Community > Posts By > Illusion_of_me

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Sat 11/17/07 08:55 PM
Edited by Illusion_of_me on Sat 11/17/07 08:55 PM
1.What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Fox in Socks, cause this book rocks!

2.If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? That's easy. The Playboy Mansion.

3.What's the longest you've gone without sleep? About 50 hours? Energy drinks and flaming hot cheetos helped accomplish this.

4.What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? Um... Is that the guy from Austin Powers that played the piano when they were going down the strip in Vegas?

5.Who's your favorite Muppet? Fozzie Bear!

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Sat 11/17/07 07:45 PM
He rules over everyone
And tells them what to do
He tries to silence the people
Just like me and you

He tells us all lies
And tries to sell us on ****
He says he is God
But I don't beleive it one bit

He tries to be your friend
Then stabs you in the back
He tries to close your eyes
But I can see through that

Problems have soulutions
I have one for him
I put the gun to my head
The future looks very dim

We're all gonna die now
And it'll be alright
Farewell, goodnight
Last one out turn out the light

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Sat 11/17/07 07:36 PM
Everyone can use more friends, and how do you know she isn't just testing you to see if you can be friends first?

Honestly I think friends first is the best thing to do if you're trying to start a possible lasting relationship.

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Sat 11/17/07 07:01 PM
Personally I'm intimidated by crowds even if there is a single girl in the mix, I'm more likely to aproach a girl alone than with other people.

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Sat 11/17/07 09:28 AM
So I got a call today... It was Steve Jobs.
he's like, "Hey Chris."
I'm like, "Hey Steve."
He's like, "There's this Justine impostor running around online!"
I'm like, "Oh really Steve, and where were they last seen?"
He's like, "Some site called Just say hi dot com."
I'm like, "Steve, this isn't good, do you realize the magnitude of having multiple Justines running around!"

Moral of the story, I'm gonna need more proof that those photos are really you... because they look an awful lot like Justine, better known as iJustine, who is 23 and lives in PA.

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Sat 11/17/07 12:55 AM
My stock of rhymes is about exausted
My poets dictionary I have losted
My ideas are gone, My brain is dead
There's a perminent vacancy in my head

In all my life I never have wrote
A poem much longer than a short note
To make up even the simplest rhyme
Seems to take me a long time

For writing poems my mind is blank
For every verse I have Longfellow to thank
If you searched the world around
I'm sure no worse poet than me could be found

I sit chewing my pen with a vacant stare
I search my brain but no verse is there
I gaze at my paper till the lines are blurred
By this time Shakesheare would be rounding third

I try awfly hard but no ideas come
I test a couple but they are all dumb
My poem hangs fire as I begin to doze
I think I'd better stick to prose

I wonder if Poe ever went through this
A poets life must be far from bliss
I'm pretty good at eating and sleeping I think
But as a poet, confidentially, I need a drink

The hour grows late but still I seem
To be completly off the beam
My mind is still entirely at sea
I see you where my paper should be

I wonder how Longfellow went about it
Now theres a boy who could really spout it
Everything I write seems to be wrong
It must be tough to write a song

So I hope you won't think it awfully rude
But I just can't seem to get in the mood
Now don't get mad and start to rant
I'd love to write a poem but you see I can't

I sit here rambling on and on
By now I thought you'd be long gone
I'm tryig to think of things to say and do
Trying to find a way to say I love you.

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Sat 11/17/07 12:54 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Fri 11/16/07 10:48 PM
Sweet, you do realize this thread is a year and 3 months old right? lol

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Fri 11/16/07 04:27 PM
Honestly I felt you were going that way with it, but you just kept mentioning about religions that offer sex and other indulgances compared to Christianity which doesn't. So it was kinda hard for me to tell how you were leaning on the subject. Regardless though. what I said still stands, and knowing your view now, I'm sure you agree with what I'm saying in some sense.

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Fri 11/16/07 04:15 PM
Seriously man, I think you are obsessed with sex to much. Personally, I believe sex is a form of showing your love to your companion, as well as the way to reproduce. I believe there are so many other worldly indulgences in life that are better than being promised sex whenever you want. Tell me, why would there be a need to have sex in heaven, when ultimately it is only for reproduction. The main reason for it feeling so good, is just to ensure humans keep reproducing. Can you imagine if sex had no apeal to it. Humans would have either died out, or atleast be far less prevailant than they are today.

Look at it like this, you have a choice of religions to follow, only one of them being the one true religion. If you choose wrong, you're gonna go to hell. You get all these religions that promise you "worldy indulgances". Then a religion that only promises you that the afterlife will be beyond comprehension. Most people are gonna be like, "I get virgins and slaves and this and that, I'm on that bandwagon!" Well... It takes a true believer to follow a religion that doesn't tell you in depth what the afterlife brings, but tells you there is no sex. Sex should not be needed unless we are reproducing anyway.

Anyway that's my two cents.

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Fri 11/16/07 03:07 PM
I call myself a Christian, however that is mostly for the sake of claiming a religion. I believe in Christianity more than any other religion. However, I am more spiritual than religious. My personal beliefs are an amalgamation of religions and evolution. I believe in the bible, however I don't take any of it literally. For example the earth being created in 7 days. Well seriously who is to say one of those seven days was really a 24 hour period as we know it today. One of those days could have been a thousand, ten thousand, even a million years or more.

As for most of the books of the bible, they are books of men, written by men. So really I have no doubt there are flaws, exadurations, cover ups, and possibly even lies. However that doesn't change the fact that the bible gives alot of good points on how to live life.

For me personally, I just believe if you live your life well, and acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them, then you are on the right path for the afterlife. As for this life and the next, I believe we live this life to prepare us for the next. Whatever it may be.

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Thu 11/15/07 01:00 AM
With the mutual matches if you click yes or maybe, then it sends the other person an email, and if they check their mutual matches it will show them your profile, and if they click yes or maybe then it's a mutual match and with show them under your mutual matches.

As for gold status, um... I dunno any gold status. There was something where if you send 3 invites to friends through this site, then you get an upgrade where you can have more photos and maybe other stuff too. It's really simple, I just put in 3 email addresses and it sent messages to them and i got the upgrade.

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Wed 11/14/07 02:09 AM
Exactly... I mean yeah, maybe it may seem "stalkerish" to look repeatedly, but hey, if you're hot you're hot, pics are there to look at for a reason. Like the saying goes, "Why don't you take a pic, it'll last longer!" laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Wed 11/14/07 02:03 AM
I LOLed... laugh laugh laugh great post. Seriously though what's so wrong with looking at someone's profile more than once? I mean if I'm interested in the person after I look at their profile, I'll write a message, then I may look again a couple times. Is that really so wrong? lol

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Wed 11/14/07 01:16 AM
There should be chat rooms, but meh, forums are the next best thing I guess...

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Wed 11/14/07 01:14 AM
I'm So Ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work rearry hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

There's nobody
I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It's kinda sihry
But not rearry
Because it's fihring my body with rage

I'm the smartest most crever most physicarry fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they'll notice me
But until then I'rr just be ronery
Rittle ronery, poor rittle me

I'm so ronery

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Wed 11/14/07 12:15 AM
Nicole Kidman - Peacemaker - George Cloony

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Wed 11/14/07 12:09 AM
Forest Witaker - Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Sean Penn

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Wed 11/14/07 12:03 AM
Kathy Bates - **** Tracy - Madonna

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Wed 11/14/07 12:01 AM
We'll go with Forts...

Anthony Hopkins - Silence of the Lambs - Jodie Foster