opinions vary and here's another one, this time from Sean Hannity:

"If you’re going to be a family-values candidate and a family-values politician, and you don’t live up to that, I think you should resign."

-Kerry O.

I don't see where he was talking about Senator Ensign.

Ask, and it shall be opened to you. :)

Count FOX's Sean Hannity among those who are N-O-T forgiving John Ensign.

Asked about Ensign's viability as a senator, the conservative host declared: "f you’re going to be a family-values candidate and a family-values politician, and you don’t live up to that, I think you should resign."

When his sidekick, Dem consultant Bob Beckel, chimed in, “let the record show that that you called for John Ensign to resign,” Hannity tried to hedge a bit, cryptically adding: “I don’t know where he stands on the issues."

There. Happy now? :)

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:02 PM

kerryo, i have never been that close to death so i cant tell you that i know or understand how you feel. i can only tell you that i am very sorry and sincerely feel for you. the one thing i am sure of is that God is just, faithful, and true. he may or may not have caused your condition, i dont know. i can tell you that God is not responsible or doesnt cause all the misfortune that comes upon us. satan does not have his hooks in you and your condition may not be cause by sin. i dont know how you feel now but you are still alive today so that has to count for something. please dont let anyone make you feel condemned or guilty about your anger or uncertainty about God for your condition. people fail to realize that God is not this ruthless judge who is waiting to stricken us or strike us down for our disobedience and unbelief. he understands our emotional state more than we do. sorry for being longwinded but i want you to know that whether you belive in him or not, he loves you, and i can tell you that because i know he loves me. he loves the believer and the unbeliever just the same. please grab hold to a little bit of faith and i hope you overcome your condition and live a long and beautiful life.


The only thing I can tell you for sure is that there are worse things than dying. In some ways, it's a kindness the universe bestows on us when time has taken its toll on both your physical bodies and that part of spirit which lingers in this realm.

I was raised by Born Agains. They've all since gone to the eternal rewards in which they believed. They are gone from my sight, but they live on in my memory. As a secular humanist, I believe that the best of what we are passes on into what many of those who share that faith would call 'The Racial Memory'. And part of that Racial Memory is feeling both a deep-seated joy AND sorrow at such things as this sentiment from John Donne:

Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; and therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls-- it tolls for thee.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 05:34 PM

Kerry sorry to hear about your health problems, are you doing better now?

Thank you, yes. I'm six years post-op with only the scars to hint that anything that deadly ever happened to me. I seem to have lost the ability to speed read with the same very high degree of retentive comprehension I had before. Still, I count myself very fortunate.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 05:34 PM

Kerry sorry to hear about your health problems, are you doing better now?

Thank you, yes. I'm six years post-op with only the scars to hint that anything that deadly ever happened to me. I seem to have lost the ability to speed read with the same very high degree of retentive comprehension I had before. Still, I count myself very fortunate.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 05:21 PM

That's pretty easy to say, but you weren't in my shoes and Jesus wasn't there. My relatives tried to pray away the problem and that didn't work. I was left the choice and expense of going to some real scientists and neurosurgeons for some really unpleasant or dying in agony.

-Kerry O.

And you were healed of such. Our father works through people. He doesn't just show his face and say behold may Kerry be healed. No, our father works through people. That's where our conscience comes from. That is our father speaking to us to do his will. And our father gives us certain different abilities and skills to help others. It all boils down to where YOU want to give the credit to. If you want to rob our father of his blessing of you being healed and give it straight to the doctors so be it. But nevertheless our father gave them the knowledge and the ability to heal you of such.

No, that's strictly YOUR OPINION. You admit you have no evidence. On the other hand, I can point to EXACTLY what healed me and tell you which doctors and clinicians spent a good part of their lives and a LOT of HARD WORK discovering and perfecting these techniques. I researched this as if my very LIFE depended on it- because it _did_. So it's not going to sit very well with me that someone with a religious one-track mind needs to steal the credit for this and give it to the object of that one-track-mindedness.

Truly, you weren't there and you don't know one thing about that ordeal-- neither the science or the experience. Sorry.

I have a neice who does this, too. At the time I was going through this, my mother was dying of an agressive cancer. After she died, my niece wrote me saying that Mother could have had a healing from "The Lord" if she had only the courage to ask for it. Here was someone who's biggest life's problem was deciding which Bible college she was going to be able to afford-- someone who had lived a pretty comfortable life provided for indirectly by that same grandmother who helped her Mother make it through nursing school to make a good living so that she needed for nothing-- judging the very source of that comfort harshly. When my sister finally left her husband because of child abuse and his refusal to do anything towards supporting the family in lieu of his Church work, my neice became openly verbally abusive to my sister. She turned even the most religious folks in my family against her, and then moved far away to escape the results.

That's what excessive religiosity does to some people. They completely lose their perspective in their religions.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 04:51 PM

Ensign has had only ONE act of indescretion in his career where Reid just keeps going and going.

BTW you mean to say Bill Clinton's NUMEROUS affairs with NUMEROUS women? I didn't criticize Slick Willy's affiars until he got stupid and lied and ourged himself and got himself disbarred.

If you screw up admit it and move on, Ensign did it. He hasn't lied about it at all and when asked admitted to it.

Well, opinions vary and here's another one, this time from Sean Hannity:

"If you’re going to be a family-values candidate and a family-values politician, and you don’t live up to that, I think you should resign."

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 02:22 AM

What does kissing a ring have ANYTHING to do with anything? Sins are and will only forgiven if forgiveness is searched for. If one doesn't seek forgiveness, how may they receive it? And it has to be true heartedly seeking forgiveness. It can't be in vein, cause then how could it have been truly desired? You can't party like crazy doing all kinds of crap Friday and Saturday, then go to church like a saint sunday and ask our father for forgiveness. Especially with a premeditated mind like that. Because if it was premeditated the asking for as such would not be true, you wouldn't truly care if you were forgiven or not or you would not have done as such in the first place.

First, 'kissing the ring' is a metaphor for seeking that 'forgiveness' from the local Holy Man. You basically go there and confess what a crapweasel you've been and that you're soooo soooo sorry and won't do it again (until next time), and :::poof::: you're clean as the driven snow.

As to the premeditation, Jeffrey Dahmer committed premeditated serial murders, yet he was 'saved' before he himself paid in the same currency in prison.

And NONE of this discussed an iota of the effect of these sins/crimes on the victims. Are they just chattel in the Christian God's forgiveness scheme?

-Kerry O.

I need not to nor do i seek forgiveness from some man. The only one i wish to receive forgiveness from for my transgressions is Jesus Christ. Any other MAN, I could care less if they forgave me or not.

Never mind that you completely dodged the point, did it never occur to you that Christ was just a MAN, too? Needed to be to make the legend stick, because a god is immortal. But I guess since contradictions are transparent to you, you probably wouldn't.

-Kerry O.

KerryO's photo
Mon 11/01/10 02:13 AM

First of all I don't see any convictions and there is a reason the investigation stalled, lack of evidence. So of ethically wrong doing innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, or is that not the way anymore?

Does that not cut both ways in the case of Senator Reid, then? Right off hand, I'd say that if you want to compare their respective dirty laundries, even conservatives like Malkin think Ensign's is pretty darn bad and it would be better if he were to, as she put it, Just Go Away.

As far as the affair I find it dispicable, but people make mistakes. I know Senator Ensign and have worked on all his campaigns. People make mistakes. Hell look at Billy Boy and all the women he had behind Hillary's back(some were even paid off remember that?) Hell he had a top private investigator that his campaign manager reffered to as Bill's Bimbo Control.

Well, you apparently didn't know him as well as you thought, huh?

And the old pattern is repeated, that when conservative Republicans act EXACTLY like liberal Democrats, they :::ahem::: "Made mistakes", whereas the latter have ______ <insert descirptions of grevious world shattering crime here). Sure, there's no doubt that touting one's image as a Promise Keeper for political advantage while screwing around is a pretty hefty mistake. But then offering up hush money to keep it quiet? Priceless. Far, far worse than anything you've accused Reid of in this "Thread He Doesn't Want You to Read."

BTW, I never defended "Billy Boy's" actions. His lapse of judgement might very well have been the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and tipped the scales, making possible the disasterous Bush presidency.

-Kerry O.