phoenix_rising4526's photo
Mon 06/14/10 01:37 AM
oh yes on many occasions. depending on what i said and who i said it to i either got a hug... or a punch in the face 50/50 shot. though the same thing happens when i am sober

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:41 PM
payday candy bars when you still got money in them
SURGE cola
JOLT cola
Brandon Lee
Cliff Burton

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:00 PM
HA!!!! That would be AWESOME to see! Though it would be tough to top the original

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:11 PM

A new version of Masters of the Universe would be good. Leave off of earth & just have them fightig on there own planet.

well supposedly there is going to be a remake called Greyskull coming out next year

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 10:53 PM


gungrave eh. want to watch that series long ago but always distracted by other science fiction anime, like dennou coil and noein. well maybe in my relax time I'll try to watch gungrave.

yeah. noein is pretty cool

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 09:06 PM

Okay. I want George Lucas to be in a straight jacket and I want Christopher Nolan to reinvision Episodes 1-3 of the Star Wars saga. I wouldn't mind seeing Lucas still having some of his ideas in these remakes, but he needs to not be involved in the making of them. I don't mind the cast that Lucas had. I actually loved Ewan McGreggor as Ben Kenobi, and Hayden Christensen did grow on me. But we need more Darth Maul and no Jar Jar Binks.


yes that would be awesome to see! jar jar needed to be on the business end of a light sabre if you ask me. and the whole thing with Hayden Christensen is I got sick of hearing "ITS NOT FAIR!!!!"

i do agree that Chris Nolan would do an awesome job.

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 08:22 PM
oh yes i still watch anime to this day. as of right now i actually have gun grave playing in the background... OOOPPPSS!!!! forgot to put that one on my list

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:58 PM
i would LOVE to see a remake of Damnation Alley. Yes it was good cheesy fun... but so much more could have been done with it.

case and point... Clash of the Titans. the original was good cheesy fun but the remake was visually pleasing (that is the only reason i bring up that movie) i know a lot of people hated the remake but i guess i was one of the few that actually liked it for what it was... it was a darker remake of the original.

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:48 PM

And thanks to Twilight, they are now doing a remake of The Howling that is going to cater to the Twilight crowd- yep, whiny emo highschool werewolves.....ugh, they'll probably sparkle too.

you have GOT TO BE JOKING?!?!?! noway

a remake of The Howling? okay that... i can see but geared towards the Twilight crowd?frustrated

Unless plans have been changed(please please please) it's true...sad, but true

bunch of unoriginal b@$t@rd$

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:46 PM
1. The Crow (Brandon Lee RIP)
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
4. The Exorcist
5. Dark Knight

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:38 PM
well that's easy... if you are going to take the time to figure out something bad to say about a person then while you are at it you should also think of something nice to say about that person. for example "So and so can never keep her big mouth shut, but she always has nice hair" ha ha

that way when i do say something bad about a person i don't feel AS BAD later on.

its just a matter of balance

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:36 PM
Okay, lets pretend that there is still some originality left in Hollywood. What movie would you like to see remade YOUR way with YOUR cast, what would it be and who would be in it?

It doesn't just have to be a movie but lets say a comic book series or a book.

For me... I know I am about to play with fire but... The Exorcist is one of my favorite movies of all time. Given the special effects now...I am actually very curious to see what a remake would look like. Would it be all campy and retarded or... would the makers actually stick true to the book as much as possible?

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:25 PM

And thanks to Twilight, they are now doing a remake of The Howling that is going to cater to the Twilight crowd- yep, whiny emo highschool werewolves.....ugh, they'll probably sparkle too.

you have GOT TO BE JOKING?!?!?! noway

a remake of The Howling? okay that... i can see but geared towards the Twilight crowd?frustrated

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:56 AM
last night i decided to view Wolfman... honestly i wasn't too impressed with it. i know it is a remake and with all of the new technology when it comes to special effects and all. i am a purist when it comes to certain things and this movie is one of them. i have watched the original countless times and it just didn't do it for me watching the new one. Anthony Hopkins did a great job and im sorry but Benicio Del Toro shouldn't play anything where he may have to have the slightest accent other than the one he has. he can't pull it off. that and the one role he has played that i will forever associate him with is his role in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. i just kept waiting for him to bust out and say "Did you see what God just did to us MAN?"

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:48 AM
WOW! shows how much i pay attention... i knew he was sick but i didn't know he finally died! :(

Easy Rider will always be my favorite movie with him in it

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:37 AM
usually inmates aren't allowed to access social networking sites. however there are people that will set up accounts for said inmate so that they can have some connection with the outside world. or so they can get mail and stuff like that. i guess it makes prison life easier. i wouldn't know from personal experience. but i do know some people that actually commit themselves to nothing but prison pen-pals. it COULD be a scam. someone wanting money or what not.

just be careful. you never know what people are capable of anymore

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:27 AM
Edited by phoenix_rising4526 on Wed 06/09/10 02:29 AM
i have been watching anime since i was 14 ... Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D, Akira, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, AH My Goddess, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolfs Rain, Hellsing, Wicked City, inuyasha, naruto, bleach... (kinda) full metal alchemist, Macross, Gundam, my list goes on and on...

that and whatever happens to catch my eye at the monthly anime fest at atomic comics

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:10 AM
the ORIGINAL Transformers
G.I. Joe
Jem and the Holograms
Rainbow Brite
My Little Pony
Tiny Toons
The Tick
Ren and Stimpy
Invader Zim
Batman the Animated Series
Aeon Flux
Beavis and Butthead
those are ones i loved the most.

now... cartoons actually make kids more self-conscious about themselves along with a lot of shows these days. when ever i watch my nieces i rarely ever let them watch any of the crap they call cartoons. i always slap in the old school stuff. which surprisingly they love more than spongebob some of the other crap they watch

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 02:00 AM
The Dune series by Frank Herbert

phoenix_rising4526's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:58 AM
if in the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king... would they all still need medicare?

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