Community > Posts By > lostboy21

lostboy21's photo
Sat 04/03/10 07:41 PM
In my opinion, if someone thought that disrespecting and dishonoring the committment that you shared with them, then what profit is there in allowing them the chance to do it again? Integrity is like a balloon, it doesn't matter how good the rubber is, the air still goes out the hole.
Just my 2 cents.

lostboy21's photo
Tue 03/30/10 08:12 PM
All I can say is I echo everyone's sentiment. don't give up hope, since hope is the one thing that compels us to keep moving. Yes, there are a lot of frogs, both genders here and elsewhere, but you are still your own person, so it's their loss. Still, we all need a hug once in a while.
And if that doesn't work, there's always Ben and Jerry, 2 guys that'll never let you down.


lostboy21's photo
Mon 03/01/10 05:32 PM
Nice guys do tend to finish last...learned that the hard way. Having said that however, I wouldn't change anything. That experience brought new people into my life, forged closer bonds with those i was close to already. Finishing last isn't always a bad thing, it is what it is.

lostboy21's photo
Fri 02/26/10 07:20 PM
Let's see....Alien, Aliens...kind of watershed films for the genre. Star Wars, original trilogy before Lucas had to f**k with it.
Terminator, T2, Starship Troopers was okay, just didn't care fore the fact that Paul Vehoeven departed so far from the book's intent.
Total Recall, Predator...some of Arnie's best movies.
Galaxy Quest, just so darn funny

lostboy21's photo
Fri 02/26/10 05:59 PM my view, it's simply to manipulate to get what the liar wants, without regard to others. This amounts to nothing more than a complete lack of respect on the liars part. We've all been there, and some of us have blindly ignored the truth out of an obligation to be the dutiful spouse, what have you..
In the end, the only one hurt is the victim, the liar sees no fault on their part, just their own gratification

lostboy21's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:47 AM
best thing i found was ,as already pointed out, was rehydration, rebalance your electrolyte levels. Personally, when I used to drink like that, I'd get up and go for a run, get the blood flowing, flush the toxins out of the system.

lostboy21's photo
Sat 08/29/09 07:55 AM
Honestly, ther's nothing in your profile that needs to be changed. Honestly and forthrightness are a virtue. Be patient, and something will flow your way

lostboy21's photo
Sat 08/29/09 07:53 AM
Myself, I'm a bit of a motormouth when it comes to interacting. I assume that it communicates nervousness as well. Eye contact, always, however some people find it hard to maintain it for periods over 4 seconds. It may have something to do with the fact that my default facial expression seems to appear to be somewhat stern.
Most of the people I know realize this, because I tend to have a self deprecating demeanor, at odds with my own non verbal cues.

lostboy21's photo
Sat 08/29/09 07:11 AM
Greetings all, just a bit of a question here, seeing as I've been out of the loop for a long time.
How do any of you detect or decipher non-verbal cues in interactions with other singles. I'm not looking for tips, just curious as to how others see these cues and how they respond to them.

lostboy21's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:50 PM
walking barefoot in the grass

lostboy21's photo
Fri 07/03/09 07:45 PM
Ehank you for your input, sorry for the ignorant tone of my post, that wasn't my intent. Apologies to all. As for photos, unfortunately, that's the only one I have at the moment, I'll add more soon

lostboy21's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:43 PM
Honestly, whaddaya think?

lostboy21's photo
Thu 07/02/09 06:57 PM
yet another 'Pegger here.

lostboy21's photo
Thu 07/02/09 06:53 PM

lostboy21's photo
Thu 07/02/09 06:49 PM
Thank you, it's nice to feel welcome. Figured I'd best dust myself off and get on with the business of livrng

lostboy21's photo
Thu 07/02/09 06:35 PM
Hi folks, just wanted to post in, new to the single life and all that. Just want to "walk the world a bit".